Orson Bean

Image of Orson Bean
I adored my mother. She was beautiful, smart, sexy and funny.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
The nineteen fifties was a time of tumultuous change.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
When I was a kid, FDR on the radio said, 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.' We should be afraid of fear, or at least of acting out of it.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
San Francisco is a city; L.A. is a collection of suburbs that have very little in common with one another.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
Most municipalities grow up around commerce; there's a harbor, or the train stops there. Venice, CA was founded for fun.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
If there should be one place where you should forget politics, forget whether you're liberal or conservative, whether you hate Trump or love him, it should be the ballgame.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
I think America was a miracle. I think God loves this country.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
When I grew up, which was really in the 30s and the 40s, the movies were a moral guideline for me.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
It's funny, I never watch TV. I watch Fox News.
- Orson Bean
Image of Orson Bean
Bring me an order of escargots, but hold the slugs.
- Orson Bean
Collection: Food
Image of Orson Bean
What do women want? A guy they can't drive crazy. There aren't many around. But they try. They can't help it, it's their nature.
- Orson Bean
Collection: Crazy
Image of Orson Bean
The TV show I do ['Dr Quinn'] is the day job that enables me to work with this theater [Pacific Resident Theatre Ensemble]. That's all I live for. That's what I care about. There's no dough in it. Nothing to do but lose money. But it's all from the heart, and that's why it's so much fun.
- Orson Bean
Collection: Jobs