Michelle McCool

Image of Michelle McCool
I'm taking each day one day at a time, and building up my strength and endurance. It's crazy because it takes no time at all to lose everything you have and then so much time to gain it back.
- Michelle McCool
Collection: Strength
Image of Michelle McCool
I can literally count on one and a half hands how many people in WWE treated me the same pre-Mark and post-Mark. Michelle McCool didn't change, I'm still me. There were a ton of people that found out I was dating Mark and was like, 'Oh, I better change my tune and be super nice.'
- Michelle McCool
Collection: Dating
Image of Michelle McCool
I'm only naughty when I have to be.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Don't give in to bullying or others making fun of people. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your friends. Be that one person who is genuinely good-hearted.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I'd have to say I've been a little of both, but definitely more nice than naughty.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Piggie James was the storyline that brought LayCool to fruition and really started and helped develop our characters. It was a main storyline that, at the time, started giving Divas more screen time and longer matches - we even had a huge celebration.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
It's not easy to filter out all the negative things people say and/or write about you.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
It's not easy to always be yourself.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I think everybody will agree that 'Torrie Wilson' is a name that nobody - no true wrestling fan - will ever forget.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Retirement has been wonderful.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Growing up, I always said I would never go in to education. Both of my parents were teachers - my dad was also a principal and a superintendent. I just didn't want to be part of the school system.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I kept my teaching certificate active while I was with WWE. It definitely wouldn't be something that I'd mind going back to.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
It's hard because it doesn't matter what you do, most people still identify me as Undertaker's wife.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
You just have to kind of remember that it's just a character on TV. A lot of times people just forgot that and it's easy to do.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
That always makes it fun inside the ring when you know you can work with somebody. You can fly off the cuff while you're in there; you can improvise.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Bottom line: People in our business are always going to look to find reasons to see the negative in somebody and to become resentful.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
People can say what they want to say, but at the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror. I know how hard I fought. I know how many storylines I pitched. I know how hard I worked in the ring.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I can't tell you the number of times I was one of the first people at the arenas or at TV, constantly trying to better myself. I can honestly say that my hard work paid off. My resilience paid off. My persistence paid off.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
People are always going to say what they want to say and believe what they want to believe, but that's the bottom line.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I think one of the most consistent answers for any of the girls when they're asked 'who do you want to wrestle' is Beth Phoenix - but that was never really the case for me, as far as an opponent or dream opponent. For me, that was always Molly Holly, Lita and Awesome Kong/Kharma.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Being a Diva in a man's world, you're constantly in an uphill battle; pitching ideas, trying to get TV time, trying to get in-ring time, the whole nine yards.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
So, I never actually had a problem with Melina and we worked a lot together. When she came to SmackDown, we worked a program together.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
It's a dog-eat-dog world and in a man's world, too. It's just a fight, every single week, this job.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
The higher you climb the ladder, everyone is going to have a reason as to why you're there, why you're on TV, and they don't want to believe the fact you're in the working hard, fighting for storylines.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
The backstabbing, the clawing, it's always there. It definitely comes up more when you're on TV a little more often.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I think the whole Flawless thing backfired in my face. I'm just like, 'oh, man! We're out here calling ourselves Flawless, and being the most obnoxious characters, that even I wanted to slap myself sometimes!' Even I would get sick of watching myself on TV!
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
When Layla and I would do promos out in the arena, it was just the most-fun ever! People genuinely hate her.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Leaving was tough because it got to a point where - I was dealing with so much, mostly being Undertaker's girlfriend while I was on TV. There was even a writer who threw the papers up one day and said, 'Why don't we just call it the Michelle McCool and Undertaker show.'
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I don't talk during production meetings, people don't generally say anything.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
When I went off to college my dad would call and be like, 'hey did you watch RAW?'
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
The athletic part I never struggled with. It was the promos, the talking and, being uncomfortable in front of the crowd. Especially being a 'bad guy,' having people call me names, that was hard getting used to.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Years before 'Tough Enough' came out - and I still have the papers - I filled out the entire application but never sent it in. I was like this is perfect, it's sports, I'm competitive, I could do that.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I haven't noticed too much of a difference between Italian guys and American guys, but we're sports-entertainers so maybe they know to stand back a little!
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Love me or hate me, I hope the WWE Universe can respect that night in and night out, I've given it my all.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I do think the women should get paid, a main event is a main event.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
The WWE universe finally demanded that the girls get the attention that they deserve. I think women past, present, future, should forever be grateful for our super fans.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Whoever is in that ring, they are not enough for me, and they can't handle me.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I like to think of myself as a class act, and there are very few guys that meet all of my qualifications.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Fortunately, the shooting pain in my back masked the pain of my broken sternum.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I keep to myself a little bit more, I have that more quiet sexiness, quiet confidence going and I think that does intrigue people.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I actually got online and went to check my e-mail, and I always look at the top news, and I saw my name and I thought, 'There's got to be another Michelle McCool,' or 'This is a mistake,' or something!
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I think the Divas Champion is the perfect combination of athleticism, beauty and brawn.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I truly feel like Fabulous Moolah is the pioneer for women in sports-entertainment. I don't think anyone can deny her accomplishments or the road she paved for women wrestlers.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I'm addicted to success, failure is not an option.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I would love to have a Unification Match against Mickie James.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Making history is difficult, almost impossible, for those without my athletic ability and intelligence.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I'm a collegiate All-American athlete and earned a master's degree in education from Florida State University.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Not only do I do things so much better than all of my fellow 'Divas,' I make being bad look so good.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
Snooki is famous for absolutely nothing.
- Michelle McCool
Image of Michelle McCool
I'm not a patient person and sitting around the house waiting to get back to WWE does me no good.
- Michelle McCool