Philip Rosenthal

Image of Philip Rosenthal
And with regard to the Italian family we portrayed on 'Everybody Loves Raymond' - Italians and Jews do share two traits: all problems are solved with food, and the mother never leaves you alone.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Alone
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I don't have the talent, the temperament, or the patience to be a great chef. I'd much rather order from someone who can really do it. I love restaurants. They make my life better.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Patience
Image of Philip Rosenthal
A good restaurant is like a vacation; it transports you, and it becomes a lot more than just about the food.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Food
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Because you know what happens when you say 'hello' or 'good morning?' You make a connection. And isn't that what being human is all about?
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Good
Image of Philip Rosenthal
We live life in restaurants, its the center of social life, where we celebrate with family and friends, make new friends, travel without traveling, and of course, eat.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Family
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I am a terrible chef; I'm not a good cook. I don't have the talent, the patience, the desire even to cook the way these great artists that I meet around the world cook, and I'm very, very happy to support them. I invest in restaurants because I love them so much.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Patience
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Two-thirds of us in the U.S. don't have a passport. I'm here to say that travel is the best, most mind-expanding thing we can do with our hard-earned extra money.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Travel
Image of Philip Rosenthal
The world's pretty big. I have to see everything, do everything, eat everything. You'll never be as young as you are right now, so while your legs still work, while you still have the breath in your lungs, go. At the end of our lives, we only regret the things we didn't do.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Work
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Food is the great connector, and laughs are the cement. If we go out to eat and have a nice meal, that's one thing. If we can share a laugh, now we're friends.
- Philip Rosenthal
Collection: Food
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I'm trying to make connections. That's all we do as human beings on the planet, isn't it? We try to connect.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
My little joke that I make whenever I talk about my show is that the way I sold the show to Netflix is 'I'm exactly like Anthony Bourdain, if he was afraid of everything.'
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
If you're any good at all at what you do, you get better the more you do it.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
The other stuff of marriage can fade a little bit, but as long as you can laugh with your partner, that's everything because that's what remains at the end of the day. I think that's how we pick our friends and that's how we ultimately pick who we marry.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
So, I've got to have food, I've got to have humor. But these things are just the way in to what the show's really about, I think, which is connecting with the people.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I feel like the world would be a better place if more people experienced a little bit of someone else's experience.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Going out into the world, I do feel like a kid in a candy store.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Life is about travel, and beauty in life, the love we find, the joy we have the laughs we have together. That's what I'm dedicating the rest of my life to.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I can't say it was always ice cream and rainbows in our house. We would yell and we would fight and I was a terrible child, and it was, but, on the other hand, laughs. I don't think I'm alone in this.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I'm not Andrew Zimmern, who is like a superhero to me. I'm not Anthony Bourdain, who was a superhero to me.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
You can't kill people if you're eating and laughing with them.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
When you're first starting a show, any show, you learn what works and what doesn't work, and it's a kind of trial and error thing.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
If I'm trying to get you to travel by showing you the best places in the world to eat, I think enthusiasm goes a long way. Especially because I'm not a chef, I'm not an expert. I'm a tourist like you.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
That's the secret to anything we write. You have to bring your experience to it. Otherwise, how do you expect anyone else to connect to it?
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I think I have the perfect level of fame. 99% of the time, I'm a normal person. But once a day someone comes up to say hello, and it's beautiful.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
At Hofstra, I got a very well rounded education. I studied acting, but they wouldn't let me just study acting. I had to take classes in play analysis, directing, producing. I had no idea this would ever be relevant. And, of course, it's what I used the rest of my life.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I didn't know what I was going to get. You never do, when you're filming something for real.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Of course, my whole theory of comedy is based in reality. The funniest stuff comes from real life.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I guess I happen to have one of those faces that just says everything I'm thinking. I guess it's a gift, but I see it as a potential liability. It keeps me honest.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
If you're in the writer's room, in any writer's room in the world, before you pitch a joke or suggest an idea, you first think it's funny and decide to say it out loud. The next step is for the people around you to accept it or reject it, before it ever sees the light of day, on film or in front of an audience.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Takeout is a way to explore different lands and different cultures just by sitting in your home and ordering. I mean, there couldn't be an easier way to explore and I would advise people in this terrible time that this is a great form of entertainment to experience what's around you.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Jose Andres has this brilliant plan which is that you employ the restaurants and restaurant workers, and then you pay them and then they feed people in need.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I don't want to live in a world without the diner and the coffee shop and the mom and pop places, the ethnic restaurants.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I truly think you can get a great meal in most cities around the world now. I credit the internet for making it possible for a kid in Iowa to see what a great chef in Paris is doing and emulate it.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Most restaurant people work much harder physically, on a daily basis, than most entertainers. Though most people in entertainment complain more.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
The artist is a combination of what's happened to them in their lives and how it's filtered through the way they think. That's what makes me different than Samantha Brown or Anthony Bourdain.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Most people enjoy other people. Most people are human beings first. And affiliated with political parties second.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
The highlight of my day is figuring out where I'm going to order dinner from in Los Angeles. As horrible as everything is, it's the golden age of takeout. Restaurants are not splitting their focus between serving customers in-store and delivery and takeout.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
Eleven million people in America work in the restaurant industry - and then when you start figuring in the farmers, the cheese makers, the wine people, all the other industries that support the restaurants, you're talking about a much bigger number.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
A puppy is the ultimate distraction.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
It's our most underrated value, I think, as human beings is our sense of humor. It's how we choose our friends.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I was with a Russian family, and I couldn't believe that the grandparents in Russia, first of all I was shocked and delighted to find that the Russian family that I'd been told was so different from the American family, was exactly the same.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
I've inherited a Jewish sensibility and sense of humor from my parents and all those who came before me. All the Jewish comedians, character actors and writers I was exposed to also reminded me of my family in their sense of humor.
- Philip Rosenthal
Image of Philip Rosenthal
In certain cultures, they'll eat an eyeball. I'm never gonna be that guy.
- Philip Rosenthal