Nabil Elaraby

Image of Nabil Elaraby
The time is ripe for the whole region to live in peace.
- Nabil Elaraby
Collection: Ripe
Image of Nabil Elaraby
There are Arab countries providing arms I don't know who they are, nobody comes and tells you 'we are providing arms', but what I say is providing arms and ammunition started with certain countries, I'll name them: Russia and Iran to Syria, so it's normal the other side will seek help .... The last resolution adopted less than three weeks ago said all assistance [to the opposition fighters], all assistance including military, it was added.
- Nabil Elaraby
Collection: Country
Image of Nabil Elaraby
When it comes to the declared death of Bin Laden, Egypt is against all kinds of violence. The Egyptian government does not have a comment.
- Nabil Elaraby
Collection: Government