Masayoshi Son

Image of Masayoshi Son
I want to be number one.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
It would take enormous expertise for Amazon to win in every category. Do you think McDonald's could be number one in hamburgers, seafood, and Chinese food?
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Softbank has always been a service firm, and with the Internet, services became the center of the technology industry.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
My philosophy is that the digital revolution will make mankind happier and more productive, and that won't change over the next 300 years. If you don't stick to that original philosophy, even perfect control of a bunch of companies isn't going to do you any good.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I am the largest shareholder in SoftBank; I share the same interest as the other shareholders.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
It's easy to look at where your pieces are now and place the next one nearby.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
We saw a big bang in PCs; we saw a big bang in the Internet. I believe the next big bang is going to be even bigger. To be ready for that, we need to set the foundation, and that foundation is SoftBank Vision Fund.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I am going to support Ola.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I see a lot of opportunity in Internet-related start-ups, and second is the solar business.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Indian software engineers are the best in the world; even in Silicon Valley, the best software engineers are Indians.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Internet as a service is like culture that you have to understand, and each country has a local culture.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Of course Jack Ma was the guy who impressed me.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
In Internet in general, there are security, privacy, and many other issues.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Alibaba model is the model that I am supporting in China, in India, and even in Japan.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Mankind had the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, and now this third one, the information revolution.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
The autonomous car is definitely coming, and when that stage comes, this ride-share business becomes even more important.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I am the man who keeps his words.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
India has the best opportunity ahead of us.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I was richer than Bill Gates for 3 days.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
It's actually sad to be rich.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
My passion never fades out.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
In the early stages of Internet in Japan, many said that Japanese and Americans are different. There are 10 reasons why Japanese Internet is not taking off. I said none of them are right; it's just a time lag. And, of course, Japanese Internet took off.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I said from the very beginning, 'Yahoo should position itself as a technology innovation company, not as a media company.'
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
If they had listened to me and had equal partnerships in China, the U.K., Germany and Brazil, maybe Yahoo in those countries could have become positioned like Yahoo Japan.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I always take bold moves. So it can have great return but with great risk.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
SoftBank has had a lot of businesses, but they've always ranked, say, third in Japan or fourth in the U.S.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Renewables is part of social responsibility, but the information revolution is the only main thing I am interested in.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
When you negotiate a deal, you clearly know a lot about the other person.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Best thing for a government to do is to eliminate obstacles like filing registrations, getting licences, and so on... tedious steps slow everything down.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Softbank 2.0 means globalisation of Softbank.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
When those super intelligence goes into robots, those robots with the super intelligence will change our lives.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I am actually better at predicting or talking about 30 years later than three years.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I am not trying to chase what other people are doing.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
When I was a kid, our family was not that rich.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
We have lots of ideas, lots of dreams.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Alibaba is Alibaba. We are going to keep on, you know, having Alibaba as our core company in our family.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Back in the year 2000, most of the Internet companies were not making any money.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I always have a big idea. It pops up every two to three years.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
To many of you, Sprint may seem like a burden for SoftBank. But in my view, Sprint is going to be one of SoftBank's primary cash cows.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I think in terms of 20-year horizons.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Whenever there is a big difficulty, I don't make excuses. Instead, I say I will solve it even if everybody leaves.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Difficulty comes not only because of your mistakes, but once you try to make an excuse or accuse someone else, your mind stops thinking.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Uber has to design for the global platform.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
Those who rule chips will rule the entire world.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
We feel a brand should be free.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
When the founders retire, it's always difficult for the second generation and third generation.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
SoftBank is not a specialist on any instrument. We did not invent any instrument. Not the best player. But we would like to be a conductor of this information revolution.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I think Snapdeal could become the Alibaba of India.
- Masayoshi Son
Image of Masayoshi Son
I have no intention of making small bets.
- Masayoshi Son