Rick Harrison

Image of Rick Harrison
There's only so much stuff you can buy. I have to retail the stuff. Stuff that's really really weird - it's cool, but who are you going to sell it to? I do collect some stuff. In the end, I have to run a business.
- Rick Harrison
Collection: Cool
Image of Rick Harrison
I'm a dad with six kids, and I'm trying to teach each of them a little bit of morality.
- Rick Harrison
Collection: Dad
Image of Rick Harrison
I asked for a horse for Christmas, and I got one! It's an adult horse. I didn't want a 5-year-old, which is a teenager for horses. It has a beautiful gait. It's the Cadillac of horses.
- Rick Harrison
Collection: Christmas
Image of Rick Harrison
I am just a normal guy, and suddenly I am really, really famous. It's definitely got its perks; I never have to wait in line at a restaurant.
- Rick Harrison
Collection: Famous
Image of Rick Harrison
Everyone likes to learn history. They just don't like to hear it from a professor looking at notes. They like to hear it like it's from their uncle, and that's how I explain history.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I bought a 1200-year-old Viking bracelet once.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
It amazes me. I'm just a fat, middle-aged, bald guy, but people still want to meet me.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I compete with the 'Welcome To Las Vegas' sign for the number one non-gaming tourist attraction in Las Vegas. I get more visitors than the Hoover Dam.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
If the price is right, I will sell anything.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
The best part of my business is working with my family, and the worst part of my business is working with my family.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I believe that capitalism is the one thing in this world that's brought people out of poverty.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I've worked with and talked to poor people my entire life, being in the pawn shop business.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
We talk nonstop about what needs to be changed, and everyone has excuses for why the changes can't happen. I believe we must change our educational system first to get the changes moving forward. I'm happy to be a voice and get in front of an audience who can help by making education a priority.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I'm just a normal guy and blue-collar historian, and people keep tuning in.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I was a really sick kid. I developed epilepsy when I was eight years old, and I would have violent seizures, and I would - literally, I couldn't get out of bed.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
My dad was in the Navy; he was in Vietnam. My mom was trying to sell real estate on the side. We didn't have a lot of money.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
My father was an amazing guy. Twenty years in the Navy, great father.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Socialism doesn't work. A big government doesn't work.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
The Obama administration made it illegal for me to loan any money to anyone in the military. I have one compliance guy just for a pawn shop. It's everything from Homeland Security, FBI, the local police department, IRS - all these regulations I have to keep an eye on constantly, and it's just overwhelming for a small business.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Being a middle-class family back in the 1970s meant we only had one TV... and it wasn't in your room... so when I was 8 years old, I began developing a passion for reading history, and it's never stopped.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I was a businessman for a long time before I was a celebrity.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
When you're the boss, you have no one else to turn to.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
When you come across something, and its quality is just outrageous, that's probably something of value. It's been that way for hundreds and hundreds of years - the really, really expensive stuff is also really, really high quality.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
People come from all over the world to be on the show, and it still works because of all the interesting items coming in.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
My older brother used to punch me all the time because I was a nerd.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
That's the beautiful thing about my show... It's truly different every week. We get to pick and choose. Every morning, the girl from production comes to me with 100 different items, and I go, 'Fake, fake, fake, fake... that's cool.'
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I can't work 12 hours a day, every day for too long before it burns out.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
It's the weird stuff that makes great television.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Pawn shops have been around for thousands of years - they were the number one form of consumer credit up until the 1950s, but we were vilified by Hollywood. We were easy people to vilify.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I got the Pawnbroker of the Year award. They said I did more for the pawn business in one year than their media team, in 30 years, has been able to do.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I tell people, 'I'm the only business in the world where I don't pick my merchandise.'
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Most people don't realize how regulated the pawn industry is, especially where I'm at in Nevada.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
It's like a golden rule in the pawn business: never cash a government check.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Las Vegas is a crazy, crazy town at times, so there's a lot of high-end things I get.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
The people who pawn stuff never want to be on the show. And the reason behind that, I find out, is when people are pawning something, it's - they're getting a loan. They have to admit they're broke. For some reason or the other, something has happened, or they're financially irresponsible.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
In the '90s, I went on eBay to buy some paddle tires for my four-wheeler ATV and couldn't find any. When I did find a manufacturer that sold them, I bought 20,000 and had no problem reselling them. So the next time you get mad when you can't find an item, realize there's a market waiting to be explored.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I tell everyone that works for me not to look down on people. If you're nice to people and take a minute to talk with them, it's good for business whether or not they buy anything. Just because they don't look like they have money doesn't mean they're poor.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Once, an unkempt, elderly woman came into the pawn shop. She appeared homeless, and she insisted on seeing every piece of expensive jewelry in the store. Just when I was feeling impatient, the woman pointed at the most expensive piece of jewelry and said, 'I'll take that one.' Then she proceeded to pull $4,000 out of her sock to pay for it.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Never fall in love with something when you're negotiating a price. Never decide you're going to buy something because you can't live without it. Negotiating to buy an item shouldn't be an emotional process.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
When you endorse a Republican, everyone sort of frowns on you. I don't know why, but hey.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
You have some cities that are saying that if you have a man who feels like he's a woman, he can use the women's restroom. I guarantee you that will be taken advantage of by some very bad men who want to go into a bathroom where there's young ladies. That will happen if you pass a law like that.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
In my store, I don't do anything political. There are no signs up, and I'm not pushing anyone.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
There's just no way I could deal with politics.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I want my kids, my grandkids to have a great life.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
The weird thing about the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop is that people come on vacation, and they bring stuff here to sell. They come here to see what we'll give them for it. Mostly, it's people from out of town.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
Most people don't realize the amount of tax forms the small business guy has to go through.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I'm one of those guys who believes in next to zero government. They just screw everything up.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
There's a gazillion different business license fees. And just keeping up with all the regulations - it just doesn't stop.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
I only sleep about four or five hours a night. I read all night long.
- Rick Harrison
Image of Rick Harrison
There's a reason why, when Reagan became president, he started getting rid of regulations, and we had a booming economy.
- Rick Harrison