Rick Hoffman

Image of Rick Hoffman
As for what rejuvenates me - deep tissue massages. I am addicted to massages.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
'Breaking Bad' is one of my favorite shows of all time.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
Don't get me wrong: I've worked, over the course of 14 years, with certain actors that are really just not nice as people, so you don't really care what happens to their show. But someone like Rachael Harris, you hope that woman wins an Emmy.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
At first I'm sort of answering everything the way you're 'supposed to' answer, and I lost a bunch of followers... I was like, 'What the hell is this all about? What is Twitter supposed to be about? If you're not answering your fans, then what's the point?'
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
My parents are always a great litmus test. Based on the amount of shrieks my mother gives when we're out in public, her constant shock when somebody comes up and says something nice.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I am not a cat lover. I am a dog lover - but I'm only a lover of hypoallergenic dogs.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
The real, raw, driven-to-tears type scenes have always scared me since I was very young working as an actor. And to this very day, I get tremendously neurotic making sure nothing is forced or fake.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
No matter what set she's been on over the last 12 years, my mother always finds a way to get in the way. Not in a bad way. Like, she once got caught on a law show I did called 'Philly' trying to take a picture - she was caught on-camera in the background. She does things like this.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
As actors, for the most part, there's that neuroses most of us possess where, in a day of watching, this character get killed off of this show, and that character get killed off of that show - one never knows.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I am deathly allergic to cats. I mean, I love all animals, but they're not my animal of choice.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
Before the Netflixs and the Amazons and the Hulus, there was nothing. TV came to a standstill. Movie actors were taking TV parts, and it was just nuts.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
It's one thing to work, but it's another thing to work on a show where people stop you all the time to say nice things.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I'm learning to not worry too much about the future, and it's hard, but I'm doing it.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
The biggest thing I've learned is just to not doubt myself as much as I do. Having self-doubt is definitely necessary, but it's about not letting it get in the way. When it turns into fear, you run into problems.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
There are no shortcuts, and you can't wing your way through real hard work. I learned the hard way by not taking auditions seriously when I first came out to L.A. and probably wasted a good seven years.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
We all know how a lot of actors out there are not exactly the kindest.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I can't learn lines comfortably unless I have it done out loud with someone else.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I can always tell if someone is good in the core.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I've always said that it's like being the winner of three separate lottery tickets - getting a pilot, getting the pilot picked up, and having a show that actually lasts. There are no guarantees, and no one knows where a show is going to go.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
My parents are cartoons. When they come up and visit, they're hilarious. My mother somehow finds a way to get in the way of everything.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
You just want to get it right so badly, so it's stressful when it comes to those vulnerable, dramatic scenes.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I do not like mud baths at all.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
It is such a special place to be when people all over the world enjoy the TV show that you are in.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I had been on four other series that never lasted more than a year and a half. I'd done fine, so you start to wonder, 'Will I ever be one of those lucky actors who get to be part of something lasting?'
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
There's so many more failures than successes for actors. It's like a phobia, fear of cancellation.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I'm starting to believe it when someone tells me 'Suits' is popular in another country. We're just acting, but we are reaching so many different kinds of people all over the world.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
Sometimes I'm gullible; sometimes I'm not.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
If somebody does something wrong to someone around me, I can be firm. But that's always to protect someone to whom wrong is being done to.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
I would love to visit India.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
The only real connection I have with Indian fans is through Twitter, where I try to answer as many questions as I can, or if they write anything nice, I do try and let them know if - that I liked it. I do get a bunch of people from India tweeting to me.
- Rick Hoffman
Image of Rick Hoffman
Everyone's relationships are very different, and very specific. I guess that's why there are people that like to watch this show [Suits]. It's not all the same.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: People
Image of Rick Hoffman
I'm absolutely happy with where Louis Litt is. The writers, starting with Aaron [Korsh], have just made him into a human being.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: Starting
Image of Rick Hoffman
I've always said that it's like being the winner of three separate lottery tickets - getting a pilot, getting the pilot picked up, and having a show that actually lasts.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: Three
Image of Rick Hoffman
My parents played by parents, in the second season [of Suits]. We had a Skype scene and they were my real parents. My parents are cartoons. When they come up and visit, they're hilarious. My mother somehow finds a way to get in the way of everything.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: Mother
Image of Rick Hoffman
For me, I have having the time of my life playing this character [Louis Litt]. At times, it's unbelievably challenging and scary, when it comes to certain vulnerable areas that I don't necessarily want to go.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: Character
Image of Rick Hoffman
When you get great stuff to do, you just don't want to let anybody down.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: Want
Image of Rick Hoffman
Breaking Bad is one of my favorite shows, of all time.
- Rick Hoffman
Collection: My Favorite