Milkha Singh

Image of Milkha Singh
In my teens, I had no idea about running as a sports event. For me, an orphan, it was not only about learning how to survive the brutal world, but also about carving an identity.
- Milkha Singh
Collection: Sports
Image of Milkha Singh
Life is not decided by lines on a palm but by the power of the will, hard work and discipline.
- Milkha Singh
Collection: Power
Image of Milkha Singh
I want people to be passionate about their fitness. Everyone must take ten minutes of physical exercise daily at home or outside.
- Milkha Singh
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milkha Singh
I want to tell people that they should always try to stay calm and speak good things, have control over food by adopting healthy food habits, eat less food and exercise daily.
- Milkha Singh
Collection: Food
Image of Milkha Singh
Running had become such an obsession that even when asleep, I would run races in my dreams.
- Milkha Singh
Collection: Dreams
Image of Milkha Singh
It's painful to see that after Independence, India hasn't won a single Olympic medal in athletics.
- Milkha Singh
Collection: Independence
Image of Milkha Singh
Whether it be a sage or a king, all have been borne by women.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I too have daughters, and it saddens me that people think of daughters as a burden.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
My stomach hurts at times, my back is always a problem, and my eyesight is not good. But I still jog every day.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
It's what I tell everyone - exercise is as important as food.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I came from the bottom, from nothing. To a man who has nothing in his life, imagine what it's like to be hoisted on someone's shoulders.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
No one should suffer what I suffered. I still dread those scenes when man killed man. I lost my parents, most of my family, by running away.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Rome rankles. It will always. I missed a certain medal.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I have been telling people that doing physical exercise and remaining healthy is very important during this COVID times. I am 91 but I have been doing exercise regularly.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I have only seen movies of my generation - 'Mother India,' 'Shree 420,' 'Awaara.' Those days, we had actors such as Dilip Kumar, Ashok Kumar.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
We were from a village that's now in Pakistan's Muzaffargarh district, in Kot Addu tehsil. Our village was 10 km away from the city. The boys had to walk barefoot for 10 km from the village to the school in Kot Addu.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I believe there is no dearth of talent in India. But what's missing is the ability to work hard.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I am fit at 88 years of age. I do yoga and also go jogging 2-3 times which has kept me fit and healthy even at this ripe age in which many people keep seeing doctors.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Do yoga and exercises daily even if it is for a few minutes only and results would appear in a few days only.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Milkha Singh is living his last days. An earthen lamp's glow is brightest towards the end, in the same manner I am humbled by the kind of love and respect being showered on me at this age.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I don't hanker after awards.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Everybody knows Milkha deserves more than a Padma Shri, but it is for others, including the federation, to nominate me to the government for higher awards.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
The government does a lot, ranging from providing the infrastructure to financial support for training etc. In our time, we didn't get these facilities. Current athletes are getting all these. Yet, another Milkha Singh has not been produced in the country in nearly 60 years after me.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I could have joined politics during Nehru's or Indira Gandhi's time. I don't want to. I stay away from these things.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Dhyan Chand passed away long back but we should not forget what he has done for the country.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
You must understand that to get an Olympic medal is a huge achievement.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I am very happy that the doors have opened for sportspersons. But I think the first Bharat Ratna should have been given to Dhyan Chand because of what he has achieved.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Politicians or well connected people will try to get hold of federations and they don't think about sportspersons.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
If I contest elections in a federation, I will not get even four votes. It's all politics and money.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
It was the quest for survival that took me to the world of sports.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I lost in my first ever 400m race, the event I almost ruled later.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I had joined the army as a sepoy in 1951.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
When I won gold medals in both the 200m and 400m events at the 1958 Asian Games, the then chief of army staff, General K.S. Thimayya, announced my promotion as a junior commissioned officer.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
These days kids are not passionate. They lack will power to go all the way. They want to take the easy route.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Kids in the city can play cricket, badminton, tennis or football. Athletics is not their cup of tea.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
A lot is expected from athletes but we need good coaches as well.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
We should have coaches who can produce results and even if we need to hire them on contracts, we should do that.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Athletics needs more focus because it is the heart and soul of any Olympics.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Today, Jamaica is known because of just one man - Usain Bolt. Not many Indians have managed to reach the finals of track and field events at the Olympics and that says it all.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I have given permission that my medals be transferred from the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium in New Delhi to the sports museum in Patiala.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
The people of this country remember me. I may have started dyeing my beard, but I am recognized at airports, railway stations - anywhere. School textbooks have chapters on me, and somehow the sobriquet 'The Flying Sikh' has endured in people's memory.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
You have to be disciplined if you want to be world class.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I knew what my fatal error was: After running perilously fast in lane five, I slowed down at 250 meters. I could not cover the lost ground after that - and that cost me the race. After the death of my parents, that is my worst memory. I kept crying for days.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I wanted Jeev to become doctor or an engineer, but after seeing his talent and interest in golf, I dropped that idea.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
I start my day with two eggs and two slices of toast along with juice and take 1-2 chapatis with dal and curd rice at lunch.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
As long as you remain true to yourself and continue training with sincerity, nobody can stop you from achieving excellence.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Athletics talent is more prominent in the villages than in the urban areas because the main factor determining the difference is hard work which is an integral part of an athlete's training.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Athletics is the mother of all sport and every child must try out it once during his school days.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
Don't sell your country's pride for a few bucks.
- Milkha Singh
Image of Milkha Singh
If you want a name, you have to fight death.
- Milkha Singh