Neil Robertson

Image of Neil Robertson
I always knew I could win tournaments in the U.K. but there was a question mark over whether I could deal with playing in China.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I've been watching Arnold Schwarzenegger. There's a couple of hour-long videos and he's made some amazing speeches. You look at what he's done in his career and it's such an inspiration with where he started. He's got these six rules of success which I listen to quite a lot and it really motivates me.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I have to motivate myself every season now to win things I've already won just to build my own legacy and try to end my career as high up as I possibly can.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
Now I've won everything in the game I'm just trying to repeat the success.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
There's no specific reason for it, sometimes results just go against you and your opponents play too well.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
As long as your eyes aren't going, or you've got some back or neck problems, then you can play this game as long as you're motivated to practise.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
We know how hard it is to travel around and if the schedules are really tight for you, it means you're doing really well because you're not going home early from many events. When you go deep in tournaments, that's the consequence you have to pay I suppose.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
Yeah, I came over to Cambridge with 500 quid in my pocket and I had to borrow a waistcoat off another Australian player. I couldn't afford to buy one.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I have always tried to play the right way, and I honestly believe for the most part the etiquette in snooker is very good. So when there are breaches, and there are, it stands out.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
Players thump their cue on the floor when the opponent is coming to the table, or at the table. And the referees need to show some more authority on this stuff. You don't see it so much with top players or on TV tables - they know they can't get away with it.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I have all the gym kit set up in my house but I am too lazy to get up really early in the morning to do it myself.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
You look at the guys who are winning tournaments , Ronnie, Ding, Mark Selby, Marco Fu - none of them are overweight, they are the slimmer guys on tour.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
Maybe one day there will be a snooker pin-up calendar if we all get in shape. I would be up for that, get some spray tan going.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
The players who don't look after themselves physically and mentally and enjoy the nights out a bit too much will suffer, the sport is a lot more professional now.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I used to do too much weight training years ago. You probably wouldn't see it on me but I probably had a bit too much muscle.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
Snooker isn't a sport where you can put on bulk muscle. It's about the cueing and the stamina.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
The more muscle I'm losing, the better I'm cueing.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
It used to be that a lot of the ranking tournaments were in Britain so British players could just drive an hour up the road and be there. I've had to travel from the other side of the world to play and live in the U.K.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I think I'm a pretty calm kind of guy.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
I used to feel very tired during tournaments. I was drinking four or five coffees per day and felt I needed more.
- Neil Robertson
Image of Neil Robertson
When I was 16 I had a table at home in Melbourne and I hardly ever practised.
- Neil Robertson