Mark Getty

Image of Mark Getty
Bad luck never lost a race.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
The last thing I wanted in life was to be measured by what I had inherited, as opposed to what I had done.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
If you have the good fortune of having money, it's almost an obligation to think creatively of ways of helping other people. But it shouldn't be in a haphazard way. You need a structure, a formula, so you don't give to everything.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
I'm interested in helping people obtain the benefits enjoyed by the First World of efficient government. I want people in sub-Saharan Africa and other extremely impoverished parts of the world to acquire those same opportunities.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
My father was never interested in anything outside England. He was an Anglophile who was interested in things that, in his mind, were quintessentially English.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Rich, arrogant, lucky, mollycoddled and stupid. That's always people's preconception.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Most people, if they have an opportunity to do little, will do just that, particularly if you're born into money. I could have easily done nothing, but it would have been boring and unfulfilling.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Opera is a key way of talking about life and all the things that are important to people in life.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
I was raised in Italy for the early part of my life, in a relatively small village near Siena, and everyone worked there, from the day that they would walk to the day that they died, so I didn't really see that I was particularly different.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
It always seemed mad to me that people who have common investment objectives, let alone are related to each other, should take their capital and allow it to be less efficient by breaking it up into smaller bits.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Families are complex organisms.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
No one ever questions where all these pictures in magazines and books come from.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
There is a real sense of loss when a family sells a business they've spent generations building. I wanted to get some of that back.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty is a fantastic opportunity to move into the consumer space, as we have the content and now we have the means to go to the consumer and sell to them directly.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Innovation and thoughtful visual storytelling are deeply woven into the fabric of Getty Images.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
No one can deliver visual content like Getty Images.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
A lot has changed due to the rise of smartphones and the proliferation of social media: today, visual content is the language of our time.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
The Getty family is thrilled to resume control of Getty Images, a business that bears our name and one we strongly believe in.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Getty Images is one of the world's great media brands and the company has delivered a significant repositioning in the past few years, investing in its products and people to capitalize on favorable sector dynamics and build on its industry-leading position.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
PhotoDisc is an entirely digital provider in both CD-ROM and the Internet. Getty was primarily an analog distributor.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
You need to change analog-business rules to meet Web-deliverable rules - not the other way around.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
The Web isn't an electronic storefront to do business in the old way. The Web is the business.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
People from Tony Stone refused to let PhotoDisc become part of the industry trade association. Then we bought PhotoDisc. There was complete shock.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
The process of really changing your skin is painful and difficult and endless. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
If you look at the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on 'Titanic,' you ask yourself, why on earth would they turn to stock footage? The answer is simple, many scenes used for the narrative of the film don't need to be expensively shot and can be bought from us.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
We have four million pictures of sports events and add 5,000 a week. If I was 14, I'd have them all over my walls.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Analysts have forgotten how to analyze business and they have forgotten how to be objective about them.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
In the past the analysts were the department you never saw. They were the nerds at school. You went to see the investment bankers and maybe the salesmen but the Chinese walls divided them from the analysts. But new technology and the Internet changed all that.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Yes, some banks will only float good companies. But others could not give two hoots if you have a business, a business plan or any business experience.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
The onus should be on the banks and their compliance officers to ensure the analysts are kept separate from investment banking and they should be punished for breaches.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
In 17 years, we have built a business that has revolutionized the industry, with innovation at its core. I am confident that the partnership between Getty Images and the Carlyle Group will see the company's success continue.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Cricinfo has developed into a significant cricket brand in its own right, combining huge global popularity with strong commercial success. ESPN is a major sports broadcaster and international rights holder and will provide the perfect environment for Cricinfo to further realize its enormous potential.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
In a relatively short space of time, Hawk-Eye has achieved a major impact in the way cricket is presented and appreciated by fans around the world.
- Mark Getty
Image of Mark Getty
Intellectual property is the oil of the 21 century. Look at the richest men a hundred years ago; they all made their money extracting natural resources or moving them around. All today's richest men have made their money out of intellectual property.
- Mark Getty
Collection: Moving
Image of Mark Getty
Intellectual Property is the oil of the 21st century.
- Mark Getty
Collection: Data Collection
Image of Mark Getty
In some areas, [Getty Images has] more images than the rest of the market put together. But libraries are being built up at a terrific pace. A photographer in a lifetime will produce maybe a million images, and there are about 15,000 professionals at work out there.
- Mark Getty
Collection: Work Out