Rex Ryan

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I'm a football fan first and foremost, but I've been given an incredible opportunity to be a football coach in the National Football League.
- Rex Ryan
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I'm not as tough as my Dad.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I don't put others down; I talk my team up.
- Rex Ryan
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I end every speech the night before a game with, 'Now, let's go get a snack.'
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
It's been a dream of mine to become a head coach in the NFL.
- Rex Ryan
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Coming here to the New York Jets, where my father once coached and was part of the Super Bowl III staff, is fantastic. I look around at the facilities and the people they have in place and see a first-class organization. I'm just proud to be part of it.
- Rex Ryan
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I'm not afraid of expectations.
- Rex Ryan
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My goal is to win a Super Bowl. It's not to just win X number of games.
- Rex Ryan
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I want to be a better head coach than my father.
- Rex Ryan
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I'm not a one-hit wonder. When you look at my background, I think I've been successful at all stops along the way. I know the kind of responsibility it takes to be a head football coach.
- Rex Ryan
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I don't want to just be known as good. I want to be special.
- Rex Ryan
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I want to win the damn Super Bowl. That's what drives me.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I'm not a red wine guy.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I want success for Woody Johnson, I do.
- Rex Ryan
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It's hard to win with rookie quarterbacks, as I know.
- Rex Ryan
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I'm really high on Josh Allen. He reminds me of Ben Roethlisberger. He's got the big arm. He's a very good athlete.
- Rex Ryan
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I've always had a huge appreciation of the military.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
Obviously my dad served in the Korean War. He was a Master Sergeant when he was 18 years old.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I have no problem at all if somebody disagrees with me on my politics, or on this, that or whatever. That's fine.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
How do you make a young quarterback better? You build a running game around him.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I mean, as a coach, as a leader of an organization, you represent your fan base and everybody that works and all that, and that's passion.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
My wife just so happens to make an amazing bean dip.
- Rex Ryan
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I never realized how similar that I am to Tom Brady. mean, the obvious physical appearance would be the first thing. The fact that he's married to a supermodel? Hello? Yeah, I'm also married to a supermodel.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I miss the preparation for game week and all the things. I miss the draft and getting prepared for that. I grew up in this business, that's all I've ever known.
- Rex Ryan
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Dez Bryant's a great player. You can't take that away from him.
- Rex Ryan
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Right away I'm associated with what Donald Trump stands for and all that because I introduced him. I never signed up for that, I never wanted that. That doesn't mean I support 100 percent of the things he says.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I supported Donald Trump, I sat back when he asked me to introduce him at a rally in Buffalo, I did that.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
You know me; I make some comments that aren't really good.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
You'll remember every damn loss. But the wins? You don't necessarily remember.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
At the end of the day, I'm responsible for the product on the field.
- Rex Ryan
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I don't know this Channing Crowder. All I know is that he's all tatted up, so I guess I ought to be nervous about him. If I was younger, I'd probably handle him myself.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I've been a big admirer of Tony Dungy, and I'm sure a lot of people are, but he unfairly judged me, and that was disappointing to me.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I'm always going to be myself and I'm a good person.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
Just because somebody cusses doesn't make him a bad person. Just because a guy doesn't cuss doesn't make him a good person.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
This is the business of football and nothing is guaranteed to you as a player, coach or anybody else. They don't have to give you the money. They don't have to give you a longterm contract.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
Belichick, I recognize the fact this is a Hall of Fame coach. He'll go down in history as maybe the greatest football coach in the history of this game, or going to be close to it.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I wanted to beat Peyton Manning as bad as I've ever wanted anything in my life.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I've been real fortunate. I got two opportunities when a lot of great coaches don't get any.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I'm certainly not intimidated by New England or anybody else.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I think my admiration is really for Belichick more than anything. As a coach, that's the guy. He'll go down as probably the best in the history of the game. I like poking fun at him and all that stuff, but there's no coach I respect more than him.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I have sets, literally, of almost every single year of Strat-O-Matic baseball. That's how huge I was into it.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
I love coaching football, don't get me wrong. But I just love baseball.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
My wife's beautiful. We've been married for 23 years. She's awesome.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
My arms are like twigs.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
The lap-band surgery has been tremendous.
- Rex Ryan
Image of Rex Ryan
We’re going to be as loyal to our fans as they are to us.
- Rex Ryan
Collection: Fans
Image of Rex Ryan
If you don't believe it yourself your team darn sure won't.
- Rex Ryan
Collection: Team
Image of Rex Ryan
I'm not going to let our fans down.
- Rex Ryan
Collection: Fans
Image of Rex Ryan
We're going to start with the injury report, obviously. Manning, Clark, Addai, Reggie Wayne, Freeney, Mathis, Brackett - all those guys will not play. Oh, hold up. That was my wish list for Santa Claus.
- Rex Ryan
Collection: Funny