Pierre Poilievre

Image of Pierre Poilievre
Politics is agony and ecstasy. The highs are amazing. The lows are excruciating.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Amazing
Image of Pierre Poilievre
I stated that aboriginals deserve protection under Canada's human rights laws and that the record dollars that the government is spending on aboriginals should reach the people in need.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Government
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Conservatives cannot be absent from the debate on inequality and equality in the nation.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Equality
Image of Pierre Poilievre
I'm thankful, thankful for the local farm family that gave me the idea for the Children's Fitness Tax Credit.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Thankful
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Far from environmental prophet, he is a foreign oil profiteer. That is the inconvenient truth of Al Gore.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Environmental
Image of Pierre Poilievre
My view is that we need to engender the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Independence
Image of Pierre Poilievre
It's interesting to note that Michael Ignatieff's ads don't mention Michael Ignatieff. Nor do they mention any positive plan for the economy or the country.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Positive
Image of Pierre Poilievre
This pandemic has provided an opportunity to reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems, that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Change
Image of Pierre Poilievre
We believe that the real child-care experts are mom and dad. That's why we brought in the universal child care benefit way back in 2006.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Mom
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Politics should not be a lifelong career, and elected officials should not be allowed to fix themselves in the halls of power of a nation.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Power
Image of Pierre Poilievre
My dreams of NHL glory were never fulfilled so I had to settle for politics instead.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: Dreams
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Our soldiers fought in the Korean War to push back communism. As a result of their effort and the effort of our allies, South Korea is free today.
- Pierre Poilievre
Collection: War
Image of Pierre Poilievre
We know that the international jihadi movement has declared war on Canada.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
We have to be ready to confront the risks that the terrorists and others present to our city and those risks are unique in any nation's capital.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
I have always been open to ways we can make a great bill even better.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Canadians no longer have any financial room. Half of Canadians are $200 away from insolvency. They are facing a slowing economy with a diminishing number of jobs, and a rising cost of living to go along with it. That is the consequence of the Trudeau, Morneau tax-and-spend agenda, which is driving our economy down.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Let us follow the facts, not Liberal ideology, and let us target the root cause of terrorism. They are called terrorists.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
The tax on capital gains in Canada is twice as high as in communist China and we wonder why our ideas are being held back.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Any politician promising not to raise your taxes is like a vampire promising to become a vegetarian.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
As prime minister, I would relinquish to citizens as much of my social, political, and economic control as possible, leaving people to cultivate their own personal prosperity and to govern their own affairs as directly as possible.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
The root causes of terrorism is terrorists.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Sick leave should be used to cover the costs of paying people who work in the public service who are sick, and that we can deliver that to our public servants while making it affordable for Canadian taxpayers.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
If the carbon tax really was about saving the world, we would presume the largest industrial emitters of carbon would have to pay it.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Work is the only way - the only sustainable way - to escape poverty.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Winston Churchill was one of the most unpopular politicians in the late '30s and by the mid-'40s he was considered one the greatest statesmen, possibly of all time. I'm not comparing myself. I'm just saying that controversies come and go, but the important thing is sticking to your principles and persevering through those controversies.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
It's clear Justin Trudeau has something to hide.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
People can yawn all they want when a conservative mentions the tax system. But there is no doubt that when we have a tax system that punishes businesses and workers for producing then it becomes financially advantageous for everyone just to import cheaper goods from abroad.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
More debt interest, higher taxes, a smaller GDP. That is the Liberal plan.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Canadians must fight back against global elites preying on the fears and desperation of people to impose their power grab.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Others will have opinions on how I do and that's just fine... I've been elected four times, delivered results for my constituents and delivered legislative policy changes that have helped veterans, for example. So, I'm going to keep doing the hard work that I've done that has worked so far for my community and for our team.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
As someone who has put my life on hold, my personal life on hold, for Parliament and for public service for over a decade and a half, I really got to a culmination point where I had to make a decision to have more normality in my life, or sacrifice that entirely for a campaign that was going to be all consuming.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
My view is that Justin Trudeau will raise taxes on everyone.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
If you are ideologically opposed to income splitting for families, why wouldn't you scrap it for seniors? What is the distinguishing principle between income splitting for people with kids and income splitting for people who are retired?
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Let me be blunt, employers do have to raise wages if they can't attract enough employees. That's the free market, that's how it works.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
I have worked hard to represent people of all backgrounds and I have always done so in a spirit of tolerance.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
We don't need subsidized corporate welfare schemes that rely on endless bailouts from the taxpayer.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
We believe in lowering taxes for everyone, and those tax reductions should be targeted at people with middle and modest incomes, and I don't say that rhetorically.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
It is time to unleash our economy... to unleash the free market system so that businesses can grow and prosper so that our workers can be rewarded for their work and our economy can relaunch to its rightful place at the head of the pack.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
If the knowledge of the cost of the carbon tax in itself would cause injury to the Canadian economy, then that cost must be even worse than we have imagined.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
We promised the Accountability Act, we delivered the Accountability Act.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
If there are violent lawbreakers who want to rob the livelihoods of honest hard-working Canadians in the energy sector, then those lawbreakers should be treated like lawbreakers.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
There are two major problems that come out of COVID-19: the massive unemployment that is destroying the revenues for our programs, the paychecks for our families, and the sense of purpose for our workers. The second is the astronomical levels of household government and corporate debt.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
The opposition has always opposed the Universal Child Care Benefit, from the time the Liberals said parents would just spend it on beer and popcorn.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
When a terrorist goes to Parliament Hill, he's looking for the prime minister and his cabinet.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
In 2015, our government will make no apologies for using innovative ways to inform Canadians of the terrific enhanced benefits to which they are entitled.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
The Fair Elections Act in its final form will require every single voter to produce ID showing who they are before they vote. Away from the noise in political Ottawa, everyone understands that this is common sense.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
I make no apologies for informing parents of the expanded universal child care benefit.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
So much of the time, in politics, we try to come up with these clever turns of phrase, slogans or messages, but what the public really wants is just the simple facts.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
Government cannot tax what Parliament does not approve, but Parliament cannot approve what it does not know.
- Pierre Poilievre
Image of Pierre Poilievre
If the Bank of Canada does want to start getting more and more political, then it will be held to the same level of political accountability as other political entities.
- Pierre Poilievre