Nikki Bella

Image of Nikki Bella
Do I want to walk the rest of my life? Do I want to not be in pain? It just sucks because I have this true battle going on in my head, and everyone keeps telling me you gotta put your health first, but there's so much of me that wants to put my career first.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
We're here in this women's revolution - we're in this women's empowerment movement worldwide - and, if anything, women should stick up for each other and be like, 'No, she deserves everything she has, and she's worked hard as a woman.'
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
To me, it's disheartening when you have someone take away everything you've done as a woman because of a man.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I am with a very successful man, and the crazy thing is people think that it makes my career easier.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
If I didn't have competition and I didn't have people trying to take my spot, then it can make someone lazy. So it does the exact opposite. It motivates me.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I can't tell you how proud I am of all the Total Divas and just how excited I am about how well the show is doing.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
We fell in love with wrestling, and then we really wanted to break barriers, and we now get to do that because that's evolved beyond the ring.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
When I leave this world, I don't want to leave just having a well-known name but having made a difference.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I never would have thought, when I was 23 and first stepped foot in that ring, that it would give me a platform to use my voice.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
It's crazy what can happen in a decade and how much you can grow as a person and as a woman and truly find your voice.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
It makes me feel young. Dancing just gives you youth. You can get lost in these moments where the day just seems better. There's something very freeing about dancing, and I love that.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
To film with our family is awesome - you have to hang out with each other, and I love that because I hate being alone.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I love being on 'Smackdown.' I feel like there is so much more opportunity, and we get to tell such fun, interesting stories. Everyone wants to work together to create gold - it's the best locker room I have ever been in throughout my whole career.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
Everyone used to tell me, 'Just so you know, Divas only last five years around here.' I said, 'What? I want to be here forever!'
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
When we started training with WWE, coaches were impressed and asked if we had had boxing training. I said no, it was all soccer. As a defender, I had to learn to stay on my feet, track backwards, and I feel all the movement I do in the ring was helped by my soccer background.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I didn't want to come back and be mediocre; I wanted to hang in with the girls, and I wanted to prove myself every week.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I do talk pretty valley. I totally have this look, and I'm so in love with my man, he makes me talk in a weird voice, and you can just make fun of me easy.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
There is so much I want to do in this world, and you only live this one life, and it goes by so fast. So I totally love to take up every second of the day doing what I love, being focused and driven and taking on a new opportunity or venture, or making sure the ones I already have are going to be the best ever.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
My nana is elegant, classy, and the most amazing woman that has ever walked this earth.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I'm not just muscles and headlocks. I need to prove to people that there is an elegant woman in here.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I love playing bad.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
You watch someone, and you see how they are, and sometimes you can use that against them.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
When someone thinks they're good at something, you can use it against them, and that's what we did. We did the kiss of death.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I want to be challenged every week; I want to know that my title is on the line, and I have to fight to keep it.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I'm really excited to get my Herve Leger, my Louboutins, and to be rocking the red carpet. I don't know if Hollywood can handle it, but I'm ready to bring it.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I like the definition in someone's shoulders and arms. It's beautiful.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I can't tell you how many guys have approached me when I'm doing cardio. Like, I have my headphones on; I'm in the zone, so don't bother me.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I remember walking home one day from school, and this car pulled up behind me really slow, and it gave me a really weird feeling, and all of a sudden it skimmed me, and the man was half naked and tried to pull me into his car and saying crazy things to me. And it was terrifying.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I think my mom is kind of this way, too. We're just such strong women. My mom's been through so much, so I think that's where I got it from.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I have to say I have an amazing therapist. She's my best friend for life. She's taught me how to balance everything out.
- Nikki Bella
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I am so excited to be an aunt.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
The one thing I've said before, the one thing that I've been taught is that when you fall, you get right back up. And I'm up.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
That's all I can be is fearless.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I want challenges. I want to compete. I don't want it to always be easy. I don't want it to always just be a few of us girls. I want there to be competition.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
It truly feels like all my blood, sweat, and tears have paid off, and you're just excited to be a woman because you're getting just as much time as the men, and you're getting the recognition.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
We started to have more women and little girls in our audience, where it started to be 40 percent female that sat in our live audience. So I think, when that was happening and the women were stepping up and saying, 'Hey we can do what the men do,' and then you saw it on a reality show, it was just inevitable for us to have this women's evolution.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
You can't just be anyone who is off the streets and come do what we do. You have to train, and there has to be something within you. You have to have athletic ability... What we do is 100 percent athletic. I feel like it's one of the top athletic programs out there when you consider professional sports.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I think just living in the day and age of technology, whether you're a celebrity or a normal human being, you're always worried about your privacy. And I think as long as you behave, you know you're OK. I think anyone worries about that.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I was loving being the champion, and I wasn't listening to my body. I almost felt like I was untouchable in a way - that I could just keep going and everything would be OK.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
I do everything in moderation and count everything... that includes my wine.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
There's nothing like performing in front of a live crowd and just having people literally react to whatever it is you do, and there's nothing better than when you get that connection with the audience.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
It shocks me, the rumors people start: that I have the title because of my boyfriend. If that was the case, I would have gotten the title when I came back years ago and still had the title. He has nothing to do with it.
- Nikki Bella
Image of Nikki Bella
If we can continue to tell stories where fans don't know what will happen next, I think that will be a plus in this 'Divas Revolution.'
- Nikki Bella