Milind Soman

Image of Milind Soman
If you run regularly for 10 to 15 kms, you get into that space where it is like meditation. There is no confusion in your head, thoughts enter and leave and you let go of all your pent-up emotions.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Space
Image of Milind Soman
The first step in empowerment is taking control of your health, respecting yourself and understanding and celebrating the value you bring to your family and society.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Health
Image of Milind Soman
To achieve fitness one need not hit the gym. One can always opt for any sport: yoga, jog, swimming and much more. The idea is to do something that not only burns calories but relieves stress as well.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
Pinkathon has carved a niche of being more than a marathon. Pinkathon forever training has created a culture of regular exercise and fitness which is taking root in India.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
My whole idea of being fit is not having to train for anything. That is the fitness level I aim to maintain.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
I constantly want to see what level of fitness I am at.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
I used to own two gyms in Delhi called Breathe, so obviously I've entered a gym, but I don't use a gym for fitness.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
You learn that later on in life - it's not about how much you can lift or how fast you can run. It has a lot to do with your mental fitness, emotional balance, spiritual awareness.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
Fitness is something that you can aspire for in terms of levels of achievements.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
Once your mind and body is healthy, it creates a freedom that helps you enjoy life.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Freedom
Image of Milind Soman
I find Gurgaon to be more focused on fitness - the culture and the lifestyle in Gurgaon is such that fitness gets incorporated into a person's routine.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Milind Soman
Sleep is essential for the body and mind and restful sleep is one of the foundations of good health. Recharging and rejuvenating body and mind sufficiently every night is important for better quality of life.
- Milind Soman
Collection: Health
Image of Milind Soman
I have not done too much television because I do not like doing one project over a very long period of time.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I think, if I hadn't grown as an actor, I wouldn't have been offered television, let alone films.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
If you do the same thing over and over again, then you will definitely get stale and jaded like most actors do.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
When I'm travelling, I don't like hotels that much because the spaces they have are really small. So, I look for a homestay or an Airbnb property which is large enough where you could just stretch out to do your thing.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Having control over what you eat is very very important.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I like challenging myself physically and mentally.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I accept roles which are challenging and surprise me, inducing hard work and thinking. Such opportunities are few and far between but when they come I grab them.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I am an Asian food lover.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I start my day with a healthy breakfast - muesli with soya milk is a must, no matter what and some fruits.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I can get angry very quickly.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Your dreams, ambition and experiences are creating a new person in you every day.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I started event managing as my first career which I started in 1989, and that was the first year when I started modelling as well, so every time I start something new it is because of an interest that I have and then that interest becomes sustainable and doable.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
If somebody is excited to cast me in a character that is surprising even for me to play, that is something I'll be looking for.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I feel lazy every day! It's the worst thing for me to wake up in the morning and get out of bed, and that is where the discipline comes in.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
You get fitter as you get older because the mind has the ability to get stronger if you allow it, so with a stronger mind you can become fitter. The body is second because the body follows the mind.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I like acting. It is a well-paid job and according to some people, I am good at it.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
There's no failure or success, just the experience of living in the moment.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
What we call endurance sport today, we've been doing for centuries with pilgrimages, walking across the earth towards some goal, which is not all-important, because it's the journey that matters.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Food is fuel. Unless there's an activity, the body doesn't know what to do with it. If you're just lying on the couch, everything spreads and your hormones act up!
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I just love my body. I think if you love your body, you won't want to change it.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
In my day, there were 20 models in all of India, three of whom were male. One of whom was me.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I want to set up the world's biggest triathlon.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
If you convince your mind that you can't give up then your body will automatically follow.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
The government is talking about developing smart cities and to them, smart cities mean infrastructure. But to me, a city is smart when the mindset of the people is conducive to fitnness and health.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I haven't been to the gym since 1998. I simply do push-ups and pull-ups, and I run. That's all.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
To run a marathon was a challenge that I had in my head since I was a kid.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I want to work with people who have new visions of cinema.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Mani Shanker is brilliant. And working with brilliant people is exhilarating.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I have had no musical training.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
The kind of freshness that newcomers have is something that you can learn from. As you grow, a certain staleness creeps in your technique. But when you see someone with no experience at all doing a scene, you can learn from that.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I actually have a bad memory.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Stress is a good thing, of course. Hunger, thirst are both stresses; if not for them, we would not survive. It is only the way we deal with stress that we need to examine.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Running a marathon is a stressful event for your body, mind and spirit. But when you put yourself through that willingly, consciously and in a learning atmosphere, you begin to understand how to deal with any stressful situation in a way that does not drain you.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
All stress can be used to better yourself, each individual has to understand how to use that particular stress - whether it is in your relationship, personal life, your own thoughts about yourself - to become a better person.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
Running is easy. It is a misconception that it is tough.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
You can eat anything and everything. You don't have to starve to look good.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
For me, barefoot running has minimised my injuries. It creates a nice balance, when you are connection with the earth. It makes me enjoy running.
- Milind Soman
Image of Milind Soman
I eat pizza and I don't need to run it off. I just have fantastic metabolism.
- Milind Soman