Penny Johnson Jerald

Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
If you dream of becoming an eagle, you follow your dreams and not the words of a bunch of chickens.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Collection: Dreams
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
Well, traditionally, my husband and I go back to our farm in Virginia but we do Christmas every day. We truly do. For us, it's about giving. We are of the Christian faith we believe that if people can see God in us, then we're actually doing our job.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Collection: Christmas
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
The final scenes in 'Rain' are just like my mother-in-law when she would sit under the window in my sitting room - one foot in the other world and just holding on.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I believe I never finished playing Sherry Palmer, that's why when the thought they shot and killed me, Penny's butt kept breathing on the floor, because I believe that she never died. I just feel like that's a character that I would want to play to feel a completion, because I never really completed playing her.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
Give me the action. I come from a place of fighters. My father was a fighter, a boxer, and Penny loves to box. So give it to me until my body won't do it anymore. Bring it on.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
My moral obligation is to God. I won't curse in God's name.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I wasn't an avid watcher of the original 'Star Trek.' But they'd pull out this thing to communicate without wires and you thought, 'Yeah, right.' Now... we're doing that with cellphones. So I think our minds are more open to the unimaginable.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
With 'Deep Space Nine,' I learned that when you get a script, you should give honor to the writer. On 'Larry Sanders,' even on '24,' you could make up stuff.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I actually believe more in outer space in Virginia, because I can look up at the sky and count the stars.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
To be perfectly honest, I have not watched 'Discovery,' I was ignorant of the fact that it was even coming out. I thought it was another movie coming out.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I won't consider a script if there's nothing redeeming about it. I can't do shoot-'em-up, bang-up shows.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
If it violates me physically, then it's not worth it to me. There will always be another job where you don't have to take your clothes off or have a gutter mouth.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
Often, you don't want to know too much, because it does affect your performance. When you're shooting a series for nine months out of the year, you don't want to anticipate too much, because you're going to work and you have to enjoy this thing too.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I've been in some wonderful shows, but nothing holds a candle to 'The Larry Sanders Show.'
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I'll take a secret to my grave. I'm really good at that.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I love a good challenge.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
As a female, you either have a whole bunch of female friends or none.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I'm the TV girl.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
Actors are adults playing hide-and-ego-seek.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
Most of us got jobs right after 'The Larry Sanders Show' because of 'The Larry Sanders Show.' I know that for a fact for myself.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
I think I take away a naturalistic approach to acting from doing 'The Larry Sanders Show,' a way to put aside acting and just exist in the world of what's being handed to me.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
Working on 'The Larry Sanders Show,' everything was there on the paper and in the room and within the four walls when all of us were together. It was just all there.
- Penny Johnson Jerald
Image of Penny Johnson Jerald
It feels good to be a couple of characters, sometimes in the same day.
- Penny Johnson Jerald