Megyn Kelly

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I try to stay off Twitter.
- Megyn Kelly
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People think I'm fearless. But I'm human.
- Megyn Kelly
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I can muster up the courage in the difficult situations to get me through.
- Megyn Kelly
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I think we have gone too far into the PC culture, but there's a limit to how far we can take that.
- Megyn Kelly
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Donald Trump and the First Amendment, it's not a beautiful match; it's not a match made in heaven. Between the free speech rights that he has not defended and the freedom of the press, which he has not defended, it's problematic.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
What should matter is whether I stand for female empowerment, and I don't think there are many women out there who have any doubts about that.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I wasn't a shrinking violet when I joined Fox News. I didn't have any power at Fox - I had no power in the TV industry - but I had been a lawyer for nine years who had practiced employment law.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
You have to understand that Roger Ailes was a king. He was on the cover of multiple industry publications as the most powerful man in news. And at Fox News, there was no one else with power. So you didn't want to get on the wrong side of him because he was actually beloved inside the building and very well-liked in the industry.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I didn't have a lot of the advantages Donald Trump had, but I had the most important ones you can get, which are loving parents who cared about me and helped me develop a sense of self.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I was always a strong personality. I was never an introvert.
- Megyn Kelly
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Adversity is an opportunity for growth. And an opportunity to really know who your friends are.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I keep my head down, my mouth shut and work hard.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Im a soulless lawyer. Give me any opinion and I can argue it.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I don't see myself as some television star; I see myself as a girl from Albany.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I don't like the women who stand up for the empowerment of women at the expense of men. They try to demonize men, and they try to suggest men all want to keep us down, which is one of the reasons why I don't like that label 'feminist.'
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I - listen, racism - being a racist is the worst thing you can say about somebody. I mean, it is such a charged accusation. And I really think people should be very careful before they level that.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
When I was in 10th grade, I took one of those tests that's supposed to tell you what you should be when you grow up. The test told me that I should be a journalist.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
In another life - and as I like to say, another body - I used to teach aerobics.
- Megyn Kelly
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I respect women like Gloria Steinem who paved the way. But when you say 'feminist' now, there is a message that if you are sexy and you acknowledge that part of your personality publicly, then it's somehow an affront to women. And I reject that.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Television is a service, but it's also a business.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
What I don't like is talking points.
- Megyn Kelly
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I have to tell you I enjoy Jon Stewart. That's the truth. I actually think he's very funny. I've paid to see him do his stand-up routine.
- Megyn Kelly
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I have respect for my fellow journalists at the other networks, and I wish them all well. This is a tough business, so good for them.
- Megyn Kelly
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I'm the worst tweeter ever. I don't know what I'm doing. I really don't.
- Megyn Kelly
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I'm a struggling guitar player.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Men should have more time with their newborn babies.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
There are women who literally squeeze a baby out of their bodies or get cut open in major surgery, have a human being, the next generation of the human race pulled from their bodies, and within a couple of weeks have to go back to work, because if they don't, they can't pay their bills. Something's wrong with that.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
The truth is I don't watch a lot of news, except for when I'm here at the office watching Fox News. I get my news online primarily when I'm not watching the channel.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I don't even watch Fox News usually in the prime time hours because I'm home with my kids and that's more important to me.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I think people have an idea of what Fox News is. If people don't watch Fox News, then it's just a caricature, it's not real, they have it in their heads that it's something very different than what it actually is.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
If I were Sarah Palin, would I want to sit in an interview with someone who was secretly out to get me? Probably not.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Fox News covers stories that some other news outlets won't cover. We ask some questions that other news outlets wouldn't ask. And sometimes that's perceived as bias by people who've grown up in a world where there are only liberal outlets.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Television can be a very fickle place.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I remember thinking that I'd never show my arms on TV, but over time you loosen up.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Once I found professional happiness, it gave me time to think about other areas in my life in which I wasn't happy. The next obvious candidate for introspection was my marriage.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
There are lots of people who are red-carpet types, but that's not me.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Some things are worth the fat and calories, although I have to watch it like a hawk.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I was badly bullied when I was in the seventh grade - relentlessly, mercilessly - by a group of 12-year-old girls. And it left me with a determination that no matter what, I had to throw my shoulders back, stick out my chin, and project a sense that no one and nothing could hurt me. That turned out to be a life-changing mistake.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
As a lawyer, I could engage in killer litigation with the best of them. It was war, after all.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
When I went to law school, which I put myself through for $100,000 dollars of debt, I didn't expect anybody to pay for my health insurance, which I had none of. No health insurance.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Typically, you get a year in prison for making a threat to assassinate the president.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I still don't consider myself a fashion girl.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Before I got into TV, I wasn't fashionable at all.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
If you're wearing a pair of shoes that's a little flashy, then it's important not to be flashy up top and vice versa.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Just because you might have a sparring match on the air doesn't mean there's any personal animosity.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
You know, I was not an attractive child - I never had a cute face.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
Obviously, I'm in a visual business, and people will talk to me about my appearance.
- Megyn Kelly
Image of Megyn Kelly
I'm steeped in the news because I enjoy the news - I like reading papers, I like reading the blogs, I love talking to newsmakers and pundits, for that matter, about their opinions. I'm an information gatherer by nature, so that's what attracted me about this industry.
- Megyn Kelly