Max Joseph

Image of Max Joseph
One thing you learn about doing nonfiction is that you've got to get it right, fact-check, do your research. You've got to not only get the facts right but represent the subject to the world in a way that insiders feel like it's an access port and outsiders can access it. If you're too insider, you block access to anyone else.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
Electronic music has existed since the '70s, and it's almost comical how many subgenres of it there are.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
It's funny - until 'Catfish,' none of my films were angled at young people except for the fact that they were angled at me and my contemporaries. And that's who I'm constantly making things for. I'm not imagining a younger audience I'm trying to impart wisdom to; I don't want to seem pretentious enough to think I can impart wisdom.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I think making electronic music isn't much different from writing a book or painting a picture or making a film. It's a creative process, and it's an art form.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
Everyone's on their phones, and everyone makes things with the aid of some electronic tool. Electronic music is no different.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
There's something unique about coming of age in 2015 with the way the world is.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I'm a documentary filmmaker, I know what it means to craft a story, especially when you've shot a lot of material.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
It's not that what LCD Soundsystem and Juan MacLean do is necessarily simple, but they are basic loops and beats and songs that are just pleasurable in a really basic way.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
Oddly, I think that a lot of the haters of EDM and DJs are actually within the world of electronic music.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I find reggae is really nice in the morning.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
When I was 19, I did an internship in Los Angeles and lived with a friend of mine in the Valley.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I spend a lot of time hanging out with kids in their early twenties who feel like they've messed up and have really screwed up in a lot of ways. We spend a lot of time talking to them and saying, 'You can change that.'
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
'In the Grace of Your Love' is a beautiful, eerie dance song.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
The Juan McLean is great.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
Manti Te'o got catfished. It happens.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
The more we are involved in social media, the easier it is for someone to lie about who they are and to kind of fabricate a story about them, fabricate a life that is grander than the one that they lead.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
This idea that in America you can be anyone you want - you can reinvent yourself. Well, I think that the Internet has maybe taken that kind of American idea and has democratized it for the world.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I don't think the Internet is necessarily a dangerous place. It's only dangerous if you don't make people earn your trust. You can't take people at their word. You got to do a little digging and make sure to verify that you are talking to a real person or the person that you think you're talking to.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
A lot of times in films, the protagonist is either the leader of the group or the nerd of the group. I've never identified with either of those things.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
We all want to find someone and be loved.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
The less you know about the person, the more you fill in the rosiest details.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
When you want to fall in love, you ignore red flags in the optimistic hope that it does work out.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I've never had a crazy online relationship that's left me vulnerable and embarrassed and humiliated.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
I've been a fan of electronic music for a while.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
The biggest affront to any audience is if you feel like someone took something you love and is selling it out.
- Max Joseph
Image of Max Joseph
The traveling that 'Catfish' affords us and the cross-section of America that we see on a constant basis, I would have never gotten that living in the bubble that is Los Angeles or going home to visit my parents in the bubble that is New York.
- Max Joseph