Naveen Patnaik

Image of Naveen Patnaik
Millets are an integral part of tribal life and a staple diet of tribals of Odisha since time immemorial.
- Naveen Patnaik
Collection: Diet
Image of Naveen Patnaik
My health has never been an issue.
- Naveen Patnaik
Collection: Health
Image of Naveen Patnaik
There is a great deal of reward when you do good work and people see how successful that work is and the happiness it brings to them.
- Naveen Patnaik
Collection: Happiness
Image of Naveen Patnaik
We prefer to be isolated in Odisha. That is a policy of equidistance, and going it alone has served us well in the past.
- Naveen Patnaik
Collection: Alone
Image of Naveen Patnaik
To empower the women in rural areas, we have started something called Mission Shakti.
- Naveen Patnaik
Collection: Women
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I believe that investment in sports is investment in youth. And that, in turn, is investment in the future.
- Naveen Patnaik
Collection: Sports
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I can tolerate anything but corruption and nepotism.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I have inherited my father's responsibilities, not privileges. One of the members of his family had to continue his legacy of social responsibility.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Healthy Odisha - Happy Odisha. Let us continue our endeavour to build a prosperous and strong state.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
The Beatles were here in the 1960s, with their wives, at the Maharshi's ashram. And they wanted my advice on various matters in India.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Dynastic rule is when you are groomed to succeed. My father never groomed me to take over.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
If you succeed in doing something good for the people, it gives you a great sense of satisfaction.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Federalism is an intrinsic part of our constitutional set-up.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Why do politicians and bureaucrats get salaries and perks from the pockets of the poor and do nothing for them? So I took action against the corrupt and the lazy.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
We are a regional party, and our interests are for the people of Odisha.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
The love and affection of the people of Odisha continues to inspire me every day.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Odisha is a peaceful state; the people will not stand for violence in a democracy.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I am quite fluent in Odiya. I understand the people of Odisha, and they understand me.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Our government has been pro-poor, progressive, and people-oriented.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
My main aim is poverty reduction in the state.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I do think a healthy opposition is very necessary in a democracy.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
As far as natural calamities are concerned, Odisha had a very bad reputation before 2000 when we took over the government. After that, we have achieved international standards as far as controlling the effects of natural calamities. In fact, even the United Nations have complimented us on this.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
My interest as a regional party is to support, or try and support, whichever party fulfils the aspirations of Odisha.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Dhamra Port is a model of modern maritime trade in Odisha and a successful example of public-private partnership.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I think what is important is that my work speaks for itself.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Vajpayee had a much bigger stature than Mr Modi. He knew how to run a coalition government very successfully.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I had no great love for the trappings of power.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
One should do what is good for the country.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
In Odisha, we have concentrated on people and their development. We hope to take Odisha to new heights.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I think regional parties are very important if they fulfil regional aspirations.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I am always with poor and will continue work for protecting their interests.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I think everyone should be concerned about people's sensitivities and feelings.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
The government of Odisha believes in constructive cooperation with the Centre.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I was never in politics before I contested the Lok Sabha by-elections after my father's death.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Modi doesn't seem to be interested in Odisha. I certainly feel that.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
When I took over in 2000, Odisha was in a terrible financial state due to various policies, some of them unpopular.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
People of our State know the commitment and sincerity with which my Government deals with issues concerning the State, including Left wing extremism.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I thought my father served the people of Orissa, and I thought I would continue that to some extent.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I really don't think of power. I think more of service to the people of my state.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I am committed and content to work for the people of Odisha. I have no national ambitions whatsoever.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
As far as reading is concerned, I like historical and political books and works of art.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I know people voted for me only in my father's name.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
I trust the people of Odisha.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
My father was against nepotism.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
What I want is peaceful industrialisation.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
The Union government can do a lot more for poor states like Orissa.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Democracy should not work on the basis of personalities.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Vajpayeeji's time was a time of mutual respect and understanding, irrespective of how small or big a party you are. In fact, Vajpayeeji's handling of a coalition is something of a benchmark in world politics.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
Sometimes the energy of the crowd also catches on to you.
- Naveen Patnaik
Image of Naveen Patnaik
In the past, due to faulty economic policies like freight equalisation, resource-rich states like Odisha have suffered from the discriminatory policies of the Centre.
- Naveen Patnaik