Olive Schreiner

Image of Olive Schreiner
For those of us who have a ground of knowledge which we cannot transmit to outsiders, it is perhaps more profitable to act fearlessly than to argue.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Experience
Image of Olive Schreiner
I am always thirsting for beautiful, beautiful, beautiful music. I wish I could make it. Perhaps there isn't any music on earth like what I picture to myself.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Music
Image of Olive Schreiner
Marriage for love is the most beautiful external symbol of the union of souls; marriage without it is the least clean traffic that defiles the world.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Olive Schreiner
To us, from the beginning, Nature has been but a poor plastic thing, to be toyed with this way or that, as man happens to please his deity or not; to go to church or not; to say his prayers right or not; to travel on a Sunday or not.Was it possible for us in an instant to see Nature as she is-the flowing vestment of an unchanging reality?
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Prayer
Image of Olive Schreiner
[Finishing schools] are nicely adapted machines for experimenting on the question, "Into how little space a human being can be crushed?" I have seen some souls so compressed that they would have fitted into a small thimble, and found room to move . . .
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Moving