Nancy Wilson

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I just think it's good to have a big, living, breathing piece of music that's not just songs.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We always wanted to do a children's book of some form or another.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I know, in so many cases, a lot of the women who came up through the singer-songwriter, Lilith Fair era, the earlier Lilith Fair era, did say that we were influences on them.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I think it's important to be kind of brutally honest without making anyone else feel bad in any way, if possible.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I feel like I've had a lot of painful situations that I intentionally delete from my memory.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We've been around for awhile, had a lot of success. Got a chance to sit around and go, 'Oh, yeah, we're pretty good.'
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
They're hard to come by, good producers.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
As far as havin' someone to talk to on the road, for instance, who's not a guy - it's saved my life many times to have Ann in the same group.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
There are some beautiful things about people like Katy Perry, who are bold enough to go up on a pink cotton-candy cloud, with a guitar, in a tutu, and sing all by herself.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
You need to know how to play live. The ones who can do that are the ones you'll see around for a long time.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I always have dogs with me, even on the road. We call them port-o-pups.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We don't really intentionally try to sound like ourselves. I think that would be overthinking.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
There were not very many girls in rock n' roll together with men that had a heavy rock sound as well as a more acoustic sound like Heart.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We struck out on our own in suburbia with parents who actually helped us get where we needed to go.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Being taken seriously was always the biggest challenge.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
When we're home, we like to cook and be together and do mom things when we can.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I have endless admiration for people like Chrissie Hynde who've been out as the only girl in a band. I'm not sure that, even as a little Marine Corps brat, I would've been able to deal with that.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
People started to ask me, 'Do you really play guitar?' They thought it was a prop. It was just interesting, because of all the imaging stuff.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Sleazy people are always in this business. They run the business, pretty much. There are a lot of barracudas.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
There is a definite sound with all-girl bands, a good rudimentary sound, and that's what's cool and punk about all-girl bands that you still find, largely - it's really kind of primal.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We've always been more... weird compared to most bands, girls or no.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We had the idea as women that we could walk into music and be good at it and be as good as any man and have a career in it without being taken advantage of. So basically, those things came true. The obstacle course was just more difficult than we ever anticipated. We were optimistic and very naive.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Heart is fun for the whole family!
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I have done a few solo projects that I really enjoyed and would love to have time to do more. Key word here is time!
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Grace Slick was a total trip to work with. Lots of jokes and opinions. A strident individual and super talented!
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
A dream set would include songs by other artists like Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, and other favorites. More obscure Heart songs like 'Wait For an Answer' and 'Nada One' would be fun, plus fan favorites like 'Love Mistake' and 'Language of Love.' Endless possibilities.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
The Seattle explosion was what saved rock from becoming too pompous! A great moment in music!
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
My favorite acoustic is the Nancy Wilson Signature Martin.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
There's nothing quite as raw and honest as one person and one instrument.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
When you're 12, you have no gauge for what's hip or not hip - or even who you are.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I've always been a little bit in the background as a singer and even as an acoustic-guitar player, although I crank it up and rock with my Marshall stacks, too.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
It is nice to be an American and to be able to have an opinion.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We've never been as active politically as we have been as artists. But politics always brush up against the arts, oh, about every four years in this country.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We're trying to elevate humanity and not preach to humanity in the way we approach our art. We're always just trying to get a good party going.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Being mothers, we try to stay home as much as possible and attend to the children.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
In our band, we had such an interesting democracy, and it worked really well.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Ann and I were the main writers in Heart. We had the leadership role, and the guys in the band sometimes had a hard time with that.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I play a lot of classical music around the house.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Our very first group was called The Prunes.' We did a lot of campgrounds, living rooms, and backyards.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Most of our great influences were male rockers, like Led Zeppelin.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Harmony singing is my favorite thing to do in music!
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I love singing, and whenever I can sing some more vocal leads, I always covet the chance.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We were wild-eyed hippies from the late '60s. We still had the exuberance of the mind-expanding '60s - that Tolkienesque, Zeppelin, androgynous, wood nymph, forest fairy kind of innocence. It sounds stupid now, but we felt we were changing the world with music.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
We really had boundless optimism about the place of music in the culture - and in the world.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
I tried to play 'Barracuda' on 'Guitar Hero,' and because you have to anticipate and push buttons, it's really counterintuitive.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
The '80s was an interesting, confining time for songwriters, so we were just sort of riffing in our own language, off to the side.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
A lot of times, women are pigeonholed.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
With 'Brigade,' we sort of decided to kind of revamp ourselves and put on the military garb and become more of a fighting unit, you know, like the title of the album, and sort of fight for it.
- Nancy Wilson
Image of Nancy Wilson
Ever since I could remember, women's issues have been pretty urgent.
- Nancy Wilson