Nicole Malliotakis

Image of Nicole Malliotakis
With divisive curriculum such as Critical Race Theory being taught in schools, and parents who are expressing concerns about curriculum and policy being treated as domestic terrorists by government agencies, it's critically important to protect parents' rights to transparency regarding their child's education.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Collection: Government
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
The American people have made it clear that they don't want more government control, expansion of the IRS, vaccine mandates, higher taxes, amnesty, or benefits going to those in the country illegally.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Collection: Government
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
As our country becomes a more urbanized nation, it's critically important that we continue to invest in green infrastructure projects that add essential economic and environmental value to our communities.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Collection: Environmental
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
We want the United States, the United Nations, and all democracies around the world to join the Cuban people in their quest for freedom, democracy, and basic human rights.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Collection: Freedom
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Our children need socialization with their peers and playing sports is a large part of that.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Collection: Sports
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Minimum wage is supposed to be entry level.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
In 2021 social media is how the world communicates, and the enforcement of arbitrary content guidelines imperil free speech. As censorship increases, we are heading down the path that led to the silencing of political dissent in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Venezuela.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Urban forests provide a number of benefits to communities, including carbon sequestration, a reduction in air pollution and noise, conservation of energy for homeowners, habitation for animals and creation of forestry and manufacturing jobs.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
If America is to remain the leader of the free world, our people need to be free.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
While President Biden talks tough on Russia, his actions - or lack thereof - speak louder, and have sent a clear message that the United States' foreign policy is one of appeasement, not action.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
From handling search and rescue missions, conducting anti-terrorism activities, and ensuring our goods are safely transported in and out of our ports, the men and women of the United States Coast Guard deserve functioning infrastructure.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
We want to make sure, particularly young people, understand that socialism is not something grand.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I certainly believe that, when Joe Biden says he wants to bring this country together, that he means it.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I'm always going to do what's in the best interest of my constituents.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Big Tech seems focused on acting as an extension of big government, quashing content from those who oppose their liberal ideology.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Social media was premised on the free and open exchange of ideas. It has reconnected old friends, helped people find lost loved ones, and given public figures and businesses a platform to market themselves and their products. But as Big Tech companies have grown, so has their appetite to censor.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
My father is from Greece, my mother is from Cuba, and I understand very much the aspirations of wanting to achieve the American dream.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I understand where my mother came from, not being able to elect your leaders.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I'm very sensitive and compassionate toward immigrants.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I look forward to working with my colleagues to strengthen ties with our allies, build on the success of the Trump Administration's trade and peace deals and advocate for freedom and democracy around the globe.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
In the New York State Assembly, I served on committees that oversaw the MTA and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and used my platform to restore bus service, increase transparency, speak out against toll and fare increases, and improve accessorized service for seniors and the disabled.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I'm honored to serve as an Assistant Whip for the Republican Conference and work with my colleagues to support policies that will improve the lives of our fellow Americans, while standing united against the Democrats' far-left agenda when necessary.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Americans and small businesses across our country continue to suffer as we work to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
It's never easy to vote against some of your own party.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I think I've come into Congress with the commitment that I want to try to find common ground and work with anyone and everyone who shares the same goals as I do.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I ran supporting President Trump, I ran on supporting our police and fully funding our police departments.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I've been very clear in the past about my view of Sheldon Silver. He ripped off the taxpayers and was appropriately convicted.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I think historically, the Republican party has not nominated many women or minorities and they had a difficult time getting those votes.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I've been to Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Manhattan numerous times throughout my career.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I enjoy meeting new people.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I feel that I'm someone who can compromise, can work with the other side.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I believe that we should be doing more to get people off of minimum wage. I think that's the real path to being able to provide for your family.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Nothing is more important than the integrity of our election system and it is past time for Congress to come together and work in a bipartisan fashion to improve it, eliminate irregularities and fraud and ensure that election security is no longer debated in the future.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Politics is a contact sport, and certainly heads butt from time to time.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Even Teddy Roosevelt is not safe in de Blasio's New York.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Schools not only provide the in-person learning that our young people need to prepare themselves for life, but also provide counseling, nutrition, intervention, school athletics and other critical support services.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
My constituents and I were shocked to learn that hundreds of millions of dollars were being sent to other countries as part of the COVID relief package passed by the last Congress.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
It's time for Congress to stop wasting its time and taxpayer money.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
In 2017 when I was a candidate for Mayor, I stressed the importance of workforce training, enhancing - not dismantling - welfare to work programs, and as a State Legislator advocated for supportive housing instead of opening shelters.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Instead of throwing money at the problem and locking individuals into a likely permanent cycle of homelessness, we should be looking for options to help the homeless transition out of the shelter system and give them more opportunities to advance in society and achieve their own American Dream.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
As the Representative for Staten Island and Southern Brooklyn, communities that are both extremely sensitive to tolling, I'm greatly disappointed in the Federal Highway Administration's decision to not require the MTA to conduct a thorough and full-scale review to determine the unintended consequences of the Congestion Pricing Program.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
For more than 200 years, the Staten Island Ferry has been a symbol of New York City's harbor and an integral part of our city's transportation system.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
It is critically important that we know who is entering our country and that the laws in place are followed for everyone's safety.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
As the daughter of immigrants, I'm willing to work with my colleagues to implement common-sense policies, but it must start with securing our border, deporting those who have committed crimes and not rewarding those who have crossed our borders illegally by putting them ahead of immigrants who are following the rules.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
We should all be proud of the many contributions Hellenes have made in our society, especially in the areas of science, medicine, business, government, philanthropy and the arts.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
As the proud daughter of a Greek immigrant who came to the United States in search of the American Dream, I feel an enormous sense of pride in my heritage.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I am honored to represent New York's 11th Congressional District in Congress, an institution founded on the Greek ideals of representative government.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
I'm looking forward to working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle along with the Biden Administration to advance the causes that the Hellenes hold so dear.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
Being the representative for Staten Island and Southern Brooklyn, I represent the largest population of 9/11 first responders in all of New York City.
- Nicole Malliotakis
Image of Nicole Malliotakis
All Americans should be concerned that the same actors who negotiated the original Iran Deal are again at the helm under the Biden Administration.
- Nicole Malliotakis