Melody Gardot

Image of Melody Gardot
I'm generally not a materialistic person, but I definitely have more shoes than I need.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I made it my mission to get to a point where I could wear shoes which were not orthopaedic. Life is too short not to look fabulous.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Honesty, irony and small children make me laugh.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I'm someone who believes that hearts don't beat voluntarily, they need a reason. If you lack self love or love for others you die.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I'm on the road for up to 11 months a year so have this wardrobe on wheels for my clothes. It's like a magic box, where I keep everything from lint rollers to a sewing kit in.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I describe my style as 'woo woo chichi' - a little bit bohemian and a lot of chic.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I have a bunch of riding crops and manage to go riding about twice a year.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I didn't choose jazz; jazz chose me.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I've never aspired to make 'jazz music,' I simply aspired to make music that was in a word, self-soothing and relevant to the resonating sounds I was hearing somewhere tucked in the back of my mind.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
In truth, inspiration comes from anyone who creates music with great soul and great essence.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I traveled for about a year and a half through the southern part of Europe, to Portugal, Spain, parts of Morocco, and then down to South America. I was interested in learning new instruments and languages and seeing how they all came together.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Before, I was living in Philadelphia and thinking and speaking of things I had experienced in one environment alone. After leaving, I started to feel like I didn't have one home, but that my home was all around the world in these different kinds of music I had discovered.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
If you listen - and I don't, usually - to my first two records, I sound like a baby surrounded by a beautiful orchestra. I sound so tiny and small.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I'm passionate about my eco jewellery made by friends in Brazil and other sentimental items that I mix with beautifully designed pieces.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I mostly wear black with occasional contrast and splashes of colour. I love my curves but I like fitted rather than tight clothes.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I rarely shop in the high street, I'm too busy travelling, but if I have to grab something quickly, it would be Zara.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Alber Elbaz really understands the female body and his designs are so flattering to the female form.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I was bedridden for a long time.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I had to learn how to walk three times: every time I learned, I learned wrong.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I had pelvic fractures at the front and the back, right at the base of my pelvis, so all the pressure would go on those fractures when I sat down.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
It's just incredible to be working alongside with the Emmett Till Legacy Foundation, sharing the story of his life.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
The moment I got to France, I fell in love with it.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Writing is something I take very seriously.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I'll write whenever I can and I'll use whatever instrument is around.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Sometimes I'll try something on piano and move to guitar, but usually that comes after scratching down some ideas for lyrics.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Writing is private and personal but after I have the idea and I have some of it in place I'll share it with the band to work on their parts. That's where the communication comes into music, the sharing process.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Jazz is a sideways glance at music. It's like being an architect, knowing the basis of design but understanding that the facade can be whatever you dream.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I'm a free person. I don't want to be tied down.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
It's so boring to stand up and sing ballads all night.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
One of the problems of people who live with pain is that they spend the whole day thinking about it, and it's exasperating. But even when I am having a bad moment and I can't get myself together, I get on stage and for an hour or two the pain becomes super-small.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
My songs are based on life.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
You know, I think good writers write about what they know.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
In school I had piano lessons as a child for about two years.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I only made that first EP because I needed to remember what I'd done. And recording and listening back to the music was a tool to help me do that.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I met some wonderful people, who introduced me to some other musicians... I then made a little record called 'Worrisome Heart.' It was a very interesting record because it was just, simple.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
My One and Only Thrill' was completed because I had a band and we were touring.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I didn't like the hustle and bustle of some metropolitan areas in the U.S.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Music is a fundamental part of our civilization, so when it goes to sub zero, we have two choices, right? We do nothing, cos we're stuck on the idea that it needs to be the same way its always been. Or we let go of some of the idealism and say 'let's do what we can with what we have.'
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I remember first standing up to hold a guitar on stage being an accomplishment.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I've got so much to be grateful for.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I can never express my gratitude enough to the doctor who told me that I needed to turn to music.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
When I auditioned for a choir at school I didn't get in.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I love how my life is turning out.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I was riding my bicycle and I was hit by a Jeep. And the damage that was done to my body was gradually diagnosed, instead of immediately, so the recovery process for me was probably unnecessarily long: It took nearly two years for me to say that I could successfully walk.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Oh God I had so many wigs!
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Not doing music period is the death of a musician.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
Do a Christmas record!' NO! Call Michael Buble! I'm not saying there's something wrong with that. But that's not me.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
My history helps other people in terms of treatment and lessons in recovery. It affects my daily routine, as my body is not the same as someone who has not had that kind of a situation, but only adds to the joy once the challenge of overcoming physical pain is met.
- Melody Gardot
Image of Melody Gardot
I live out of my suitcases. It makes for the best aperitif in terms of spice of life.
- Melody Gardot