Raquel Zimmermann

Image of Raquel Zimmermann
I love living in Brooklyn. Originally I moved there because I could enjoy a bigger space for less money than I would ever get in Manhattan.
- Raquel Zimmermann
Collection: Space
Image of Raquel Zimmermann
I hate wearing anything tight. A corset is my idea of torture.
- Raquel Zimmermann
Collection: Hate
Image of Raquel Zimmermann
I walk a lot. It keeps me in shape and clears my head.
- Raquel Zimmermann
Collection: Shapes
Image of Raquel Zimmermann
Music is extremely important to have on photo shoots - it brings the mood.
- Raquel Zimmermann
Collection: Important
Image of Raquel Zimmermann
I support the Surfrider Foundation, which is focused on protecting the oceans and beaches. I also recycle and use mass transit, ride my bike as often as I can, or I walk, which is one of the best parts about living in New York City.
- Raquel Zimmermann
Collection: Beach