Richard Willstatter

Image of Richard Willstatter
[Fritz Haber's] greatness lies in his scientific ideas and in the depth of his searching. The thought, the plan, and the process are more important to him than the completion. The creative process gives him more pleasure than the yield, the finished piece. Success is immaterial. "Doing it was wonderful." His work is nearly always uneconomical, with the wastefulness of the rich.
- Richard Willstatter
Collection: Success
Image of Richard Willstatter
Baeyer-a chemist who was more of an encyclopedist than a researcher.
- Richard Willstatter
Collection: Chemist
Image of Richard Willstatter
We should misjudge this scientist [Fritz Haber] seriously if we were to judge him only by his harvest. The stimulation of research and the advancement of younger scholars become ever more important to him than his own achievements.
- Richard Willstatter
Collection: Science
Image of Richard Willstatter
I watched Baeyer activating magnesium with iodine for a difficult Grignard reaction; it was done in a test tube, which he watched carefully as he moved it gently by hand over a flame for three quarters of an hour. The test tube was the apparatus to Baeyer.
- Richard Willstatter
Collection: Iodine