Michael Sorrentino

Image of Michael Sorrentino
I really believe in positive energy and positive thinking and dreams and all that type of stuff.
- Michael Sorrentino
Collection: Positive
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I used to be a fitness model.
- Michael Sorrentino
Collection: Fitness
Image of Michael Sorrentino
The secret ingredient to every meal is love. And also garlic.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Hey, I live life by the moment. I have no regrets. I live it to the fullest. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I'm learning from them. I'm 'The Situation.'
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I've been in love. I believe in destiny and true love.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I'm limitless. Glass is always half full.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
If you don't go the gym, you don't look good. If you don't tan, you're pale. If you don't do laundry, you don't got no clothes.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I never regret anything.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I will eat a hot dog but I'm not big into hot dogs.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
You can hate on me all you want to, but what can you possibly say to somebody that looks like Rambo, pretty much, with his shirt off.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Some days I'm Uncle Situation, other days I'm Dr. Situation, I'm Chef Situation.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
When you see The Situation in person, it can startle some people.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
In the beginning of my career, everybody knew it, it was no secret that I loved the spotlight. I basked in it. And then all of a sudden, I turned into this person who was reclusive, or hiding.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I was practicing intermittent fasting while I was in prison. My window of intermittent fasting was between 16 and 17 hours on the weekdays, and 18 and 19 hours on the weekends.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Oh my God, to be a free man, to be honest with you, it's awesome. It's fantastic.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I was born with a mic in my hand.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
At the end of the day, stick up for yourself whether you have spiky hair, long hair, blonde hair, black hair, whatever it is, stick up for yourself and go for your dreams because at the end of the day, you can pretty much accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Everybody loves me, babies, dogs, yah know, hot girls, cougars.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Everybody when they're little wants to be on billboards or on TV.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Losing is not an option for me.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Miami has beautiful women, beaches and weather.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I love a challenge.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Listen, the conditions in prison as a whole - you're not sleeping in a comfortable bed, you're not eating good food, and this is for long periods of time.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
You can see how prison could affect some of the other guys that are there for longer than a year. Because eventually, it starts to eat away at you. And if you don't work at yourself mentally or physically or spiritually, eventually you're going to be swallowed up by circumstance.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I was very proud of the 'Jersey Shore: Family Vacation' that was airing on TV.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I was just proud of myself that, even under extreme stress and adversity, I was still able to do my job and do it well. And still able to earn an income while in prison.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
When you realize that your freedom is being taken away from you, you're like, 'You know what, I'm not going to get good food in prison, so I'm going to order McDonald's, Wendy's, Chick-fil-A.' We're turning up and living our best life, and I did that.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I felt very accomplished staying busy in prison.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
You sort of take your freedom for granted sometimes.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
People are so happy to meet me. Stars come up and want to take their picture with me.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I'm like a pretty deep dude.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
That hater-juice is best served cold.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
Every day when I wake up, I gotta go to the gym.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I arrange my other activities around my workout. I have to organize my body, mind and health first.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
On the 'Jersey Shore,' people got a glimpse through a keyhole of who I really am. But the world really started to see me on 'Dancing With the Stars.' I am not the best dancer. That was never my strong point. But I wanted to let people know, hey, this kid is risking a lot just to know a different side of him.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I can play many roles, a guy who takes on a challenge on very short notice with potentially damaging results, if I make the wrong move... I shoot for the stars. If I get the moon, I'm OK with that.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I definitely am aggressive - I'm not saying I'm not - but at the same time, I'm sweet and I'm genuine and I'm generous and I'm respectful.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
The way you see me on 'Jersey' is a snapshot, and you can't judge from a snapshot.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I love being an entertainer. It's almost been a lifelong journey to find out what I wanted to do.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
My license plate I did get registered, and it is S-I-T-C-H... so that's pretty cool.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
On the back of my car, it says 'The Situation' in letters. It's pretty fun. I work so much, I've been blessed to be busy, but when I have time and I'm able to drive my car, which is a couple times here and there, you know, it says 'Situation' on the back of the car, and people are honking the horn and fist-pumping, and it's really, really cool.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I've realized what I want to do in life in that I just love being in front of the camera.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I'm really grateful for all the support from my fans.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
The real Mike is somebody who is a positive person, a generous person. A loyal person. Somebody that's gonna help you if you call me up and say, 'Mike, I got a flat tire.' I'm there, you know?
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
In the beginning of 'Jersey Shore,' for sure, that was the real Mike. That's the Mike that I know, that's the Mike I love. And that's the Mike I strive to be every day.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
I'm just saying that being in this business is not easy, and it's definitely not for everybody.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
You can't get girls if you can't speak to them.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
As soon as someone hears the name 'Situation,' they're gonna kind of know that it's gonna be good.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
It's very hard for me to write back to some of the fan mail, so one of the things I wanted to do was reach out through a book.
- Michael Sorrentino
Image of Michael Sorrentino
There's enough Situation to go around.
- Michael Sorrentino