Richard L. Evans

Image of Richard L. Evans
Someone has to do everything that is done.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Work
Image of Richard L. Evans
There are some things you can give another person, and some things you cannot give him, except as he is willing to reach out and take them, and pay the price of making them a part of himself. This principle applies to studying, to developing talents, to absorbing knowledge, to acquiring skills, and to the learning of all the lessons of life.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Life Lesson
Image of Richard L. Evans
Literally, no man ever sees himself as others see him. No photograph or reflection ever gives us the same slant on ourselves that others see. It has often been proved on the witness stand that no two people ever see the same accident precisely the same way. We see through different eyes and from different angles. But if we could see things as other people see them, we could come closer to knowing why they do what they do and why they say what they say.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Photography
Image of Richard L. Evans
Freedom cannot always continue in comfort and convenience, cannot be assured without sacrifice, without truth and decency, without willingness to work, without downright honesty and honor, and readiness to keep the commandments and live within the law...there is no liberty without a real respect for law; no liberty if we forget God, or fail to remember the principles on which freedom is founded.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Honesty
Image of Richard L. Evans
We must carry things beyond conversation to conclusion.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Conversation
Image of Richard L. Evans
There's no pillow quite so soft as a father's strong shoulder.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Strong
Image of Richard L. Evans
Live so as to have a quiet conscience.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Quiet
Image of Richard L. Evans
One of the most fruitless, irritating wastes in the world is arguing-the contentious, endless kind of arguing that is akin to quarreling, and causes feuding in families and among friends, and leaves resentful feeling in homes, in hearts, in businesses and professions, and in all kinds of gatherings in public and private places, and in all relationships of life-and with so little that it ever seems to settle!
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Home
Image of Richard L. Evans
Too much pessimism has led too many men into making serious mistakes. And perhaps part of our pessimism comes because we are too close to ourselves to see in proper perspective.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Mistake
Image of Richard L. Evans
One of our urgent opportunities is to respond to a child when he earnestly asks, remembering that they don't always ask.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Children
Image of Richard L. Evans
Give no man sympathy because he has to work - it is his blessing that he can.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Work
Image of Richard L. Evans
Shouldn't the commandments be re-written? No, they should be re-read!
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Should
Image of Richard L. Evans
The ever-present expectancy of death is never far removed from any of us - whether we realize it or not. None of us can avoid it. It comes alike to the great and to the unknown; to the righteous and to the unrighteous. Wherein we differ is not in our ability to avert it, but in the preparedness with which we meet it. At such times some question the judgments of God. Some find bitterness because of the circumstances and because of the seeming untimeliness of death.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Bitterness
Image of Richard L. Evans
Indeed, the greatest blessing that can follow the death of those we love is reconciliation. Without it there is no peace. But with it come quiet thoughts and quickened memories. And what else shall a man do except become reconciled? What purpose does he serve by fighting what he cannot touch or by brooding upon what he cannot change?
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Peace
Image of Richard L. Evans
Parents who indulge themselves 'in moderation' may have children who indulge themselves to excess.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Children
Image of Richard L. Evans
In answer to the question, "Shouldn't the commandments be rewritten?," someone thoughtfully replied, "No, they should be reread."
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Answers
Image of Richard L. Evans
There’s no pillow quite so soft as a father’s strong shoulder.
- Richard L. Evans
Collection: Strong