Nick Nolte

Image of Nick Nolte
Success comes to you with luck and a lot of hard work, but it doesn't give you the right to be any better than anybody else.
- Nick Nolte
Collection: Success
Image of Nick Nolte
Birth is violent, and out of that violence is our only chance of rebirth.
- Nick Nolte
Collection: Chance
Image of Nick Nolte
Asking for forgiveness is just one of the most painful kind of experiences.
- Nick Nolte
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Nick Nolte
The difference between a murderer and myself is only that I choose not to do it. But I'm capable.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Acting is a bit of a substitute for life.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
With 3D, all you're doing is trying to shock the audience; there's no value to the storytelling.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
In America, the old are neglected.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Ageing's a difficult thing, moving closer to death, but it's okay. I've had a good time living, so I'm gonna have a good time dying.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Sometimes the writing can be so good that the actor doesn't really have to do anything.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I've been called 'the voice actor.'
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I've been in movies where the movie doesn't come together but the role comes together, or the movie comes together but the role doesn't come together or something like that. Something misses. It's very difficult to make it hit on all cylinders - it's just very rare.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Obviously I had gone all through high school and into college, and you don't do that not knowing how to read.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Women are just more oriented toward feelings - and I don't mean that in a negative way. But with a male actor and a male director, the emotional exploration can only go so far. With a female director, you can end up exploring so many more depths.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Living in a small town, one of the keys to survival was your imagination.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
When women talk about their feelings, they're not asking for solutions.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I never fought much. It just wasn't my thing. I suppose I could, but I've never got into fights. Not a real one.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I have a high degree of sensitivity, always have. I was very shy as a child. I don't know why that was.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
How do I relax? Meditate, I guess. I quit golf. You twist your back and get all cranked up.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I can't ad-lib, or not for long.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I never caught on to being a bully.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
No one wants to spend too long inside their own darkness.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
No one consciously wants to destroy themselves. It always comes in a disguise. But then you have to deal with it some way.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
If you're older you want to tell stories about the pool of human life and living and to communicate, not only to your age group but to do an age group that can begin to understand, that has enough experience of life far beyond the taste of life.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
You give up your narcissism, your egotism. That's how you achieve chemistry.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
If you get yourself in a hole, you dig yourself out.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
You're playing a role, but you're still feeling it. You can walk away from it after 'Cut,' but if you're playing a sad or mixed-up person, it's hard to stay in that place for these longish period of times. You kind of have to check out.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Early on I decided that I was going to lie to the press. The best approach to talking about my personal life was to lie.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
The truth was that, you know, there was no reason to send me to Shattuck Military School. But it was a disciplinarian school.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
We're very reluctant to change, even though we know that all things change, and especially our relationships are just determined to change.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
If you had a cancer on your skin and had it burned it off, you'd wash it and clean it every day.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Now, there is always a tremendous fear of science and progressing forward into areas of the unknown and it is a valid fear. Some of the genetic alterations of food are a little edgy.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I never felt comfortable in real life very well. It's always been an awkward kind of thing for me and so when I hit the stage I just sensed freedom. I sensed, 'Here's a place that I can have all the experiences of life and not feel uncomfortable about it.'
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
We truly have an ancient part of the brain that was about survival when we were prey but we seem to have gone past prey. We eat everything and nothing eats us.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
You have to struggle a bit, hustle a little, and be willing to go bankrupt. Once you're willing to do that, everything opens up and you get the freedom. My joke is that next year, I'll make the first film that costs zero dollars.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
If you feel you have a film that's valid, you stick your ass on the line.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
When you are making the one you are doing, you think it is the greatest film going. And then you do another one and it is a great film.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I've made a lot of mistakes and I don't regret any of them. Sometimes that's the only way you learn.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
We're really all alone. We can't ever get inside another person's spirit, and see the world they do. So we are alone in that sense. The only way we have to communicate feelings is through words.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
The only people who ever called me a rebel were people who wanted me to do what they wanted.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I like working with writer-directors because you can solve problems right there.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
All American males are failed athletes, and it was big time even if it was Little League. It meant a lot to you.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
When I was a kid, my dad went to World War II. I didn't know him. I was born in '41.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
We're social animals. We've got to get along together. It's in our nature. We're hardwired that way.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Peace, truthfully, is how you feel inside.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
If I'm not a successful human being, who I am?
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
About the only thing that'll stay with you that you can trust all your life is your breath. Your breath will be there at the very last, because when it stops, you will stop.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I can't get any satiation. My brain is wired in such a way that I - in my research, I probably have a lack of D1 and D2 receptor sites. These are dopamine receptor sites, and satiation is a process that involves a cascade.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
You work at a job, and you reach a certain level, and you're a little satisfied, and you keep going at it a little more, and you finally finish it. You go, 'Ah,' all your dopamine receptor sites are full. You're satiated.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
Yes, you can get addicted to exercise.
- Nick Nolte
Image of Nick Nolte
I've never been all that comfortable in real life.
- Nick Nolte