Queen Rania of Jordan

Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
People sometimes think of 'queen' as a title that's shrouded with protocol and formality, and for that reason sometimes people are not easily saying what they want to say. They're reluctant to express their opinions, and I kind of find that frustrating because I want to know what people really, really think.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
I don't think people by nature are extremists. You will never find a population of extremists. Extremists have existed throughout the centuries on all religions. And what happens is, extremists start to have more leverage when the situation is bad.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
A woman caring for her children; a woman striving to excel in the private sector; a woman partnering with her neighbors to make their street safer; a woman running for office to improve her country - they all have something to offer, and the more our societies empower women, the more we receive in return.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
The United States was an innocent victim after September 11. It had never attacked or occupied Afghanistan. So therefore it had no choice but to go after the aggressors.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
I've learned to take things a little more easily, to be a little more forgiving of myself.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
I found that being online has opened a window for me to look into other people's lives... The greatest fear that I have is losing touch.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
Eighty percent of my life is normal like any other mother. I worry about my children, if they're doing all right. I worry that my husband is doing well.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Image of Queen Rania of Jordan
Look at any country that’s plagued with poverty, disease or violence; the antidote is girls. Girls are the antibodies to many of society’s ills.
- Queen Rania of Jordan
Collection: Country