Mick Foley

Image of Mick Foley
I really have to accept the fact that I'm not a young man anymore, that I've probably taken one lifetime's worth of punishment already, and I really do need to be careful. Certainly I don't want other WWE superstars taking the shots I did. That makes me feel very uncomfortable when I see somebody get hit with an unprotected chair shot.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Edge goes out every night, and not just on pay per views; every night, Edge goes out there with the intention of stealing the show. I know that he felt like his title run had not been given the respect from the company that it deserved, and he was really hell-bent on proving that he belonged as a main event guy.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
When Dee Snider and I get together for breakfast, it's just two Long Island guys hanging out.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
You really can't go wrong. There's no bad New York pizza, as far as I know.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I get asked a lot about the Rock N' Sock Connection.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I tell people the most important move they can make is not in the ring. It's taking the time to get to know Mr. McMahon.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I developed an interest in the history of the Negro leagues to the point where I visited the museum in Kansas City, Mo., twice and made the museum an integral part of my unheralded 2005 coming-of-age baseball novel, 'Scooter.'
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
The idea of standing five feet away from Norah Jones and listening to her sing Neil Young's 'Down By The River' was just phenomenal. I compare that to what my kids know of at a concert, which is sitting in a stadium and watching a huge screen.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I'm glad I had a chance to see great music played up close and live. In a way, that's what I hope my show does. It's almost like an acoustic evening with Mick Foley.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
As great a spectacle as WrestleMania is, there's something to be said for seeing a guy you like telling stories from the heart from 20 feet away.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
By the time I got to WWE, I had a lot more confidence and willingness to speak up.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I find that I get most of the same things I loved about performing in the ring when I do my live shows around the world.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I like those really multidimensional characters like Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I would leave my wife for Whataburger.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I saw James Ellsworth at an independent wrestling show where I was signing autographs, so I took a photo with him and put up a post on Facebook called 'The night I met James Ellsworth.' Just by nature of how popular that post was, how many comments there were and likes and shares, I was like, 'people love this kid.'
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Nakamura, to me, is a main event star.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I was told that the fact that I had nothing but good things to say about Judith Regan distinguished me. I enjoyed writing for Judith. I really enjoyed working with Victoria Wilson at Knopf, and Simon & Schuster, they've all been great experiences.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I did like Test, and he was a guy I kept in touch with for years after we stopped working together.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Everybody in wrestling is looking at the information coming in on concussions. Everyone from the NFL to the WWE to TNA to the youth soccer groups around the country are realizing that there are dangers that weren't previously known.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I'm not a dabbler.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Everybody has the idea of Santa in their head and in their heart.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Everything that you want Santa to be, he is.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I cannot look back and say I did everything I wanted to do in TNA.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Back in 2004, Vince McMahon basically told me to consider WWE to be my playground, and that I could come and play any time I wanted to.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Without knocking Impact Wrestling, your contribution was largely limited to what you could do in the TV show. WWE is a bigger company with a bigger infrastructure and a lot more ways to make a contribution.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
It's funny: wrestlers and comics bond over remembering their best shows and their absolute worst shows.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I lived in Alabama for a while during the dying days of the Continental Wrestling Federation. I lived in Montgomery and traveled all over Alabama.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I think you can always learn lessons by the guys who came before you.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
You have to believe in yourself. But you know what? There's a fine line between believing in yourself and being delusional. And I'm sure there were a lot of people who thought I was being delusional when they saw me attempting to become a big shot in the world of pro wrestling. Luckily, it worked out: it doesn't work out for that many people.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I can look back now and say, 'Aw, that was a little dumb taking huge bumps onto concrete before a couple of hundred fans,' but if it wasn't for that attitude and that type of work ethic, I never would have gotten to WWE.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Maybe I should have taken it easy on the smaller shows especially, but all in all, I have no regrets.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I think people who read Internet blogs are usually trying to fit it in during a busy part of their day, and there's only so much information that you digest. Whereas an experience with a book is a little more comfortable, and I think people are a little more willing to really delve into information.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I've actually met quite a few of my heroes from the past.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I think people know by now that I do my own writing.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I remember the first time I smelled B.O. was at a cross-country meet. But it wasn't unpleasant, in a strange way. That's what you got when you worked hard.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
It's difficult to differentiate between a story that's humorous and clever and one that actually makes people laugh out loud.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
A joke bombing on stage doesn't bother me, especially if it's intended to bomb.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I do some things just to entertain myself, and I figure that part of the audience will be entertained as well.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
On the 'SmackDown' side, A.J. Styles really has been phenomenal.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I don't advocate any child following in their parent's footsteps when their parent's footsteps are as crooked as mine are.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
It's much easier to see my son involved in creative than to see my daughter in the ring. But they've both worked really hard. I'm really proud of both of them.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I haven't worn jewelry since one of the front teeth I had made into an earring became no longer necessary because I lost the ear.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I loved Steve Martin when I was younger, in the '70s.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I loved George Carlin... I used to sit in front of the TV and watch the HBO comedy specials. I loved those comedy specials.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
I get to define for myself what being a success is.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
Be safe and be realistic. They're both equally important.
- Mick Foley
Image of Mick Foley
If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world
- Mick Foley
Collection: Heaven
Image of Mick Foley
On the 8th day, God created Mankind. Why was he having such a bad day? Why did he create all of you normal... but forget so many important parts of me?
- Mick Foley
Collection: Bad Day
Image of Mick Foley
I can't jump high, so I jump from high places.
- Mick Foley
Collection: Wrestling