Michael Anthony

Image of Michael Anthony
A Tennessee Squire is an elite group of people.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
The chemistry is everything in a band.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I don't hold any kind of grudges for anything, and you never know what will happen at anytime.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I'll sing backgrounds, but a lead singer, you know, you've got to have that mentality and personality. I'd rather be the bass guy.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
So much of the time people focus on the awesome power of Led Zeppelin, the whole 'Hammer of the Gods' thing, but John Paul Jones, probably because he was a session player, he put a lot of thought into his playing. He didn't just lumber through.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
You can only go with the excesses to a certain point; it wasn't always the Jack Daniels bottle. We weren't just a bunch of sloppy musicians on stage drinking; we would critique every show.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I hate to exercise.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
It always sucks to have to cancel a show because of illness, but unfortunately it sometimes happens.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Chad Smith is a member of Chickenfoot, and that's that.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
It's an honor to be brought into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame and I'm going to show up if I'm invited, you know?!
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Like music, cooking and more specifically, barbecuing is one of my greatest passions and my sauce is a celebration of these simple pleasures in life. I am thrilled to have my original BBQ sauces featured on Hard Rock's menu, as both embody the true meaning of rock 'n' roll flavor.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Everyone used to call me 'Mr. Switzerland.' I'm not the kind of guy who smack talks anybody or whatever.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I always want harmony within the band. I want it to work.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I always said to my wife, 'That's for sissies. Girls get facials.' The first time I tried it I said, 'Oh man, what the hell have I been missing all these years.' Let me tell you, I go in there for about an hour and a half, and the girl does my facial and also massages my neck and my arms.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
My best exercise is going on stage and playing, but I stay active. I don't just sit around on my butt all day and do nothing.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
In my business, you could be making money one day, and the next day you could be serving up burgers at McDonald's. So if you want to be able to stay on top of your game, you've got to keep with it.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
The band changes one guy, sometimes the whole damn thing changes - look what happened when I joined Van Halen.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
You know, we're in this business to have fun and entertain.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Lead singers, they're their own breed.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
It wasn't until the fourth or fifth Van Halen record that people would go, 'Wow! You're singing backgrounds on those records. That's not David Lee Roth.' And I go, 'Hell, no! That's not David Lee Roth.'
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I'm trying to grow old gracefully. I've got to at least grow old.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I drink Jack Daniel's. I drink tequila. But you do it in moderation.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
It's weird because it almost takes something like Chickenfoot to make me realize why I was playing music in the first place. And that's to have fun.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
When we were in the studio working stuff out, and even when we were on stage, the music was a priority.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I'm always the guy that says never say never.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
For some reason, my voice doesn't age. I can still hit those high harmonies just like I did back in the day.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
My wife likes to say I act like a kid, so maybe that's why I sing like one!
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I can sing, but I consider myself a bass player. I'm, you know, a musician first.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I want to go out, play music and have a good time.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I want to go to my grave a happy guy.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Well, everybody used to joke that I saved the first dollar that I ever made in Van Halen. I probably did somewhere.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
The best part about Chickenfoot is that nobody needs the money. We've got nothing we need to prove to anybody. We wanted this to be a fun band and when we get in the studio it's just so loose, relaxed, and open.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I don't want any drama.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I want to keep my sanity.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
God, what can I say about Chickenfoot that hasn't already been said?
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I had a great time playing on '1984.' I felt like I was growing as a player and background singer.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Probably for drums, a guy I really enjoyed watching is Simon Phillips. I've seen him play with The Who and with Pete Townshend on his own - a really great drummer.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
As far as people saying, 'Do you miss Van Halen?' or any of that kind of stuff, I've totally moved on.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Joe Satriani is a methodical, and structured, kind of guy - thank God for that.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I am in a great place with Chickenfoot.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
People tend to forget you. I didn't want people to go, 'That is that guy that used to play in Van Halen. What's his name again?'
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I loved Van Halen; I loved everything we did.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I didn't want to be the bass player everyone forgot about.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
The casinos are always packed and a little more intimate... We have a lot of fun playing those and we plan to bring all the craziness that we do. And I gotta tell you, they pay really well.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
You ever notice how when you get a new tattoo, it's like a magnet? People are drawn to it, everybody wants to touch it?
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I don't collect things for the sake of collecting. I don't really see the point.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
Black with flames, that's how I always envisioned a roadster. That was the classic hot rod. I used to draw pictures of roadsters with flames on them in school.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I didn't have any money to buy a car, so when I got my license I did not have a car at first.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
I always had to have music in my cars.
- Michael Anthony
Image of Michael Anthony
We're having so much fun with the Chickenfoot stuff.
- Michael Anthony