Maura Higgins

Image of Maura Higgins
I want someone that's caring, funny, who's similar to me - who doesn't take life too seriously - keeps their private life private and is mature!
- Maura Higgins
Collection: Funny
Image of Maura Higgins
To be honest though I've never really been one for dating. I'm not used to it at all.
- Maura Higgins
Collection: Dating
Image of Maura Higgins
I'd probably say Bryan Adams I'm Ready.' I love that song, I want it played at my wedding, whenever I get married if I get married!
- Maura Higgins
Collection: Wedding
Image of Maura Higgins
I'd like to have a child some day and I do want a big wedding.
- Maura Higgins
Collection: Wedding
Image of Maura Higgins
'Bridesmaids' is my favorite movie - I laugh every time.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I've never jumped back into a relationship and I've never had a one-night stand, so even if lockdown hadn't happened, I don't think I would have been with any guys.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
The world would be a strange place if everyone liked each other.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I've never struggled with boys.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
God help the next man I meet, I'm not sure he'll be able to put up with me!
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
Someone will say something to me and it was like I wasn't there. I was there in body but not in mind, which is quite scary.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I was living out of a hotel for weeks with nothing but a case full of Love Island' bikinis.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I only open up to people close to me.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
If I had taken everything offered to me I wouldn't be happy today.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
But I think the main thing is when a guy is really good with kids, I find that really attractive.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I love romance.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
One Valentine's my date texted me in the evening saying: 'Oh there's a buy-one-get-one-free deal at Domino's tonight,' and I genuinely thought he was joking. But no, it wasn't a joke. We got a buy-one-get-one-free Domino's because there was a bargain on. Oh, and I had to pay for it as well.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I don't show it but I'm actually quite a softie deep down.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I've always been misjudged, my whole life.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I think people look at my Instagram and think of me as a completely different person - because when I meet people out, they always say, 'You're so much nicer than I expected.'
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
My biggest worry going into Love Island' was that I am so pale and I don't get a color.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
My nickname at school was Casper.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I've always been very, very confident.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
Every boy that I wanted at school, I got.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I got jumped on by eight girls in my first year at secondary school. I was 11. I was going down to the shop for lunch, I didn't know them, and it was for no reason. I stood up for myself. I wasn't hurt, but I lost some hair.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I'm not a good cook.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I'm a relationship type of girl. I hate being single.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I would definitely look for someone who is really honest and a very confident guy, but not arrogant and definitely someone who makes me laugh.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I look into the future and see myself with a family.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I just felt like I'm 29 and I want somebody that I can see a future with. I'm not getting any younger.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I fall in love quickly, but I fall out of love even quicker.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I tend to get over someone in my head before I actually dump them.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I'd like to say I don't respond to trolls but, yeah, sometimes I do. I don't even know why.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
Nothing is ever good enough for some of these people, you know? You're either too big, too small, your makeup isn't right, your hair's not right, all the rest but that's the world we live in.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I was feeling really, really good about myself and then I was papped and this picture went online and I remember seeing a comment saying she needs to lose weight' and I was like are you joking?'
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I see all of my facial expressions and I think 'Wow!'
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
There's no filter with me, sometimes I say things I shouldn't be saying but I mean, why hide it?
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I don't have any regrets. It's like, I go for what I want, I say what I want.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I've experienced women, but I feel like growing up it's good to experience things when you're young.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I don't know if people question my sexuality.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I'm so excited - Bellamianta is a product I've used for years and years. I actually worked with Bellamianta even before Love Island so I'm really excited to have my own collection with them now. It is a dream come true really.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
People think photo shoots are easy but they're actually very, very hard, you're not only holding your body position but you're thinking about not looking cold in freezing water, your body looking good, my face and everything - it's tough but I love it.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
If I'm in a relationship with someone, I'm loyal.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I've never cheated. I've been cheated on.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I will trust someone until they do something wrong to me, I'm very much like that.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
During the day I still go full coverage but I normally go light on the eyes. That said I tend to wear a cat-eye liner look and I never leave the house without my lips on!
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I was always the one in my family that was into make-up and I was always the one teaching my family and friends.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
My first memories of make-up aren't great! I remember having a bright orange face and a white neck, I didn't know how to use make-up.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
The most important beauty product for me is fake tan.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
At the weekends I eat what I want and during the week I obviously try my best to eat healthier foods.
- Maura Higgins
Image of Maura Higgins
I want to move over to London because that's where all of my work is going to be based.
- Maura Higgins