Nicola Sturgeon

Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I don't feel we need to be independent for me to feel confident in my Scottish identity. I think Scotland is pretty comfortable in its identity. We won't need independence to preserve it... if we don't become independent, it won't disappear; it isn't under existential threat.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Independence
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Scotland is not a region of the U.K.; Scotland is a nation, and if we cannot protect our interests within a U.K. that is going to be changing fundamentally, then that right of Scotland to consider the options of independence has to be there.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Independence
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I am a social democrat - I believe in pursuing greater equality and tackling social justice - but... you can't do that unless you have got a strong economy, unless you have got a vibrant business base earning the wealth that makes that possible.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Equality
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
The importance of education is ingrained in Scottish history.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: History
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I want there to be another independence referendum at some stage. I want Scotland to be independent, but I wouldn't choose to have it happen because England votes to come out of the E.U.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Independence
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
True gender equality in Scotland - and elsewhere - is still some way off.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Equality
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Being a housewife is not important to me, but I'm never happier than when I come home and shut the door.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Home
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
My pledge to you is that the SNP will put women and gender equality right at the heart of the Westminster agenda.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Equality
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Equality and prosperity shouldn't be seen as enemies of each other, but as partners. One reinforces the other.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Equality
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I'm not making any secret of the fact I still believe in independence. We'll continue to argue the case.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Independence
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
A minority government can't govern without support from other parties.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Government
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
It is hard to overstate the economic importance of the U.S.A. to Scotland, and that makes it essential that we engage with companies and potential investors and get the message across that we are open for business.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Business
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
It's not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it's votes in ballot boxes.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I do not want to see, for any reason, the Tories resurgent in any way.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I stand here today as the first woman first minister of our country. Every day I hold this office, I will work to ensure that every woman, every wee girl across this country, gets a chance to do what I've done and follow their dream.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
American companies based in Scotland employ large numbers of people - in fact, we are the best performing part of the U.K., outside London and the southeast of England when it comes to attracting foreign direct investment.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
The U.K. needs a strong opposition, and Labour shows no signs of being capable of being that. The SNP is filling that void and will go on seeking to do that.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Maybe unlike a lot of people who join the SNP today, I never had any expectation of a political career.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I think it is important the communities are listened to and that their voice is heard, particularly with local government boundaries more than parliamentary boundaries, because you are talking very much about communities. It can be a very emotive thing.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
A good education is the most important gift we can give our young people.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. I hated everything she stood for.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
People who think of a nationalist party sometimes think 'inward-looking and parochial.' The kind of nationalism I represent is the opposite of that.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I think you should always aim for more.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
There is nothing in your background that inherently holds you back or means you can't achieve what others can achieve. You are the master of your own fate, and if you work hard, you can do what you want.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Our opposition to Trident is very clear, very firm, very long-standing, very principled, and we would seek to build an alliance to prevent the renewal of Trident.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
One thing we've learned is that there's not anything that Nigel Farage won't blame on foreigners.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I do struggle to identify an occasion when I was held back because I'm a woman... You don't think about it at the time, but looking back at it, of course.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I'm not going to do anything that heralds in a Tory government.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
As a young woman in politics, with few women around, you start to subconsciously behave like men in politics. That comes across as quite hard, tough and humorless, but you're trying to be taken seriously.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
There's nothing in my background that would have said I was destined to be a senior politician.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I don't cook very often. Actually, I'd go further: I can't cook.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Let us put the normal divisions of politics aside. Let us come together as one country; let us seize this historic moment to shift the balance of power from the corridors of Westminster to the streets and communities of Scotland.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I drove my mum and dad mad.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
What a war in Iraq will not do is bring about peace in the Middle East or end the injustices that feed resentment and breed terrorists.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
One of Ed Miliband's shadow ministers has said he would never vote for the renewal of Trident.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Do I look like one of the most dangerous women in Britain? Come on!
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
The decision on whether there is another referendum is down to the Scottish people.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I've never had a voice coach, but I am about to name drop horrendously here: I did once get some advice on how to project my voice from Sean Connery, which was lovely. It's all about where you breathe. That's my claim to fame.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I and Alex Salmond are not in competition - we are on the same side; we are on the same team, working together.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, it is possible for other parties to change the direction of a government without bringing a government down.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I consider myself a selfie specialist.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
As a veteran of many campaigns, I know how important it is not let up in the last few days.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I'm a politician, and as you know, politicians are rarely very funny.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Haggis is delicious. It is wonderful. It's spicy, it's tasty, and you get vegetarian haggis as well.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I thought if people were going to talk about what I wear, wouldn't it be good if they were talking about who designed it, who made it and if that's a Scottish company, so teaming up with Totty Rocks has been fantastic.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
It still annoys me when I read really derogatory things about how a woman looks because you would usually not read these things about a man, and that still has the potential to put women off public life.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Men - the colour of their tie is the most difficult decision they have to make every day.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
Twitter's probably my bad habit.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I believe we should support people to live, and I am therefore in favour of good quality palliative care.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
London has a centrifugal pull on talent, investment and business from the rest of Europe and the world. That brings benefits to the broader U.K. economy.
- Nicola Sturgeon