Mitt Romney

Image of Mitt Romney
Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed, but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us, thanks to the grace of God. The best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best but never your all - reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Best
Image of Mitt Romney
My mom and dad gave their kids the greatest gift of all - the gift of unconditional love. They cared deeply about who we would be, and much less about what we would do.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Parenting
Image of Mitt Romney
My view is that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman. That's the position I've had for some time, and I don't intend to make any adjustments at this point... Or ever, by the way.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Relationship
Image of Mitt Romney
Some of the companies we helped start are names you know. An office supply company called Staples - where I'm pleased to see the Obama campaign has been shopping; The Sports Authority, which became a favorite of my sons. We started an early childhood learning center called Bright Horizons that First Lady Michelle Obama rightly praised.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Sports
Image of Mitt Romney
Freedom. Freedom of religion. Freedom to speak their mind. Freedom to build a life. And yes, freedom to build a business. With their own hands. This is the essence of the American experience.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Religion
Image of Mitt Romney
I want America to be more like America, if you will. I want the songs, that patriotism we have.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Mitt Romney
Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist - because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That's how she found out what happened on the day my father died - she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Anniversary
Image of Mitt Romney
The invisible hand of the market always moves faster and better than the heavy hand of government.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Business
Image of Mitt Romney
Leadership - leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mitt Romney
Religious freedom opens a door for Americans that is closed to too many others around the world. But whether we walk through that door, and what we do with our lives after we do, is up to us.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Freedom
Image of Mitt Romney
I have five boys in the family, and it's constant competition, sport, humor, and practical jokes.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Humor
Image of Mitt Romney
The American culture promotes personal responsibility, the dignity of work, the value of education, the merit of service, devotion to a purpose greater than self, and at the foundation, the pre-eminence of family.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Family
Image of Mitt Romney
Christianity is not the faith of the complacent, the comfortable or of the timid. It demands and creates heroic souls like Wesley, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, John Paul the Second, and Billy Graham. Each showed, in their own way, the relentless and powerful influence of the message of Jesus Christ.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Faith
Image of Mitt Romney
Central to America's rise to global leadership is our Judeo-Christian tradition with the vision of the goodness and possibilities of every human life.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mitt Romney
I love practical jokes and humor. That there's frankly no joke that I don't think is funny. I love practical jokes, but I don't like being scared.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Humor
Image of Mitt Romney
Perhaps religious conscience upsets the designs of those who feel that the highest wisdom and authority comes from government. But from the beginning, this nation trusted in God, not man. Religious liberty is the first freedom in our Constitution.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Mitt Romney
I think there's a character one has if you're a chief executive officer. Movies would suggest you're a bad person - if you're wealthy, if you've done well, oh, you must be bad. And frankly, winning the lottery doesn't change who you are; you're the same person inside. And I'm the same person I was as an 18-year-old who fell in love with Ann.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Movies
Image of Mitt Romney
I've been looking at some video clips on YouTube of President Obama - then candidate Obama - going through Iowa making promises. The gap between his promises and his performance is the largest I've seen, well, since the Kardashian wedding and the promise of 'til death do we part.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Wedding
Image of Mitt Romney
I feel very deeply about the need to respect and tolerate people of different social - or sexual orientation. But at the same time, I believe marriage should be preserved as an institution for one man and one woman.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Marriage
Image of Mitt Romney
We believe in individual initiative, personal responsibility, opportunity, freedom, small government, the Constitution. These principles, these American principles are key to getting our economy back to being successful and leading the world.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Freedom
Image of Mitt Romney
You know, my dad served in the President's Cabinet after his time as a governor. He told me he enjoyed being governor a lot more. Now, I understand why. If I do my job well, I can make a difference in people's lives and I can help our children realize their dreams.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Dreams
Image of Mitt Romney
Education is the investment our generation makes in the future.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Education
Image of Mitt Romney
And the American people are the greatest people in the world. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is the heart of the American people: hardworking, innovative, risk-taking, God- loving, family-oriented American people.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Great
Image of Mitt Romney
People of different faiths, like yours and mine, sometimes wonder where we can meet in common purpose, when there are so many differences in creed and theology. Surely the answer is that we can meet in service, in shared moral convictions about our nation stemming from a common worldview.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Faith
Image of Mitt Romney
America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Family
Image of Mitt Romney
Conservatism has had from its inception vigorously positive, intellectually rigorous agenda and thinking. That agenda should have in my three pillars: strengthen the economy, strengthen our security, and strengthen our families.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Politics
Image of Mitt Romney
Like me, the great majority of Americans wish both to preserve the traditional definition of marriage and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards gays and lesbians.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Marriage
Image of Mitt Romney
My leadership will end the Obama era and begin a new era of American prosperity.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mitt Romney
We will strengthen our security by building missile defense, restoring our military might, and standing by and strengthening our intelligence officers.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Mitt Romney
I just think the most important aspect in being able to have a productive relationship between the teachers' unions and the districts and the states that they're dealing with is that the person sitting across the table from them should not have received the largest campaign contributions from the teachers' union itself.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Relationship
Image of Mitt Romney
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
We are a nation of immigrants. We are the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the ones who wanted a better life, the driven ones, the ones who woke up at night hearing that voice telling them that life in that place called America could be better.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
We reserve our deepest respect and admiration for those who volunteer for service and give their lives to help keep our nation secure.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I stand ready to lead us down a different path where we're lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
For American foreign aid to become more effective, it must embrace the power of partnerships, access the transformative nature of free enterprise, and leverage the abundant resources that can come from the private sector.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
The torch America carries is one of decency and hope. It is not America's torch alone. But it is America's duty - and honor - to hold it high enough that all the world can see its light.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
Donald Trump has had several foreign wives. It turns out that there really are jobs Americans won't do.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
Dependency is death to initiative, to risk-taking and opportunity. It's time to stop the spread of government dependency and fight it like the poison it is.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
When it comes to pinning blame, pin the tail on the donkeys.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
Think of Donald Trump's personal qualities, the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third-grade theatrics. We have long referred to him as 'The Donald.' He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name. It wasn't because he had attributes we admired.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
What I do is allow middle-income families to finally be able to save their money tax-free. No tax on interest dividends or capital gains for middle-income Americans.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I am in favor of stem-cell research. I am not in favor of creating new human embryos through cloning.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I've met graduating college kids facing loan payments and a bad economy, and they are worried that they won't be able to get a job. This is not the way America needs to be.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
Moral certainty, clear standards, and a commitment to spiritual ideals will set you apart in a world that searches for meaning.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I actually like jokes as well as things that are sort of fun.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I would always be happy to serve my country in any way that I was called upon to do.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
The biggest source of getting the country to a balanced budget is not by raising taxes or by cutting spending. It's by encouraging the growth of the economy.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
Government is taking 40 percent of the GDP. And that's at the state, local and federal level. President Obama has taken government spending at the federal level from 20 percent to 25 percent. Look, at some point, you cease being a free economy, and you become a government economy. And we've got to stop that.
- Mitt Romney
Image of Mitt Romney
I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour. President Obama began with an apology tour. America, he said, had dictated to other nations. No Mr. President, America has freed other nations from dictators.
- Mitt Romney