Michael Douglas

Image of Michael Douglas
'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,' which my father had tried to get made for six, seven years, and I for four, was turned down by every studio. Every studio in the world had passed on it.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
'Five Easy Pieces,' 'Easy Rider' - those are indie pictures; those were not studio pictures. They had relationships with studio distribution, but they were indies.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
The studios basically, besides developing some material, their strength is distribution. Distribution in any other business is a cost that you incur. You know, in a trucking business, you eat it. In a film business, distribution is a profit center.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
My mother is Bermudan, so I had a lot of memories when I was a kid, used to go down to Bermuda a lot.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Every empire eventually falls.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
'King of California' was just, I thought, a really great, fresh, original kind of script. I loved the tone, the mix of tragedy, comedy, and drama, and that it was a good part.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
With 'Black Rain,' I spent a lot of time with homicide detectives, and I spent a lot of time with different brokers on 'Wall Street.' It helps get the rhythm of the piece and the tone, and how overplayed or underplayed it might be. That's also the magic of movies: You get to hang out and live these different lives.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I've just kind of been used to carrying movies. I look back and I'm just used to being in every single scene in a lot of pictures.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I don't look good in tights. I know that.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I don't wish ill will on anybody.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Cancer didn't bring me to my knees, it brought me to my feet.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I'm impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype, New York is talk, Chicago is work.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I come from a tough stock.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I believe there is a spirit within us, which we nurture based upon our efforts and what we bring to the world. But it doesn't come from the outside; it comes from the inside.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
My dad was a movie star. Having that name was good and bad. People think it's a silver spoon. It's not.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I don't know about Brad Pitt leaving that beautiful woman to go hold orphans for Angelina. I mean how long is that going to last?
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
The one thing that men and women have in common - they both like the company of men.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Do you know what absolute happiness is? For me, it is to wake up my kids in the morning - these little pieces of innocence - to wake them and find they're so happy to see me! It is unequivocal love, no question about it.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I'm a risk-taker. Most of my career has not been a joyful experience, but it has been challenging. I like the dangers.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
My movies are usually about stripping off the makeup, getting down to the skeleton.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Like a lovely orchid, or anything else that's nurtured, marriage prospers and grows, but if it's ignored, it withers.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I love kids, and I love having had this second chance to have a family.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
In the movie 'Wall Street' I play Gordon Gekko, a greedy corporate executive who cheated to profit while innocent investors lost their savings. The movie was fiction, but the problem is real.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
In 'Wall Street,' Charlie Sheen carried that movie.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Sometimes art imitates life.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I was there the night John Lennon was shot, three blocks away. It left a lasting impression on me.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Early on, someone had told me, 'You know, the camera can always tell when you're lying.' And, Jesus, that intimidated me. 'The camera can always tell? How am I going to do this?' Until one day I thought, 'Wait a minute, acting is lying. Acting is all about lying.'
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Our economy is increasingly dependent on the success and integrity of the financial markets.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
When you're making pictures out of heartfelt passion, it hurts when someone calls them a calculated business move.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
A lot of actors get concerned about their own image, even going so far as to rewrite a movie to best serve that image. All I want to do is be in good movies.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I've always tried to kind of stretch my wings as an actor and do things that are different.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Actresses have more fear of being disliked. I, on the other hand, revel in it.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
There's nothing like a family crisis, especially a divorce, to force a person to re-evaluate his life.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
For an actor, it's great fun to play one of these hungry white sharks. Audiences love to hate them.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Everything's so repressive now - it's the No generation. You can't do anything, you can't eat anything, you have to abstain.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I met Michael Milken for the first time with Oliver Stone at the Drexel Burnham offices in Los Angeles.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
When you are a celebrity, nothing remains secret for very long.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I enjoy provocative things that are questionable.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Actors, I have to say, most of the time, they elevate things; they don't screw things up most of the time.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Directors have so much else to do besides tell actors what to do. There are so many issues and problems.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
The message from national security experts and citizens around the world is clear: The only way to eliminate the global nuclear danger is to eliminate all nuclear weapons.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Control is what gives you privacy.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
The arts are a celebration of life.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I've always been somebody who, when I started a picture, never knew what the next picture would be.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Liberace was one of the biggest stars in America. He was a kind of a phenomenon.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Directing talent is very nebulous. You know, it's not in front of you like an actor's performance.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
Of course I feel blessed that I have a wife that is 25 years younger.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I don't know if likeable, pleasant characters have enough conflict for me to want to do them. I admire those people, but I've never been that kind of screen presence who can do nothing. I need to do something.
- Michael Douglas
Image of Michael Douglas
I grew up on the East Coast and was going to go to an Ivy League School, but at the last minute I decided to be a hippy. It was the protest movements on the war, peace movements were going on at our university. It was a fantastic time.
- Michael Douglas