Reggie Jackson

Image of Reggie Jackson
There's a certain time that when somebody asks you a question, you answer them. I don't think I said anything with venom. If you can express yourself without anger and make it as palatable as you can, that's what you do.
- Reggie Jackson
Collection: Anger
Image of Reggie Jackson
Fans don't boo nobodies.
- Reggie Jackson
Collection: Sports
Image of Reggie Jackson
I am the best in baseball.
- Reggie Jackson
Collection: Best
Image of Reggie Jackson
Ken Holtzman could pitch a game in ninety minutes. Wouldn't throw a breaking ball. And he had a great breaking ball.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I was reminded that when we lose and I strike out, a billion people in China don't care.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Do you have any idea what Ali meant to black people? He was the leader of a nation, the leader of Black America. As a young black, at times I was ashamed of my color; I was ashamed of my hair. And Ali made me proud.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I didn't come to New York to be a star, I brought my star with me.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When people push back on you and don't think you can do it, and you struggle a little bit and wonder if they're right, it drives you to be successful and to be a great player.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Ali helped raise black people in this country out of mental slavery. The entire experience of being black changed for millions of people because of Ali.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
The only way I'm going to win a Gold Glove is with a can of spray paint.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I'm tired of hearing people say 'Reggie Jackson needs New York, needs the media, needs the attention.' I've always gotten it whenever I wanted it.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I have a hard time believing athletes are overpriced. If an owner is losing money, give it up. It's a business. I have trouble figuring out why owners would stay in if they're losing money.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
A baseball swing is a very finely tuned instrument. It is repetition, and more repetition, then a little more after that.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Billy Martin was a human tragedy, in the real sense of the words.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
The only difference between me and those other great Yankees is my skin color.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Everybody's got a Reggie story.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Everybody in the league knew I had trouble with the inside pitch. I got away with it only because the great majority of pitchers were afraid of making a mistake in that spot. The threat of power is one of the best weapons you have in the batter's box.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
You can play football and be the next Jim Brown or play baseball and be the next Reggie Jackson.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Lee May's about the same age as me; he's got about the same stats. So how come he's making about one-eighty, two hundred thousand, and I'm the best damn paid player in the game? I'll tell you why: Because I put the meat in the seats!
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
If I played today, I'd stay in trouble. I'd be in the commissioner's office all the time, I guess. I'd be everywhere - including where I wasn't supposed to be.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
The greatest manager has a knack for making ballplayers think they are better than they think they are.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When I was with the Yankees in 1978, we were playing Baltimore at Yankee Stadium, and the score was 3 - 3 going into the bottom of the ninth inning. I led off against Tippy Martinez - a little left-hander who always gave me trouble - and the count went to three-and-oh.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I am not merely a baseball player. I am a black man who has done what he wants, gotten what he wanted, and will continue to get it.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I never had an understanding of Billy Martin. I did not accept the way he managed me. I did not accept the way he managed Ken Holtzman. I thought there was anti-Semitism there.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When I stepped into the box, I felt the at-bat belonged to me. Everybody else was there for my convenience. The pitcher was there to throw me a ball to hit. The catcher was there to throw it back to him if he didn't give me what I wanted the first time. And the umpire was lucky that he was close enough to watch.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I don't mind getting beaten, but I hate to lose.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
If you can't see the rotation and tell if it's a sink - a fastball, then you have to be able to tell whether that fastball is a two-seamer or a four-seamer. You have to be able to recognize if it's a slider or a curveball. You have to be able to recognize if it's a changeup or a split-finger.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
You don't face Nolan Ryan without your rest. He's the only guy I go against that makes me go to bed before midnight.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
In the building I live in on Park Avenue there are ten people who could buy the Yankees, but none of them could hit the ball out of Yankee Stadium.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
After Jackie Robinson the most important black in baseball history is Reggie Jackson, I really mean that.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I'd like to be able to light the fire a little bit.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I'm human and I've played my butt off for ten years. I'm not a loafer, I'm not a jerk, I'm a baseball player.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
October, that's when they pay off for playing ball.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Please God, let me hit one. I'll tell everybody you did it.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
The only reason I don't like playing in the World Series is I can't watch myself play.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When you take a pitch and line it somewhere, it's like you've thought of something and put it there with beautiful clarity.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When you've played this game for ten years and gone to bat seven-thousand times and gotten two-thousand hits do you know what that really means? It means you've gone zero for five-thousand.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
You know, this game's not very much fun when you're only hitting .247.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Hitting is better than sex.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Babe Ruth was great. I'm just lucky.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When I went to home plate in a game-tied situation or with a chance to do something and help the ballclub win one, I'd try to make eye contact with the pitcher.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
There are at least three kinds of advantages that the pitcher and batter contest. There's the physical advantage, the strategic advantage, and also the psychological advantage. I didn't want two out of three. I wanted them all.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When I hit, I felt I was in control of the home-plate area, and it was important that I felt that way. If I let the pitcher control it, it would give him an advantage.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
The pitcher has the ball, and nothing happens until he lets go of it. So as the batter, I felt I had to fight for any bit of control I could get. I expected the umpire, the catcher, and the pitcher to wait on me. I wanted to get ready on my time.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
There is no question that in the '50s and '60s, black players got thrown at more. That's not a negative comment. It may come out that way, but that's the way it was. Hitting another player was part of the game; hitting a player in the head is not.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
When you hit a player in the head, you're more apt to get some fisticuffs or, you know, bring both teams out on the field, but it was more accepted that - in the '50s, '60s and '70s. I think nowadays it's a little over-policed because I will always believe that knocking a hitter down, even hitting a hitter at, sometimes, is part of baseball.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
If I played in New York, they'd name a candy bar after me.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I work for ABC television; I have my own syndicated TV series. I've been on the cover of 'Time Magazine' and on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' five times.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
I'm a businessman. I bring my bat and glove and attache case to the office and go to work. I don't give a damn if the other workers at the office like me or not.
- Reggie Jackson
Image of Reggie Jackson
Being a superstar... can make life very difficult, difficult to grow. So I like to visit with my friends, listen to some fine music, drink some good wine, perhaps take a ride in the country in a fine car, or... just walk along the beach.
- Reggie Jackson