
Image of Prince
Being a Jehovah's Witness, I don't celebrate birthdays or holidays. I don't vote.
- Prince
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I have friends that are gay, and we study the Bible together.
- Prince
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Young people have decided they like to listen to music in a certain way, through ear buds, and that's fine with me as long as it doesn't bother them that they're not hearing 90 percent of the music that way.
- Prince
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When everyone recognizes Jehovah's name, then everyone will be happy because everyone will know what to do and how to do it.
- Prince
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I don't talk to old people; they try to find ways to stay static. Young folks are the ones with the ideas and constantly moving forward.
- Prince
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YouTube is the hippest network, and they abuse copyright right and left.
- Prince
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I'm not entangled in a bunch of lawsuits and a web that I can't get out of. I can hold my head up... a happily married man who has his head in order. There isn't a bunch of scandal in my life.
- Prince
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In the tech-savvy, real-time world we all live in today, everything is faster.
- Prince
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Just sharing music with each other - that's cool. It's the selling that becomes the problem.
- Prince
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My hair is capable of doing a lot of different things.
- Prince
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I pride myself on working with great musicians.
- Prince
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It might be a shock to see me, but that's no reason for people to act crazy, and it doesn't give them license to chase me down the street.
- Prince
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The gatekeepers must change.
- Prince
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Most bands out there are basically pretty boring. I try to affect people inside their bodies.
- Prince
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I don't want anyone to fail, so if you can make money off music even though you can't sing or dance, that's genius.
- Prince
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I'm real easy-going.
- Prince
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I don't live in the past. I don't play my old records for that reason. I make a statement, then move on to the next.
- Prince
Image of Prince
If you look in the Bible there's no birthdays.
- Prince
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I record all the time.
- Prince
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I pushed the envelope as far as it needed to be pushed, and now it's on the floor, and people seem to want it to stay there.
- Prince
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Well, my musicians are my friends.
- Prince
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'Billboard' needs to tell the truth, shake things up.
- Prince
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There are no great jazz-fusion bands.
- Prince
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You can't understand the words of Cocteau Twins songs, but their harmonies put you in a dreamlike state.
- Prince
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All you see on television are debased images.
- Prince
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It's work to play the same songs the same way for 70 shows.
- Prince
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I don't know who was the one that came up with the notion that you have to play the same songs every concert.
- Prince
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I have a writing addiction.
- Prince
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There's this thing called compulsory licensing law that allows artists through the record companies to take your music at will without your permission.
- Prince
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So much has been written about me, and people don't know what's right and what's wrong. I'd rather let them stay confused.
- Prince
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I always wanted to make a three-record set. 'Sign o' the Times' was originally supposed to be a triple album, but it ended up as a double.
- Prince
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I like to open people's eyes.
- Prince
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The music, for me, doesn't come on a schedule. I don't know when it's going to come, and when it does, I want it out.
- Prince
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I think you'll always be able to do what your ear tells you.
- Prince
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I might just stop talking again and not do interviews.
- Prince
Image of Prince
The internet's completely over.
- Prince
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When you sit down to write something, there should be no guidelines. The main idea is not supposed to be, 'How many different ways can we sell it?' That's so far away from the true spirit of what music is.
- Prince
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I used to have seizures when I was young. My mother and father didn't know what to do or how to handle it but they did the best they could with what little they had.
- Prince
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I really believe in finding new ways to distribute my music.
- Prince
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I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it.
- Prince
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There are people who are unhappy with everything.
- Prince
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The Bible is a study guide for social interaction.
- Prince
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When it comes to the video channels and the programs, the radio stations, the music is geared towards kids, and it's made by kids.
- Prince
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I ain't mad at anybody. I don't have any enemies.
- Prince
Image of Prince
I don't vote and I got nothing to do with it.
- Prince
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I used to be more involved with every aspect of everything onstage. I'm way more relaxed now. It feels like anything can happen.
- Prince
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At one time, MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated.
- Prince
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Each audience is different.
- Prince
Image of Prince
I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
- Prince