Maya Hawke

Image of Maya Hawke
When you're growing up with a learning disability, it shoots your confidence and belief in what you can accomplish academically; it really damages it.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Learning
Image of Maya Hawke
I love my family. We have a very rich, complicated relationship.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Relationship
Image of Maya Hawke
The thing about acting that's unlike any other art form is that it's collaborative; directing and acting are a collaboration, and your acting won't succeed if the lighting design doesn't succeed or sets don't succeed.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Design
Image of Maya Hawke
I really love my family. The more independence that I get and the more freedom that I have, the more interested I am in being a dedicated and involved family member.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Independence
Image of Maya Hawke
In my living room, I was always playing guitar and writing songs and singing them. My dad and I would always sing together - only for friends and family, but always since I was a little girl.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Dad
Image of Maya Hawke
I have definitely emulated my mom's style more than anyone's. But that may be mostly to do with how often I steal her clothing.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Mom
Image of Maya Hawke
I want to tell stories that are true and that resonate and move people, that highlight both the tremendous beauty and ugliness available in the human experience.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Experience
Image of Maya Hawke
I have sometimes felt pressure to dress a certain way because of everyone else. You know what I mean? Girls in high school and strangers on the street have put way more pressure on me to dress a certain way than my mom or dad.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Mom
Image of Maya Hawke
I think valuing what your body can do over how your body looks is the No. 1 advice I would give to young women about how to have healthy body image. It's not, 'Do these pants fit?' It's 'Can I do a split?'
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Women
Image of Maya Hawke
Eventually, I realized that there was only so much that I could put in the way of my happiness, and acting made me happier than anything else.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Happiness
Image of Maya Hawke
In the first two projects I've worked on professionally, I've been doing ensemble work with other young women, which I think is pretty cool. And they both were directed by and written by women. It's been a wonderful experience of real ensemble support and women lifting each other up, and I feel really lucky for that.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Cool
Image of Maya Hawke
If I changed my name, everyone would have just known that I changed my name. If I had been anonymous, it would have felt pretentious. It would seem like I'm trying to dodge something. I love my family and have such respect for their work, for their career and talents, and I'm very proud to be connected with them.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Respect
Image of Maya Hawke
I've never been interested in a career in modelling, I was interested in my independence. When I was in school, modelling was what I needed to reach independence without having to leave.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Independence
Image of Maya Hawke
I hate technology and cellphones. I hate having to have one all of the time. I don't tweet or buzz or bing or whatever! It's a conscious thing - I hate the way that it can take over young people's lives.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Technology
Image of Maya Hawke
When I discovered that, through acting, you can speak a beautiful language aloud and have a relationship to language that isn't one that's just eyes-to-page, pen-to-page - it's one that's full-bodied, full-voiced, full-heart... it really opened my heart and made me feel like I could be a storyteller.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Relationship
Image of Maya Hawke
I was given a new coat as a high school graduation gift.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Graduation
Image of Maya Hawke
It can't be articulated enough, that feminism means the desire to have equality between men and women. I believe that, and I act on those beliefs by going to marches and making a difference where I can.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Equality
Image of Maya Hawke
Men should be able to see themselves in female characters and female strength, just as much as women are able to see themselves in male characters.
- Maya Hawke
Collection: Strength
Image of Maya Hawke
My parents are actors, and I'm the oldest of my siblings - I have three younger sisters and a brother who's my best friend. We're a close-knit, complicated family, but we spend a lot of time together, even though we live in different houses. We're a rambunctious gang!
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
Your whole childhood is just absent of choices. And then you become an adult, and every choice you make, you open some doors and close others.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
You want to put out good vibes for the viewers, even if so many stories that have to be told and that need to be told have a lot of darkness in them, because the world has a lot of darkness in it.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I've become a little immune to the gazes of strangers because it's been a part of my life for so long.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I've always been kind of a voyeur.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I was Jenny in 'Jenny and the School for Cats' when I was five years old. That was my first big break. Then I got to play the Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist,' and that was the most fun I've ever had.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I got to take classes in writing with a fountain pen, and actually, something you make is your own textbook. So, while you're learning about something, you have to write essays on it, and then you handwrite in cursive, in fountain pen, your essays out on beautiful paper and you bind it together into a book that you hand in at the end of the course.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
Style icons always change, and they usually inspire my haircuts more than anything else.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
Sometimes the world will tell you that you do what you do for a different reason than your reason. And if you let them convince you that that's your reason, it will become your reason, and you will lose track of yourself.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I'm not particularly interested in my phone. I'm interested in human contact. I think phones have created a certain social incapacity; it's made people socially deficient.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I haven't always known I wanted to act. I wanted to be a farmer, an English professor, or an archaeologist.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
In general, I feel very happy with how I got to have time on my own at least a little bit outside of the public eye.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I'm a real nature girl, and I love the Earth.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I've been sitting at the grown-ups' table my whole life.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I'm not super aware of what's the coolest thing and what everybody's doing or listening to or watching at any given time.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I do care a lot about what I wear, but in a way that is about comfort and practicality, and I always want to look like me.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
There was a time that I would have carried a briefcase and worn a monocle were it to even border on socially acceptable.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
It's really easy as an actor just starting out to get into the mindset that you only get one break. But my parents have shown me that's not true.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I'm not interested in hiding from the fact that my parents are actors. I'm proud of them! It's very ordinary to pursue a career that your parents do, but when it's in the public eye, it becomes a complicated thing.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I'm very open-minded.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
The world of celebrity that comes with the world of art is not particularly interesting to me.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I think success is when the way you talk about who you want to be and what you want to do lines up with who you are and what you do. I guess, by that, I mean I think success is practicing what you preach.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
My family is really supportive. We fight, and we talk, and we lie, and we tell the truth - not usually in that order - and I really enjoy growing with them and fostering that dynamic.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
The truth is, I have made very few public appearances, and when I have, my parents have been very careful to allow me to have my own experience.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
As an actor on a film, you have no control over the final product - your job is to make a director's vision come true. So, you need to have total faith in them and add your own creativity and opinions and energy, but you have to really give over responsibility, and sometimes that can feel terrifying.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
What I learned is you have to be forgiving with yourself. You have to be willing to take your time, and you can't expect things from yourself that you can't deliver.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
It's difficult to always have to be contextualized within the careers of your parents, and it's difficult not to feel like you can stand alone, but hopefully I'll earn the ability to stand alone over time.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
There are things that are hard about coming from a divorced family, but having two houses is not one of those things.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I was diagnosed with dyslexia in third grade and had gone to a special school for it and then left the school. I'd learned to read and write, but it was still a real struggle for me, as it is to this day.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
One thing I've learned from my parents and from observing all the artists I've been lucky enough to grow up around is that you've got to be brave.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I love Katharine Hepburn. I love Liesl in 'The Sound of Music.' I love Julie Andrews. I love Audrey Hepburn.
- Maya Hawke
Image of Maya Hawke
I would recommend any young person who wants to be an actor to go and get some training.
- Maya Hawke