Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Personally, I would miss a wedding. I would miss childbirth. I would miss a bar mitzvah just to see me talk at all.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Collection: Wedding
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
March 15th is the most important day of the year. It's my birthday.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Collection: Birthday
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Shawn Spears, he is a scumbag. He decided, after years of friendship with one of the greatest men to ever live Cody Rhodes, to waffle him with a chair. No one should be laying a finger on that man, he is a saint.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Collection: Friendship
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Nothing I say is harsh. What I do say is the truth. If people have a problem with that, they need to realize that's on them. That's not on me.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
There's nothing fake about me. And I think there are some people that appreciate that. Even if they hate me, they appreciate the fact that I'm 100 percent authentically me.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Anybody who knows me knows I'm a handful, I'm aggressive, I'm loud, I'm obnoxious.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
What I care about is making money. What I care about is making waves. What I care about is going down as one of, if not, the greatest professional wrestlers to have ever lived.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I'm honestly offended whenever someone says I'm being harsh.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
What I care about is making sure that when the people watching me put their head to their pillow, I'm the last thing they think about. Not because I hit the coolest moves, not because I'm putting my body on the line for their entertainment, but because I'm captivating.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Just let me give you a regular, good old-fashioned body slam in the ring. You won't be able to walk for a week. I'm a superman.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Let me tell you something about Joe Manganiello - I don't care, dude. The most impressive thing that you have on your cinematography is that you got beat up by Spiderman.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I look at it like this: I'm being myself, everybody else in my industry is faking it.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I'm as old-school as it gets in this modern era. I'm the last of a dying breed.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Jon Moxley - great performer. I'm sure he's a nice guy. But at the end of the day, I think people are sick and tired of him, you know, being the captain of the ship.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
When I was growing up, I played football, I loved football.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I do things my way. I don't do things to make people happy or appease them.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
The fact that these fans don't understand that a ring is comprised of steel, metal beams, wood, and a thin sheet mat, and that's it.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I've always loved old school wrestling: Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Sting, Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert. To me, that's the golden age of professional wrestling.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
The future of AEW is Maxwell J. Friedman, without a shadow of a doubt. I am going to be the face of this company. At the tender age of 23... people think I'm great now? They don't know the half of it. I mean, my career's only just begun.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I've never talked about being Jewish in a promo ever. But my name is just so blatantly a Jewish name. It's not like my name is Maxwell Jacob Smith.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Once I saw Roddy Piper I knew exactly what I was going to be doing when I grew up.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I've had fans try and jump the guard rail. I've had fans key my car. I've had fans try to stab me.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
There were people that grabbed you just by talking, and that's what I loved about professional wrestling when I started out. That's why I'm already so good. That's why people literally hang on the edge of their seats when I have a mic because they want to know what I'm going to say.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
All that matters is the fact that I'm the first person people are thinking of when they wake up and I'm the last person people are thinking of when they go to bed.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I wanted people to see just how good of a professional wrestler I really am.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I am AEW born and bred. I will be AEW until I die. This is my company. This is where I started. This is the company that I'll end in.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
For those of you who aren't aware I am Jewish, the name might have given it away, and there were no other Jewish kids on my football team, so it was an adjustment for me because the kids didn't exactly love the fact that there was a Jewish kid taking their spot.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I had a full-ride football scholarship as a middle linebacker.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I do not need anybody telling me how to do my thing. I do not care how great they are, if it is somebody I respect, I will listen.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
For some strange reason a lot of people in my age demographic don't want to listen to veterans of this sport.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Early Four Horseman is absolutely terrific.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
So, I couldn't care less Joe Manganiello's opinion on anything I have to say on Twitter.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I honestly keep to myself often and I keep my circle small.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I was at House Of Hardcore for Tommy Dreamer. Good guy, great guy, great eye for talent - that's why he booked me.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Because I love making people mad. It is my favorite pastime.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Right now, at the age of 22, I'm making a living off of this and I'm building, not only just my brand, but I'm also building myself bell-to-bell. I'm building myself when that red light's on and I want to keep doing it.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I'm a good person and that's what I am at the end of the day.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
It might be okay for somebody else on the roster to sit on the sideline but it's not okay for me to be. I'm the franchise player, I'm the guy on both the microphone and in the ring.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Image of Maxwell Jacob Friedman
I'm a once in a lifetime professional wrestler. I'm something that people are never going to get to see again.
- Maxwell Jacob Friedman