Phyllis Smith

Image of Phyllis Smith
I'm just a normal person, believe me.
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
My family in St. Louis brings me to my roots.
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
When I'm home, I go back to the same routine that I've had since I was a kid.
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
Life is not all a bowl of cherries. There are days when you aren't going to feel up to par. And it's healthy to see it in yourself and to ask, 'Hey, what's going on?'
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
Listen, if there's anything we need more of in this world, it's something that has a better ending or is more positive.
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
Sadness is a necessary emotion. It's maybe not the most pleasant one to have, but it's cathartic.
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
I want to do the best and be the best at what I do.
- Phyllis Smith
Image of Phyllis Smith
We are made up of multiple emotions. And it would be unnatural to completely eliminate even one or two or three of those. It's impossible. You'd become a robot if the emotions weren't there.
- Phyllis Smith