Park Yeon-mi

Image of Park Yeon-mi
North Korea is an unimaginable country. We aren't free to sing, say, wear or think what we want.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In North Korea, people who are actually oppressed don't even know they're oppressed.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
When I was in South Korea, the books that I read about Americans were actually Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama. If this country actually oppresses people and enslaves the people, how are those two women billionaires?
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I learnt about the universe. I learnt about human rights and human dignity - this was so new to me.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I crossed the Gobi desert to be free and now I thought I live in a country where I can say what I believe and have my freedom to think. However, now I have to constantly censor my speech because in the name off a 'safe place.'
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
Nothing is forever, and I believe that North Korea will change in my lifetime.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I'm extremely grateful I was born in North Korea. If that didn't happen, there's no way I could understand other people's pain.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
People would ask me about my hobbies and what I liked. I had never been asked those questions because what I thought didn't matter. I didn't know what a hobby was. In North Korea we used 'we,' and to say - 'I like this,' - was the worst thing you could say.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
The media's censorship is unthinkable... If we don't stop, we are going to end up like North Koreans.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I literally crossed through the middle of the Gobi Desert to be free. But what I did was nothing, so many people fought harder than me and didn't make it.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
Freedom meant for me to wear earrings, not freedom of speech.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
My favorite movies were 'Titanic,' 'James Bond' and 'Pretty Woman' - people smuggled in pirate copies from China.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I thought North Koreans were the only people who hated Americans, but turns out there are a lot of people hating this country in this country.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
The year 2015 brought me so many further chances to spread the word about human rights violations in North Korea, from addressing the United Nations to publishing my autobiography.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I couldn't imagine that I'd ever see men as normal people and I could never trust them. I couldn't bear any human connection with men.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I am an ambitious person. In the West, being ambitious isn't a bad thing. You work hard and you have a purpose in life. But in North Korea, you can never be individualistic. You can never live for yourself. You have to live for the regime.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
We don't have friends in North Korea. We only have comrades. There's no concept of friends.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I never asked to be a spokesperson or public figure. It just happened.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
When I was invited to return to the 2015 One Young World summit in Bangkok, I knew that I had to make it back. One Young World had given me a platform, and for me it was vitally important for new delegates to hear about North Korea.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I don't think I will ever understand what freedom means, but I am enjoying learning.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
My mum was sold for $65 and I was sold for $260 - at the age of 13.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In North Korea, it was actually an oppressive regime and that's why I escaped with my life.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I thought America was different, but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
South Koreans often don't think of North Korean defectors as Korean. While we have been granted citizenship, the locals don't consider us as South Korean citizens. We are often treated differently and viewed differently, even by people who care for us the most.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
Everything in North Korea was about the leader, all the books, music and TV.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I came to South Korea with a feeling of deep kinship, but people here perceive me only as a talbukja, someone of a different nationality.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I don't think anyone should have power over me, or have the right to tell me what to say or how to think. That's not right. I want to be free.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
North Korea cannot change because its people don't realize that there is an alternative to their suffering.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
Reading 'Animal Farm' set me free from the dictatorship in my head. I could see all the tactics used by the regime to control us - they were all in that book.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
That is what is happening in America. People see things, but still they've just completely lost the ability to think critically.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
What you need to know about North Korea is that it's not like other countries like Iran or Cuba. In those countries, you have some kind of understanding that they are abnormal, they are isolated and the people are not safe. But North Korea has been so completely purged from the rest of the world, it's literally a Hermit Kingdom.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I'll live longer than Kim Jong-un - he's fatter than me. He doesn't like me.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader was starving. He's the fattest guy - how can anyone believe that?
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In North Korean culture, love is a shameful thing and nobody talked about it in public. The regime was not interested in human desires and love stories were banned.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
All the foreign movies we saw about love affected me and my generation. Now we no longer want to die for the regime, we want to die for love.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
The oppression is like nothing imaginable - I literally believed that Kim Jong-il could read my mind.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
There were stereotypes: you are from the communist country so you are not a hard worker. You talk awkwardly and speak with an accent and you don't have any high education like us so you are basically stupid. And I am shorter than South Koreans - I was malnourished when I was young. It made me believe I was a loser.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I was a slave. I was sold in China in 2007 as a child at 13 years old.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
Because I have seen oppression, I know what it looks like.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
My detective just told me, 'Seriously, you are in danger and you have to change all your information.' But I said no because my name, Park Yeon-mi, is my legacy from my father, that's the only one he just left me. I'm very proud of my name so that's why if I die I'm ok.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
When I saw my father's death it was not human, he was less better than an animal and I didn't want the end of my life to be like that.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I did everything I can to be free and escaped.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I never heard my father telling my mother that he loved her. And my mother never told me she loved me, either.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I was living in the border area with China, in Hyesan City. But after my father was imprisoned for informal trading, I escaped to China.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
My concern is: How on earth is anything more urgent than the lives of people in North Korean concentration camps?
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
I thought, if I go to China, I might find food to eat. The only reason to escape was to find a bowl of rice. And I was trafficked and sold in China.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In North Korea, when there is an alarm, it means that there is a war drill. It means that you need to run.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In restaurants, when people order food - and they have menus - I hate that. Just give me something to eat. Quantity matters, not quality.
- Park Yeon-mi
Image of Park Yeon-mi
In North Korea, we never learned to think critically. There is no concept of individualism. The government treated us as less valuable than animals. You can't even stay overnight at someone's house without permission from the police. My mother warned me not to say - or even think - anything bad about our "dear leader," Kim Jong Il, because "even the birds and mice can hear you whisper."
- Park Yeon-mi
Collection: Mother