Matt Skiba

Image of Matt Skiba
Fear is sort of like jealousy. It's an unnecessary emotion.
- Matt Skiba
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Matt Skiba
I'm thankful for everything good and bad that happened to our band.
- Matt Skiba
Collection: Thankful
Image of Matt Skiba
I'm really thankful for the time that I grew up in that we didn't have cell phones, and we made a lot of our own fun.
- Matt Skiba
Collection: Thankful
Image of Matt Skiba
We've had kids come to our shows and ask us why we hate Jesus. It's like, 'Well, we don't hate Jesus at all. We just think religion is silly, and it's a really popular thing, but that doesn't mean we have to agree with it.'
- Matt Skiba
Collection: Religion
Image of Matt Skiba
Pennywise are legends and gentlemen and maniacs.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
My attraction to the Church of Satan... is the same thing that initially attracted me to punk rock. It was something that wasn't very entirely popular, and it was sort of like the adversary to mainstream culture and beliefs.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I first heard of Ulver reading the 'Lords of Chaos' book.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I consider myself a pagan and a witch.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
When George W. Bush was up for re-election, we took part in Rock Against Bush.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
Rock n' roll is the Devil's music.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I was a bicycle messenger when Alkaline Trio was formed as a way to make ends meet before the band became a career, and I've just always been a cyclist - I BMX'd, and then I got really into - through messengering - I got really into road bikes and fixed gears, which I still have.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
We were fans of Green Day and Nirvana or whatever, but the bands we really loved were Chicago bands that didn't really sound anything like Alkaline Trio.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
There was some real bad alternative - 'alternative' - stuff that came out in the '90s that's completely cringe-worthy.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
People think we're always dark and gloomy, and we're not.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I love working with my band-mates in Alkaline Trio, but to make a rock record that was just mine was something that I wanted to do.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
My parents are both war veterans; they met in Vietnam. They were involved in a war that they absolutely disagreed with.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
Dallas is a good town. I spent a lot of time there as a kid. It always nice to come back.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
They're great players. I'm not a Blues Traveler fan, though. I get it, but it's not for me.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
Jesus was not born on December 25th. There's carbon evidence of it. That freaks people out.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The Ramones all hate each other, and they did it for decades. I wouldn't be able to do that. That would be like working at the bank or something.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I think people hear the words 'transcendental meditation' and 'paganism,' and that's almost worse because it's real. Those are real things. Those are absolute energies. Satanism is like Halloween. Transcendental meditation and having a realization of how we really are - whether we want to be or not - we live in a pagan culture.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I go with what I know and what I see, and I believe in reality.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The very first show I ever saw was The Judds, and that influenced me to not play country music.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
A cousin of mine was a graphic designer, and he took me as a kid to see Flesh for Lulu and Social Distortion in 1988 in Chicago.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
They are one of my favorite bands and one of my first musical loves: Devo.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
For me, it's about eating a bunch of fruit and exercising, which opens up the creativity, makes it easier to give ideas a chance and bubble to the surface. I'm no angel, but it helps me, as does hiking, heading to the ocean to catch some waves - for me, sweating it out is definitely good for the creative process.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
We definitely like to write songs about darker things, but we like to think of it as a celebration of the evil ideas that run through everybody's head.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
While I was in Chicago, I rode my bike everywhere.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
To worship the devil, you have to believe in it first.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I've written songs about love or about a relationship, but never just, 'I love you.'
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The Sekrets record is very much me, and Dan's Emergency Room is very much him. And then Alkaline Trio is very much ours.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I'm in Alkaline Trio; I guess I get to rip off myself. I give myself permission.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
My parents have always been very supportive. But now that I play in Blink, all of my parents' friends are so jazzed that it makes my folks excited.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I have never played in a ska band.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
Never had a mullet.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I really like a lot of the old 2-tone ska. I definitely went through a phase where I was into The Specials and The Busters. But a lot of the ska revival - I never really have had an interest in that.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
In this day and age, though, no matter how many people you play for, if you're playing with a band like Blink, millions of people will see it thanks to YouTube and everything recording it.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
With Alkaline Trio, we are who we are. We never really feel too confined, but when we get together, there is an Alkaline Trio sound, and when I go off and do something on my own, there is an element of freedom that I don't have with the Trio.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
All of my HH Jags have Ducati stickers on 'em.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
When I agreed to do the Blink shows, I said that I'd do it as long as they were willing to practise every day.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The Church of Satan was something, aesthetically, that we were always really fascinated with and wanted to emulate. I think it's a good look.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I think for us - and for a lot of people in the Church of Satan - we definitely like ruffling people's feathers and poking fun at organized religion a little bit.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I went through some pretty rough patches in my life, and I've come out of them a stronger, more inspired, and energetic person.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The first line of the song is always the hardest thing to write. And then after that, the song should - unless it sucks - it should write itself.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The feeling that you want the listener to get, you should get yourself when you first hit that chord, and that melody comes to mind.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I don't personally feel that I've lost my fire.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
The Devil is fun.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
I've done some stuff with Glenn Danzig before, and while I can't really say that we're friends, we're friendly acquaintances.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
There is sort of an unspoken 'no skateboarding' clause on tour that I break pretty often.
- Matt Skiba
Image of Matt Skiba
At an early age I told myself I would never quit skating; I would never quit riding BMX and being a motorcycle junkie. I just can't stop doing those things.
- Matt Skiba