Martin McGuinness

Image of Martin McGuinness
Whenever people reach out the hand of friendship towards me, I am not going to refuse that hand.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Friendship
Image of Martin McGuinness
Within loyalism and the UVF, there are clearly people who are not just aggravated by the issue around flags or parades. They're aggravated by me and Sinn Fein being in government. They're opposed to the political institutions - there's an inability of a minority within loyalism to accept the concept of equality.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Equality
Image of Martin McGuinness
There are no military solutions - dialogue and diplomacy are the only guarantee of lasting peace.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Peace
Image of Martin McGuinness
Along with that ongoing process Sinn Fein took a decision to establish a peace commission which had the responsibility to travel around the country to receive submissions from the general public, also our opponents.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Travel
Image of Martin McGuinness
The Good Friday Agreement was an incredible breakthrough. But it's my view that the Hillsborough Agreement could see politics in the north come of age, and see us all move forwards on the basis of equality and partnership.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Equality
Image of Martin McGuinness
We don't believe that winning elections and winning any amount of votes will win freedom in Ireland. At the end of the day, it will be the cutting edge of the IRA which will bring freedom.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Freedom
Image of Martin McGuinness
The fact is that a car used by Gerry Adams and myself during the course of the Mitchell review was bugged by elements within British military intelligence.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Martin McGuinness
The task ahead of us will be extremely challenging as the Tory party continue with their austerity agenda and as we continue to resolve the issues of the past and build unity, reconciliation, and equality.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Equality
Image of Martin McGuinness
But the fact is that the vast majority of Republicans support the Sinn Fein leadership.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Leadership
Image of Martin McGuinness
As a young man on the streets of Derry, I saw Ian Paisley as an immortal opponent of everything to do with equality, justice, fairness, and respect for Irishness.
- Martin McGuinness
Collection: Equality
Image of Martin McGuinness
Let us walk into the conference room as equals and not second class citizens.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Austerity is devastating these communities. The working poor, public sector workers, the disabled, and the vulnerable are the hardest hit by this bankrupt and ideologically driven policy.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I have huge respect for Nicola Sturgeon and for the SNP.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
All I can do is to try and make the future better.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I think that what is happening now in terms of the Brexit vote does represent a serious undermining of the Good Friday Agreement.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Our ability to make a decision about the declaration is hampered by the British government being reluctant to give us the clarification which we require.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
In my view, a united Ireland is inevitable, and it is certainly more likely than a voluntary coalition which doesn't include Sinn Fein.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I am opposed to abortion on demand, and I am opposed to the 1967 Act in Britain being transferred to the north.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I think that Peter Mandelson, particularly in relation to the issue of policing, made a huge mess of it. He allowed himself to be manipulated by the securocrats within the British establishment.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
The war against British rule must continue until freedom is achieved.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I am very proud I was part of the IRA in Derry and involved in repelling the designs of the British state forces against people who were being treated as second- and third-class citizens.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
We have to govern by treating every single citizen equally.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
When I went to the all-Ireland final - Kerry against Dublin - I couldn't get away for an hour and a half with people coming up and wishing me all the best. Not one of them said, 'Martin, when did you leave the IRA?' But every one of them knew I was in the IRA at one stage.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Let everyone leave all the guns - British guns and Irish guns - outside the door.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
The position is clear - there is no ambiguity in Sinn Fein's position. We, along with all the other parties, have signed up to a reduced rate of corporation tax of 12.5 % by 2018.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Well I think it has always been a mistake to reduce the peace process in Ireland to a decommissioning process.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
The British government says that for Sinn Fein to be involved in talks the guns must be left at the door.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Let's leave beside them in another pile all the injustices which exist in the northern state.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
If the British government is prepared to say that the Unionists will not have a veto over British government policy and that guns, vetoes and injustices will all be left outside the door, then there is no good reason why talks cannot take place in an appropriate atmosphere.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
The most important thing to say is that Sinn Fein isn't going back to anything. We are a party on the move.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Sinn Fein is the fastest growing party on the island of Ireland.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
In fact, I would defend to the death their right to express a different point of view.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
That's healthy and good for us that there are people who are prepared to question what we are doing.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I haven't done anything that I'm ashamed of.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I don't know what caused my tinnitus, but I started to become aware of a very low ringing noise in my right ear, which is now constantly there.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
As anyone who has tinnitus knows, it's not something that you can ignore, and you have to deal with it on a daily basis.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I carry out my full duties as Deputy First Minister and accept I have tinnitus but appreciate the hearing that I do have and that it does not limit me in a professional or personal capacity.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Ireland's place north and south is in Europe and leading change in Europe.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
If Britain votes to leave the European Union, then that could have huge implications for the entire island of Ireland and, given all the predictions, would run counter to the democratic wishes of the Irish people.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
If there is a vote in Britain to leave the E.U. there is a democratic imperative to provide Irish citizens with the right to vote in a border poll to end partition and retain a role in the E.U.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Remembering the loss of those Irishmen from all parts of the island who were sent to their deaths in the imperialist slaughter of the First World War is crucial to understanding our history. It is also important to recognise the special significance in which the Battle of the Somme and the First World War is held.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
We all have a responsibility to advance the process of reconciliation, and as a political leader, I am committed to leading from the front and to continue to take bold and significant steps.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Commemorations can stimulate debate, which will ultimately lead to a greater understanding of the events of our 'through-other' history and to shape a better future.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
Sinn Fein is committed to promoting and enhancing reconciliation, and in recent years, I and other members of my party have taken a number of significant initiatives aimed to advance this process.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
There is not much point in establishing an organisation like the independent commission for information retrieval, or the other organisations that we agreed to, if we do not encourage people to participate.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
On a number of occasions, I have made it clear that Sinn Fein policy was to argue for the establishment of an independent, international truth commission.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I never talk about shooting anybody, but I do acknowledge I was a member of the IRA, and as a member of the IRA, I obviously engaged in fighting back against the British army.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
I would have felt ashamed if I had not been part of the resistance and part of fighting back against the forces of the state.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
The people who were marching at Peggy O'Hara's funeral gave the impression they were associated with the INLA, which is supposed to be on ceasefire and to have decommissioned some of their weapons. I ask if they could have honoured her in a more dignified way.
- Martin McGuinness
Image of Martin McGuinness
A lot of Labour people are telling me Labour is in poor shape.
- Martin McGuinness