Michelle Steel

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Taking the oath of office to represent the nation that has blessed me with so many opportunities is a moment I will never forget.
- Michelle Steel
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This is my American dream and I am honored and humbled to serve my community as one of the first Korean-American women ever elected to Congress.
- Michelle Steel
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As the Chairwoman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, I was committed to supporting business owners and workers, fighting against high and unfair taxes, supporting our seniors, and making sure our veterans receive the care they so rightly deserve.
- Michelle Steel
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The State of California has paid out billions in fraudulent unemployment claims, all at the expense of hardworking taxpayers. Fraudsters and criminals had access to the state's money through widespread fraud, all while those in need of the program's funding waited patiently for support that never came.
- Michelle Steel
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The United States would never allow rockets to be launched by our enemies at civilians in Huntington Beach, California, or Washington D.C., and Israel cannot allow rockets to be launched at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
- Michelle Steel
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Union members deserve honesty about where their dues are going.
- Michelle Steel
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Unfortunately, there is a long history of union bosses using money from American workers for lavish personal expenses. This corruption is unacceptable and is anti-worker.
- Michelle Steel
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We should be focusing on boosting passenger safety and improving our existing highways and railroads - not wasting taxpayer money on a train to nowhere.
- Michelle Steel
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California's High Speed Rail Project is a failure, and not one more taxpayer dime should go towards this money pit project.
- Michelle Steel
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The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of parents out of the work force. We need to make it easier for these parents to return to work.
- Michelle Steel
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By helping businesses that choose to provide childcare options, more parents will have the opportunity to get back to work full-time.
- Michelle Steel
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Erosion is a major safety issue, not to mention it's hurting our wildlife and our Orange County ecosystem.
- Michelle Steel
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The residents of Orange County, and of my district, care a lot about our airport.
- Michelle Steel
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In addition to the convenience of having a world class airport close to home, my constituents are also deeply concerned about the impacts noise and pollution have on our community.
- Michelle Steel
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My district is the proud home of Little Saigon, which is home to more Vietnamese Americans than anywhere else in the United States.
- Michelle Steel
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After the Fall of Saigon, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese people fled tyranny to pursue freedom and democracy.
- Michelle Steel
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Americans' paychecks are not a limitless piggy bank for the Biden Administration to fund their trillion-dollar spending spree.
- Michelle Steel
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Our law enforcement officers deserve our support and our thanks for the sacrifice and bravery they bring to our communities every day.
- Michelle Steel
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My district is home to a large Vietnamese population, including many who fled Vietnam to escape communism.
- Michelle Steel
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It is critical the U.S. hold Vietnamese officials accountable for their human rights violations and show we stand with the Vietnamese people fighting for freedom and democracy.
- Michelle Steel
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Our police officers put their lives on the line every single day they go to work. They answer the call of duty on holidays, weekends, birthdays, and through the COVID-19 pandemic to selflessly protect our communities.
- Michelle Steel
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I have been called racist slurs and been treated differently because I am Asian American.
- Michelle Steel
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We have to do everything we can to put an end to hate and help our neighbors, especially as we work together to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Michelle Steel
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I want future generations of Americans to know they can achieve anything in this great country.
- Michelle Steel
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In 1996, I supported and campaigned for California's Proposition 209, which banned racial preferences in public hiring, education and contracting.
- Michelle Steel
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Discrimination is against the fundamental values of American culture, and that includes discrimination against the AAPI community in the halls of our schools and universities.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
Hate is not acceptable.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
We have to support each other, not hate each other.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
Discrimination is against the fundamental values of American culture.
- Michelle Steel
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The rise in discrimination and hateful targeting of the AAPI community has to stop.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
Independently owned restaurants and small businesses are the backbone of our local economies.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
The California High Speed Rail Project is a failure.
- Michelle Steel
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The record of human rights abuses by the Chinese Communist Party is as horrific as it is long.
- Michelle Steel
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Independent contractors, entrepreneurs, and small businesses in my home state of California already understand the devastating affects AB-5 had on their ability to provide for their families. This law curbed opportunities for people to work independently through the gig economy or independent contractor roles.
- Michelle Steel
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One of my top priorities in Congress is to ensure veterans have access to quality and timely medical care, housing, employment, and education opportunities.
- Michelle Steel
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I'm proud to be the only Republican leading the Mental Health Justice Act in Congress, which would give officers more resources to respond to emergency calls and mental health crises.
- Michelle Steel
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Greater transparency and accountability in Congress is something we should all be able to support.
- Michelle Steel
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I will always support our military and our servicemen and women.
- Michelle Steel
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On August 24th we should remember Kobe, celebrate his life, and encourage the next generation to dream big just like Kobe did.
- Michelle Steel
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Kobe Bryant used his platform to inspire millions and help kids around the world achieve success and strive for greatness.
- Michelle Steel
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Opportunity Zones are an important tool that give more people the resources they need to grow this dream.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
We must work together to inspire and support the next generation of Korean American leaders.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
So many Korean Americans like me came to this country with the hope of achieving their own American Dream.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
Until Washington gets its spending under control, inflation will continue to rise and it's hard-working families that will continue to pay the price.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
Telehealth has been life-changing for so many, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
Increased access to telehealth has benefited a wide range of Americans, from seniors to high-risk patients, to those in rural areas.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
The United States supports a free and independent Taiwan, and the Chinese Communist Party's continued show of force and violations of human rights cannot be ignored.
- Michelle Steel
Image of Michelle Steel
We cannot allow the CCP to continue bullying us and our allies.
- Michelle Steel