Mira Nair

Image of Mira Nair
We have to realize only in communication, in real knowledge, in real reaching out, can there be an understanding that there's humanity everywhere, and that's what I'm trying to do.
- Mira Nair
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Mira Nair
Christmas lights may be the loneliest thing for me, especially if you mix them up with reindeers and sleighs. I feel alone. I feel isolated. I feel I do not belong.
- Mira Nair
Collection: Christmas
Image of Mira Nair
I love the idea that it doesn't take one person only to achieve your potential. It takes a village, it takes a community, a street, a teacher, a mother.
- Mira Nair
Collection: Teacher
Image of Mira Nair
'Queen of Katwe' is an absolutely true story. And it's wonderful. But it's not about saviors. Your only savior is yourself - but yourself with your community. It's never alone. You have to have someone who believes in you.
- Mira Nair
Collection: Alone
Image of Mira Nair
It gave me a lot of pleasure and pride that 90 percent of the crew for 'Monsoon Wedding,' and most of my film, are women. We get the work done, you know, much lesser play of ego... And I really believe in harmony, I believe in working in a spirit of egolessness and that the film is bigger than all of us.
- Mira Nair
Collection: Wedding
Image of Mira Nair
My family is almost exactly like the one in 'Monsoon Wedding'. We are very open, fairly liberal, loud people.
- Mira Nair
Collection: Wedding
Image of Mira Nair
You know, the sad thing of post-9/11, which was of course horrific, was that the city in which I felt completely at home for two decades, suddenly people like us - brown people - were looked at as the 'Others.'
- Mira Nair
Collection: Sad
Image of Mira Nair
I am Indian, and my home is Kampala. My world is already diverse. But films are financed by those who want to see themselves on screen, and it is a white male world. Still, it does feel like America is waking up. Let's hope it's the start of an avalanche.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
'No words - action' was the lesson my mother taught me: as artists, we have the privilege of holding a mirror to the world, to engage, to question, to bring beauty to a complex universe.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
The film-school mantra is that if you don't tell your own stories, nobody will.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I'm inspired by people that are marginal. I'm excited by their resilience.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I'm not interested in passion and love for their own sake - without the struggle of life, they're just fluff.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I think optimism springs from nature. I'm a gardener. Nature has taught me about rhythm, the essence of every art. With so much that is terrible, nature gives me pleasure.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
We have not learned the lessons of 9/11. This wrongful suspicion, racial hatred, and profiling is what I keep seeing.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Either you're this, or you're that: either you're - if you're a Pakistani, you're a terrorist; if you're an American, you might be a militarist. Those kind of prisms that we see each other through are really stultifying, and they don't often show the complexity and the incredible warmth and encompassing of the world.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I don't want to say that we are the world in that we are not distinct from each other. I want to say that the humanity that is our foundation is common, but my culture, my beliefs, my values, what makes me sing and what makes me happy and the language I speak in and the relationships I have in the world are distinctive.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I think I am kind of put on this Earth to speak of being between worlds in my films.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I listen to music deeply and seriously for at least an hour or two a day.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
To make films, you have to have something to say. To have something to say, you have to be a student of life. And to be a student of life, you have to be feeding yourself with what life, politics, society, and your family fuels you with.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I'm a self-taught landscape gardener; it's a real passion of mine. It's what I do in my spare time because trees don't ask questions!
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
In Uganda, I am surrounded, unfortunately, by evangelicals; I can't bear it. Every night I hear the chants of Baptists urging people to be born again.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
India somehow constantly rivets and inspires me, and I feel very relieved to have come from this country which has a very 'lifeist' approach to living fully, no matter what one has or doesn't have.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
A lot of us feel that we are against the war; we are against profiling and are against what is happening. We are tired of war in every manifestation. American people do not all believe in what the government has been doing.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
My family is vital to me - just the sense of being surrounded by no pretension.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
My close friends call me the bulldozer who never says no. I have never not made a film.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Sitting in America, we never get to know the other side in any kind of believable way. We have so many movies about Iraq, Afghanistan, and this and that, but there is never a character from that side.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
When people break up, after sharing their entire souls with each other, I don't want to believe that you just switch off. There are remnants of melancholia, and there is so much that stays with you because you loved this person. Of course, it's that much more complicated when it's an interracial love or love from a person from another culture.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
As the director of a film, as the story teller, you have to keep your voice alive.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I don't think boldness should be associated with showing off skin. It's not the basis of boldness.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I think, in terms of activism associated with my films, be it 'Salaam Baalak Trust' or 'Maisha,' taking the idea of cinema as a way to change people, I feel heartened. I am glad that we have impacted thousands of lives.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
The dignity of everyday life - the beauty of it, the attitude of it - is what I live around. And it is never on screen, and it is certainly never associated with Africa. If we see Africa at all, it is always used as a backdrop: a big blob of a continent rather than a specific street or a country or a place.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
It is shocking that the screen does not reflect the way the world is and the diversity in the world... What the world really looks like should be on screen, and it isn't.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
The film itself should interact with the audience. In the case of 'Queen of Katwe', people are laughing, sobbing and dancing. I am taking them on a ride... It is not like I am asking them for handouts.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Katwe is fifteen minutes from my home. It's entirely about knowing it from the inside. For instance, the incredible vibrancy of style. Kampala is the center of used clothing in the world. Everyone dresses in secondhand clothes, but they look astonishing for it.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I think in the last thirty years, the rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten poorer. It is not something that you can see with rose-colored glasses.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I dream of living off the land completely - in vain, because the monkeys eat everything.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I listen to Ustad Vilayat Khan's 'Raga Khamaj' and 'Raga Jaijaiwanti' virtually every morning, a lot of Abdullah Ibrahim, Michael Kiwanuka, Savages, and contemporary Ugandan pop.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
No one goes to Pakistan to make movies. You stick out.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I'm the bullheaded type, and I really don't give up if I fall in love.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
I immediately was captured by 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist.' It gave me a springboard into contemporary Pakistan and a dialogue between Pakistan and the rest of the world.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
From Vietnam's 'Deer Hunter' to Iraq, films are never about the person who has had his house destroyed.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
If we don't tell our own stories, no one else will.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Life is short, so I'm knowing exactly where I'm putting my time. I don't want to do things that I don't have to do.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Every film is a political act; it's how you see the world.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Every frame and every scene has to have an intention.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Making films is about having absolute and foolish confidence; the challenge for all of us is to have the heart of a poet and the skin of an elephant.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
With Vietnam, the Iraq War, so many American films about war are almost always from the American point of view. You almost never have a Middle Eastern character by name with a story.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
Never treat anything you do as a stepping stone. Do it fully, and follow it completely.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
We all know the power of film; we all know there's almost nothing more powerful than to see people on film that look and talk like you, like we do.
- Mira Nair
Image of Mira Nair
We want the diversity of the world that is around us represented both in front of and behind the camera, and on our screens as a result.
- Mira Nair