Nigel Lythgoe

Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Since we launched the original 'Pop Idol' in England, I've remained close with Simon Fuller. Working as executive producer on 'American idol' for its first seven years not only was an inspirational journey into the heart of American pop culture, it opened my eyes to the untapped potential of the incredibly dynamic young people in this world.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
It takes two to make a relationship, but only one to screw it up.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Collection: Relationship
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
In my lifetime, I've discovered a great many incredibly talented individuals. Some have achieved stardom. Simultaneously, I've seen many dreams shattered, egos destroyed and lives changed forever. The end destination may well be fame and fortune, but the road to stardom is littered with broken hearts.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I've never believed that 'Idol' as a franchise is beholden to any individual because everybody said it would die the minute Simon Cowell left, and it hasn't.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Certain formats should never be forgotten, 'Blind Date' for instance, because 'Britain's Got Talent' is really 'New Faces' or 'The Gong Show,' whilst we're basically 'Opportunity Knocks.'
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
So many people report to be contemporary dancers, and they're not. They are sort of jazz dancers that feel like they're throwing a bit of classical in there. I mean, a true contemporary dancer has got ballet as their base and classical ballet, and that is their base. And then they choose to extemporize on that and go into a contemporary world.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
We put too much on contemporary dancers. A lot of them cannot change styles; a lot of them can't do anything else other than run around the stage reaching and stretching in anguish to somebody off camera that I never understand who it is. But it's the teenage angst they have to live with.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Tap dancers find it very difficult to do anything other than tap if that is all they have been trained in because, again, it's a whole different ballgame that you're constantly working on - bent legs, loose ankles - which you cannot afford to do when you're doing jumps or anything else.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Adam Shankman has got such love and passion for dance.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
There's no question 'Amazing Race' is a beautifully produced show.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I don't go into my dentist and say, 'Are you gay?' I don't say to contestants on 'So You Think You Can Dance,' 'Are you gay?' What does it got to do with me? What does it got to do with anybody?
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Everybody I've ever seen live sings out of tune, even the greatest singers in the world. And of course if you make a single nowadays, they'll autotune it anyway.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Dancing is my passion. I started as a dancer.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I put the heart attack down to 66 cigarettes a day.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I nearly died with the peritonitis, but not the heart attack. The heart attack was like bad indigestion and two weeks later I was back in shouting at people. I was shouting at people during the heart attack. I had it for three days without realising what it was.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
The dance community suddenly came alive with programs like 'So You Think You Can Dance,' 'America's Best Dance Crew' and 'Dancing With The Stars.'
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
We've had nothing but support from everybody in the dance world for a National Dance Day.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I trained in every form of dance - started as a tap dancer when I was a kid, then contemporary, ballet, ballroom, everything. Russian, Swedish.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
With dancing, so much is about sexuality and sensuality and without life experience it becomes much more of a performance, rather than a living, breathing entity from the soul.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
And what is a stage dad, or a stage mom? It's someone who's protective. That's all.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
There can always be an 'Idol' without anybody. I believe that Seacrest is probably the best host in the business.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I think British audiences are accustomed to the 'boo' factor and pantomimes.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
If you don't know the right people or have the right connections, you may never be discovered. With 'Opening Act,' we are democratizing a notoriously impossible process, pulling back the curtains on a consistently fascinating industry, and affording aspiring artists the chance of a lifetime.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I don't think rap really fits in to 'American Idol' in the sense that I believe rap is an art form in itself more akin to poetry, more akin to drama, if you will.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I think rap in the street when they have rap competitions is thrilling because these kids are making it up and having a go at each other. They've got something to say. This is about getting their frustrations out.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Hip-hop is a way of life. It isn't a genre in truth in 'American Idol.'
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Nicki Minaj I think is one of the best judges I've ever worked with.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
'American Idol' became a juggernaut of epic proportions, but to me it was always like home.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
This whole thing about, 'Take it easy, you had a heart attack, you might die,' I don't have time to take it easy. I might go at any point now. So, I want to get as much done as I can!
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Since I've been in the U.S. I've lost the back of my heart, 15 ft. of intestine and my marriage - and God, I miss my intestine.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
'The Hobbit' by J. R. R. Tolkien was the first book I enjoyed. I was 14 and when I finished I started it again.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
I saw 'The Godfather' in London when it came out in 1972 and loved it. I've seen it probably 20 times - I always find something new.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
Jon Scoffield was an incredible director and producer at ATV. I met him when I was 30 and he made great things happen in my career. He's still alive, but we're no longer in touch.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
That makes entertaining television. That is the circus of American Idol . We go for the very, very best and the very, very worst. It's the boring people that we don't want to see on television.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Collection: Idols
Image of Nigel Lythgoe
The minute you take away somebody the public's voting for, you're screwing with the program. There's no logic to it.
- Nigel Lythgoe
Collection: Voting