Randall Cunningham

Image of Randall Cunningham
I'm loyal to Philadelphia. That's where I retired.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
The old saying about, 'Well, he is an African-American quarterback and can't get the job done,' is a myth now. Doug Williams shredded that myth.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
You set a goal to win a state championship, to get a scholarship, then your focus is on just playing in the NFL. You want to make money.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
There are people who are going through things in life and they just really don't know what to do, so they throw their hands in the air and question God.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Our mentality is known as loving people. We greet with a hug, as the Bible teaches us.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
African American quarterbacks can do it just as well as anybody else.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
The average career in the league is three years, or a little more or less. When you start 100 games, it tells you that you've been successful and you've done some incredible things at the highest level of the game.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Careers in the NFL are up and down. The ones who are consistent have the best careers.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Vick? He's shorter than me, so he looks faster - I'm kidding. Without a doubt, Vick is faster than I was. He'd easily beat me by a step, it isn't close. He's definitely faster.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
When I ran, I jumped, I leaped. Vick doesn't seem to do nearly as much of that. I was a high jumper in high school, so I did that kind of thing.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
This league is built on what-have-you-done-for-me-lately. I mean, I stunk when I first started. I stunk for the first couple of years. Then I was good, then I got hurt. Then I was good again, then I got hurt again.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
When you win in Philadelphia, there is no place better to play. And when you lose, you are going to hear about it.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Philadelphia fans are like very stern parents.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Playing in Philadelphia helped me become a better person. I actually developed skin that was too thick. I got to the point where I could care less what anybody said.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I would not have changed a thing. I loved playing in Philadelphia.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I want people to see there is more to me than football.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
If you can't live on $140,000 a year, your expenses are too high.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
In my third year of playing Pop Warner quarterback, I led our team to a championship.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I'm an impact player. Impact.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I am not a risky guy.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I met this woman. I thought I was in love with her, and I got hurt. After that, I didn't trust anything, anybody.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I give so much of myself on Sunday. I drain all the life out of myself out there.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I want people to understand, whether it's practice or a game, I don't hold anything back. If you do that, you can live with your mistakes.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
While growing up, I actually thought people didn't care what color you were. Racism is history, but it's real.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
My mom worked hard. She worked every day until she got cancer.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
My mother would not allow us on welfare. If it meant she had to clean a house to scratch a dime, she would. After seeing her, I would collect bottles, wash cars, push lawn mowers to get five dollars for a date. So I know how to work. I think the fans see that.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I had to learn that in college everybody has an assignment.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I don't think I have an ego problem.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
There's nothing more important to me in the world than football.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Sometimes I do amaze myself.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I don't take it as a compliment when somebody says I'm among the top 10 quarterbacks in the league.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I've worked too hard to be considered an average quarterback.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
When you take a step on the ladder to success, you don't want to take a step backward.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
You have to watch out for yourself all the time. Don't expect anyone else to. Don't fall into any traps.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I've always wanted to be the star of the team - the guy who leads the team.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I read the Bible every day and it strengthens me.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
When things are OK at home, then you can go on and carry on a great life.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I think I got caught up in the hype. People saying 'Go do this, do that, make all the money you can.' I really got caught up in that. Next thing you know, people were giving me stuff to endorse, gold tip shoestrings, hats, socks, clothing, everything. I didn't allow it to distract me, but I think people got tired of hearing my name in Philadelphia.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I believe that He knows our hearts. And I believe that God knows who's gonna give Him glory. He can be like that because He is the Creator of the universe.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I did own the marble company, but I was just as equal as the guys picking up the buckets of mud and carrying the tile in. Most difficult thing I have ever done in my life.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
In Philadelphia, I was told to use my ability. Buddy Ryan said, basically, 'Hey, go out there and make five big plays a game. We'll get some turnovers.' The defense was supposed to win the game. That's how I developed into a 'running quarterback.' The year I ran for 942 yards, I was just doing what I was told.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I admit that when I first entered the league I didn't fully understand the enormity of the situation. It's easy to stay self-focused, doing the things that make you feel good or make you more money or make you more popular... I was more about me than anyone else.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I can say, 'You know what, I was the MVP, I was the MVP, I was the MVP.' I've got an honorary doctorate. I can say, 'I graduated from UNLV.' I've got Pro Bowls. Let me tell you, none of that justifies who we are. That doesn't mean anything. How are we gon' puff out our chest to God?
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I love Kaepernick. I love him as a player. I love his character. I love the way he handles himself in interviews. I'm pulling for him.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I love Jim Harbaugh. I played against him and I always liked talking to guys like him and Steve Young. I have a lot of respect for them.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Jim Harbaugh is the kind of coach I'd love my son to play for.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
Could I have run the read-option? I think I possibly could have done it, but I would not have wanted to do it.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
When I was in high school, my high school coach told me if I ran he was going to bench me. So I didn't run in high school. Then in college, if you look at my statistics, I had negative yards rushing because they took the sacks off of your rushing yards.
- Randall Cunningham
Image of Randall Cunningham
I was a happy-go-luck, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed young kid, who wanted to sign autographs for everybody as soon as I got in the league. I went out and just had fun.
- Randall Cunningham