Mike Leach

Image of Mike Leach
All Scandinavians feel a tiny bit self conscious, of which I'm one.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I'm a big movie guy.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
You're gaining more than you're losing in a small town.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
There's some teams - the Cubs are one of them - where there's just too many fans.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
The people in southern Georgia are tough.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Nothing has done more to bring people of different races and different backgrounds together than athletics, certainly more than politicians have done. It's why the Greeks invented the Olympics.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I've never had a dumb quarterback. I think if you're dumb, it's difficult to overcome.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Outstanding people in Iowa. Very down-to-earth people in Iowa. It was a great place to be.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I did go to the Alamo. Fascinating. A lot of details and nuances to the Alamo that are impressive.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I've actually seen guys who I considered relatively stupid college coaches, then go to the NFL, and sanctimoniously think they understand that something the rest of us couldn't perceive. They're an idiot before, they're an idiot now, and they'll be an idiot afterwords. It's mind-numbing.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I don't feel like it's fair to the other players and I don't think it's the right way to do business to allow influence and position to dictate when you play a young man.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I don't know everybody's view on due process, but I do have an opinion on what the Constitution says, what the Pledge of Allegiance implies, what sixth- and seventh-graders are taught in civics classes, and I think it is that you're going to have the opportunity to be heard.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I feel like Texas high schools, when you consider the melting pot that exists in Texas, do a fairly impressive job. No education process is perfect, but I think that, with plenty of room to improve, they do an admirable job when you compare them to the rest of the field.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I just go to work every day, spend hours in the film room, go to practice, go home and then do it all again the next day. I know I can be boring and I sound like a walking cliche but I really do just try to get our team ready to win a game on Saturday. That's pretty much my life.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I guess I need to get out more.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I have a limited knowledge of the Internet, which is pretty clear, I don't even turn anything on other than my phone, when it gets stuck, my kids turn it on.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Growing up my favorite coach was Billy Martin.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Whether it's a car or boat or motorcycle, it's a dangerous item, so you have to show a level of competence and get a license before you're allowed to operate something that's dangerous. Guns are dangerous but you don't have to get a license to operate guns.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I do have a Viking axe by the bed if I need to whack someone... My wife bought me a Viking axe - the axe side curls down so you can grab the adversary around the neck and you can use it to climb walls, as a grappling hook.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
The interesting thing about football is that football is the only sport where you quit playing when you get a lead.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
How can it be that we laugh about England's obsession with the royal family? At least the royal family has college degrees and military service.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Obama is trying to protect Obamacare, and then obviously even in his own party a bunch of people are against it.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I've always thought that the - as far as regions of the country that people brag about, as far as top talent, the Inland Empire is awfully hard to beat.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
When Washington State has been good, they've always had a connection to Southern California. You know, as far as visiting, that's different than recruiting. Recruiting is based on production and players, who you can get. You know, so, the nicest parts of Southern California aren't necessarily the best players.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Playing someone difficult is tough and can be discouraging, but if you beat them the payoff is huge!
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
You go out and do the best you can and hope it works. You just try to improve.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I think there is a difference between being critical of plays and being critical of players and coaches.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I'd like to think I am a good coach but I've called bad plays. I've coached bad practices. I've made bad substitution choices.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I've directly contributed to losses, but likewise, I'd like to think I contributed to a lot of wins and a lot of good play.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
My fondest part of college was the interaction and everything I did with my fellow students.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Even in Texas, there's a lot of people who've never been to Lubbock.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Everybody says marriage is 'til death do you part - and I've been married 29 years - but a book is really 'til death do you part. Once you write it, it's out there.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
When things were really rolling at Texas Tech, I was a part of something bigger than myself, bigger than football.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I figured I'd coach two or three years at the most and go back and be an attorney.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
ESPN wants to scrutinize everyone, but if they're scrutinized, they run and hide.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I want to go to a place that's undervalued, where the potential is great, a place that wants to win, not just participate, in football.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Washington State is great. I'm completely happy at Washington State.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
If you go to any elementary school classroom in Texas, some kids in there are going to be named either Austin, Dallas or Houston.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Outside of North America, best football? Is Samoa North America? Probably Samoa. I'd say Samoa. Germany's certainly up there.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
You know, I'll tell who's really embraced football is Austria. Austria's really embraced football.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
I think the days before cell phones, when it was dirt clod wars at construction sites, was a lot more wholesome and productive, to be perfectly honest.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Oh I've never liked candy corn, I think it's just awful - I think candy corn's awful.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
My dad always watched wrestling and I seldom did.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
You know, buffalo are significantly bigger than elk. I grew up near Yellowstone so I've been near buffalo. Buffalo are huge.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
Before I ever got into coaching, I got my law degree at Pepperdine.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
In golf, you keep trying to score well when you're ahead. In basketball, they don't quit shooting when they're ahead. In hockey, they don't quit shooting the puck when they're ahead. And in boxing, you don't quit punching when you're ahead. But in football, somehow magically, you're supposed to quit playing when you're ahead.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
As a head coach, you're on two lists. You're the guy that might get fired, or you're the guy who might go somewhere.
- Mike Leach
Image of Mike Leach
You're either coaching it or allowing it to happen.
- Mike Leach
Collection: Coaching
Image of Mike Leach
LSU would be a good place to stand during a lightning storm.
- Mike Leach
Collection: Lsu