Richard Smoley

Image of Richard Smoley
By penetrating to the core of our own being, we can make contact with the consciousness at the center of the universe.
- Richard Smoley
Collection: Consciousness
Image of Richard Smoley
Mastering – or, if you prefer, integrating – the psyche is the work of a lifetime….This mastery is not holding the psyche in rigid subjugation (which is impossible in any case), nor is it a matter of having a maniacally religious ego lording it over the emotions and the body. Rather, it is being centered in the still, small voice that is the true 'I' of the spirit.
- Richard Smoley
Collection: Religious
Image of Richard Smoley
Theurgy is ritual magic - but magic that enacts the will of God, not of the magician. It brings divine energies down to earth, elevating and spiritualizing the world of matter, including the very being and substance of the participants. Each time the believer takes part with attention and devotion, he or she becomes more attuned to God.
- Richard Smoley
Collection: Magic