Rand Paul

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The Republican Party is an empty vessel unless we imbue it with values.
- Rand Paul
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I think we need to treat everybody with dignity.
- Rand Paul
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I've been accused of wanting to allow terrorists to have weapons to attack America.
- Rand Paul
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Some people say I chastise the Republican Party too much.
- Rand Paul
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The power to tax and spend is restricted by the enumerated powers.
- Rand Paul
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The great and abiding lesson of American history, particularly the cold war, is that the engine of capitalism, the individual, is mightier than any collective.
- Rand Paul
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American inventiveness and the desire to build developed because we were guaranteed the right to own our success.
- Rand Paul
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My great-grandfather, like many, came to this country in search of the American dream.
- Rand Paul
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My grandfather would live to see his children become doctors and ministers, accounts and professors.
- Rand Paul
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You campaigned against rich people and you got enough envy whipped up in the country and you're gonna get 'em. You're gonna stick it to those rich people. But guess what? You may not get anymore revenue. You may not get anymore economic growth. But you can say, 'I stuck it to the rich people.'
- Rand Paul
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And when the time is right, I hope that African Americans will again look to the party of emancipation, civil liberty, and individual freedom.
- Rand Paul
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We must always embrace individual liberty and enforce the constitutional rights of all Americans-rich and poor, immigrant and native, black and white.
- Rand Paul
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Big and oppressive government has long been the enemy of freedom, something black Americans know all too well.
- Rand Paul
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We should not have drug laws or a court system that disproportionately punishes the black community.
- Rand Paul
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Using taxes to punish the rich, in reality, punishes everyone because we are all interconnected. High taxes and excessive regulation and massive debt are not working.
- Rand Paul
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What gets lost is that the Republican Party has always been the party of civil rights and voting rights.
- Rand Paul
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Because Republicans believe that the federal government is limited in its function-some have concluded that Republicans are somehow inherently insensitive to minority rights. Nothing could be further from the truth.
- Rand Paul
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Every child in every neighborhood, of every color, class and background, deserves a school that will help them succeed.
- Rand Paul
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The Republican Party's history is rich and chock full of emancipation and black history.
- Rand Paul
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The Democrats promised equalizing outcomes through unlimited federal assistance while Republicans offered something that seemed less tangible - the promise of equalizing opportunity through free markets.
- Rand Paul
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I would argue that the objective evidence shows that big government is not a friend to African Americans.
- Rand Paul
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The Republican promise is for policies that create economic growth. Republicans believe lower taxes, less regulation, balanced budgets, a solvent Social Security and Medicare will stimulate economic growth.
- Rand Paul
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Democrats in Louisville were led by Courier-Journal editor Henry Watterson and were implacably opposed to blacks voting.
- Rand Paul
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To understand how Republicans lost the African American vote, we must first understand how we won the African American vote.
- Rand Paul
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Of strong importance to me is the defense of minority rights, not just racial minorities, but ideological and religious minorities.
- Rand Paul
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If you hear me out, I believe you'll discover that what motivates me more than any other issue is the defense of everyone's rights.
- Rand Paul
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The most important thing you will do is yet to be seen. For me, I found my important thing to do when I learned to do surgery on the eye, when I learned to restore a person's vision.
- Rand Paul
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In our state, I'm really proud of the fact that the ones who overturned Jim Crow in Kentucky were Republicans fighting against an entirely unified Democrat Party. So I am proud to be Republican. I can't imagine being anything else.
- Rand Paul
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To defend our country we need to gather intelligence on the enemy, but when the intelligence lies to Congress, how are we to trust them? The phone records of law abiding citizens are none of their damn business.
- Rand Paul
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Standing up on the right to trial by jury is something that, really, a lot of people should agree with, you know, both on the Right and the Left.
- Rand Paul
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I think people are hungry for someone who will stand up on principle.
- Rand Paul
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I've been fighting amidst a lot of opposition from both Hillary Clinton as well as some Republicans who wanted to send arms to the allies of ISIS. ISIS rides around in a billion dollars worth of U.S. Humvees. It's a disgrace. We've got to stop - we shouldn't fund our enemies, for goodness sakes.
- Rand Paul
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We do not project power from bankruptcy court. We're borrowing a million dollars a minute. It's got to stop somewhere.
- Rand Paul
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I don't want my marriage or my guns registered in Washington. And if people have an opinion, it's a religious opinion that is heartly felt, obviously they should be allowed to practice that, and no government should interfere with them.
- Rand Paul
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One of the things, one of the things that really got to me was the thing in Houston where you had the government, the mayor actually, trying to get the sermons of ministers. When the government tries to invade the church to enforce its own opinion on marriage, that's when it's time to resist.
- Rand Paul
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Out of your surplus, you can help your allies, and Israel is a great ally. And this is no particular animus of Israel, but what I will say, and I will say over and over again, we cannot give away money we don't have.
- Rand Paul
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I've gone to Detroit. I've been to Ferguson; I've been to Baltimore, because I want our party to be bigger, better and bolder, and I'm the only one that leads Hillary Clinton in five states that were won by President Obama. I'm a different kind of Republican.
- Rand Paul
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Every debate in Washington is about how much to increase spending - a little or a lot.
- Rand Paul
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If U.S. occupation is a primary recruitment tool and what inspires Islamic terrorists, are many of our current efforts overseas actually fighting terrorism and diminishing the threat?
- Rand Paul
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Some Libertarians argue that Western occupation fans the flames of radical Islam; I agree. But I don't agree that, absent Western occupation, that radical Islam 'goes quietly into that good night.'
- Rand Paul
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Throughout the 1970s, '80s and '90s, federal mandatory minimum laws were implemented that forced judges to deliver sentences far lengthier than they would have if allowed to use their own discretion. The result has been decades of damage, particularly to young people.
- Rand Paul
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Mandatory minimum sentencing has disproportionately affected blacks, Hispanics and others who often don't have the financial means to fight back.
- Rand Paul
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I want to be judged by who I am, not by a relationship.
- Rand Paul
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The biggest thing I've learned from my dad is he's had adoring crowds of 8,000 at Berkeley, and 6,000 at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. That's an amazing feat to have people coming out in one of the most liberal universities and one of the most conservative.
- Rand Paul
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I'm not against the NSA. I'm not against spying; I'm not against looking at phone records.
- Rand Paul
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Whether you breach the Fourth Amendment 20 percent of the time or 100 percent of the time, it's still not the point. The point is whether or not you still collect millions of people's information with a single warrant.
- Rand Paul
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Was anybody else bothered by the sight of mine-resistant vehicles and guns pointed at unarmed men in Ferguson?
- Rand Paul
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Freedom is popular. Bring it on.
- Rand Paul
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The world does not have an Islam problem; the world has a dignity problem.
- Rand Paul