Poppy Delevingne

Image of Poppy Delevingne
A little bit of sun does wonders! With good protection, of course. Vitamin D is just so good for your hair and your nails. I also love coconut water and coconut oil from Whole Foods. It's amazing. You can cook with it, shower with it... you come out of the shower like a slippery seal, but it works.
- Poppy Delevingne
Collection: Amazing
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Jo Sykes made these incredible leather jackets: the leather was like butter. I had one, but I lost it at a wedding in Ibiza. It was so sad; I've not been able to replace.
- Poppy Delevingne
Collection: Sad
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm all about people that appreciate, that are grateful, that smile, that have a sense of humour - the dirtier the laugh, the better- that's my kind of vibe... and I hope that's the kind of thing that I attract.
- Poppy Delevingne
Collection: Smile
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I love all girl squads. I'm all for, like, girl power and friendship, and I'm all about that.
- Poppy Delevingne
Collection: Friendship
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm quite into fitness, and I have a fantastic personal trainer who knows me, knows my body, knows when to push me, and knows when not to push me. She doesn't make me do 20 burpees in a row and instead focuses on strengthening my core, telling me we need to focus on making me into 'a tall giraffe'!
- Poppy Delevingne
Collection: Fitness
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Having a Mary Poppins-themed birthday party when I was 5 - all my friends went in dresses, and I went as a chimney sweep. I was a real tomboy.
- Poppy Delevingne
Collection: Birthday
Image of Poppy Delevingne
When traveling, I like Urth Caffe in L.A. for eggs Benedict with prosciutto or Balthazar in New York, where I order duck shepherd's pie.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm obsessed with Jo Malone oils. I think they're so beautiful; they're exquisite. But it's not just the oils; I'm obsessed with their packaging. The beautiful glass bottles that you keep on the side of the bath - they're almost iconic.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
All I ever wanted was to be a sexy bride, and actually, I think I've turned into a romantic bride.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I've always worn Superdry. It's a British brand, of course, and it's my go-to festival brand.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
My mother is the bravest human being I've ever come across.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I love to shut out the world sometimes and hibernate.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
It would be ridiculous for me to say I am unlucky, but, like any other family and any other girl, I've had my ups and downs.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm not used to going out every single night, which you can do in New York.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
You could say I'm a bit of a nomad.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
My home has a split personality. Some of the rooms are very French antique. Think Aubusson rugs, turquoise ceramic jugs, sandbag pillows, and broken birdcages. The other half is very Aztec. Neon ikat fabric pillows, vintage books piled up to the ceiling, and shutters from Bali.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I always find it difficult to dress in between seasons, but I quite like putting T-shirts on with a vest over the top and another layer so you can peel them back as the day goes on.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I love maxi dresses, I feel so great when I put on a maxi dress, big earrings and sandals.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm more of a handbag girl; my guilty pleasure is bags. I don't even have a clue how many I own.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm always late for things and always feel like I'm rushing.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm normally fairly busy rushing from job to job, so have little time in the mornings for my beauty regime. However, this usually means my hair and makeup is done for me when I get there, which is great!
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
A great Dermalogica facial every few weeks, and lots of sleep over the weekend are essentials. I also drink lots of water which really helps to hydrate the skin and keep it looking fresh.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I would say I spend about an hour a day cleansing and moisturising after all of the make-up I've worn on jobs, and on weekends I tend to go bare-faced to give my skin a bit of a break.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
It was only when I began modeling at 18 that I really began enjoying fashion and reading any fashion magazine I could get my hands on, and developing a profound respect for designers, fashion and how to wear it.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I never do anything that doesn't feel natural to me. I wake up in the morning and I know what to put on - it's my sixth sense, really.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Cara was six years younger. She slept in my bed for years.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
The wonderful thing about my husband is that we are very good at being independent.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I try out all the latest beauty products and participate in all the shows. It's pretty magical.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Scorpio Island, everyone calls it - they say if you fall in love in Ibiza, then it lasts forever.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Choupette literally has the finest tuna, the finest of everything a cat could ever have.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
When I was about 4, my mum had a lime-green Versace jacket with massive shoulder pads, and I remember thinking, 'Why does her head look so small? Why is she doing that to herself?' But she loved it!
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Diversity definitely makes the best wardrobe - you want to look in and see a range so you can always dress for your mood.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I really like the Nineties! I want to bring back more of the Nineties, like the 'Spice Girls', 'Empire Records', Chloe Sevigny. I don't think anyone really gave it enough credit.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
She's my baby sister - I could talk about her till I'm blue in the face.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Sometimes, fame does scare me. When people know where you are and what you're doing, that can be frightening because I'm such a private person. So I like to try and keep things light-hearted and stay as private as possible.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'd rather rule the world now than be prime minister.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
When I was at school, I auditioned for the school play as Queen Gertrude, and I fell in love with it there and then.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom - I read it in eight hours and blubbed my eyes out when it finished. I've thought about the story every day since.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I love working with Chanel, and long may it reign, to be honest. I hope it lasts forever.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Wear things that make you happy because, I think, that really shines through. If you feel uncomfortable in something, then I don't think it ever really works.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I love high-street fashion. I'm all about Topshop and Zara - even American Apparel. I love T-shirts and vests - simple things you can just live in. American Apparel also does the best bras - they're amazing.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
My style is a little more thought out, in a way, but I guess it's eclectic at the same time. I wouldn't be able to describe my style, because it changes on a day-to-day basis, depending on what sort of mood I'm in.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I feel - as I'm edging to my thirties, I feel like a stronger person and a more confident person.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Both my grandmother and mother used to wear the Red Roses cologne, and when I was 21 or 22, I smelled the same scent on a friend of mine.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Pubs would be number one. And black cabs and cabbies - moody cabbies always crack me up. And the other thing I love is the parks: the parks around London don't get enough airtime - I think they're sensational, and when spring hits, the first thing I'll do is go to the park.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I'm a real bath addict. I could sit in a bath and soak for days on end, and you'll never see me again. It's my easiest, nicest thing. So if you're giving me something extra to do, an extra step to make bathtime last longer, then I'll do it.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
The smell of cigars reminds me of someone I used to know, and it just always brings me back. I love it; I find something very comforting about it.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
Having hibernation weekends where I just sleep for hours on end. Working out when you have those spare moments. All of that is very important.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
I have a lot of energy. Energy's a very huge thing in our family. None of us need caffeine; we're just high-energy people.
- Poppy Delevingne
Image of Poppy Delevingne
If I'm in America... I will track down the nearest Soul Cycle, wherever that is, and I'll just power through on a bike for 45 minutes.
- Poppy Delevingne